Closed Bug 272885 Opened 20 years ago Closed 17 years ago

disable rendering of some elements when their width or height is zero


(Core :: SVG, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jwatt, Assigned: jwatt)



(Keywords: perf)


(1 file, 3 obsolete files)

Rendering of certain elements should be disabled if their width or height attributes are set to zero. This is already the case in nsSVGRectFrame and nsSVGOuterSVGFrame. We need to correct the beheviour for nsSVGForeignObjectFrame, nsSVGUseFrame and nsSVGInnerSVGFrame. While we're at it I'd like to make the default values for these attributes zero if a value is required for them by the spec. That way they will be disabled if someone forgets to specify them.
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch fixes the above and also fixes some memory leaks caused by forgetting to RemoveObserver().
Comment on attachment 167701 [details] [diff] [review] patch Can you review, and check in if you're happy with this Tim?
Attachment #167701 - Flags: review?(tor)
otherwise the same
Attachment #167701 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #167701 - Flags: review?(tor)
Attachment #167707 - Flags: review?(tor)
You shouldn't default to zero, you should act as described in SVG 1.1 appendix F, namely, abort rendering of the SVG fragment at that point and display an inline error message over the <svg> element's render area. See bug 246514.
Just to clarify, my last comment was regarding the sentence in comment 0 that says "while we're at it I'd like to make the default values for these attributes zero if a value is required for them by the spec". Some attributes can indeed be omitted and default to zero and cause things to not be rendered, but that is not what I was referring to.
I know the spec says that, but we agreed we aren't going to do that in the forseeable future. Preventing the element from being displayed is the best I think we can do for now, and it provides more of a hint to document authors that they are doing something wrong than simply displaying it anyway. The sooner moz starts indicating to people that their code is in error, the less legacy SVG we'll have that suddenly won't work if we do decided to go about stopping rendering and showing a hatched area/error message/whatever in the future. As you can see in the patch, the code that does this has an // XXX: enforce requiredness // for now we just set the width to zero to disable rendering of the element comment right above it. I didn't intend this as a permenant fix.
Summary: disable rendering of elements when their width or height is zero → disable rendering of some elements when their width or height is zero
Depends on: 270257
Blocks: 274886
No longer depends on: 270257
Comment on attachment 167707 [details] [diff] [review] patch with better comment grammer Don't want to review until the HasAttr problem is fixed.
Attachment #167707 - Flags: review?(tor)
No longer blocks: 274886
Depends on: 274886
Isn't the HasAttr problem fixed now?
Comment on attachment 167707 [details] [diff] [review] patch with better comment grammer Yes. I CC'ed you and bz since you know how the display:none stuff works.
Attachment #167707 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Nope, I don't :) Layout is still uncharted terratory for me :)
Ah, my mistake. :)
Which particular display:none stuff? I see no mention of it in the bug or the patch....
For some attributes (typically 'width' and 'height') the spec says "A value of zero disables rendering of the element". I assume that's roughly what display:none does. If I remember correctly, display:none prevents the frames from being constructed. I'm not sure if we can do that here or if we have to do something more along the lines of what I was doing and prevent painting instead.
Don't width and height depend on the style?
bz, what do we do for images with width/height set to 0? I suspect (though i'm not sure) that we still want to create the frame, possibly so that we can deal with the situation of the attribute being set to a non-zero value dynamically. Just make sure that we don't paint it or make it recieve events (i.e. you shouldn't be able to hover one of these elements)
Images with width/height set to zero skip painting the actual image (see They still have to paint borders and padding (the background paints under the latter), of course.
Oh, and hovering the border or padding of a width-zero or height-zero image will, of course, dispatch an event to the image. Also, such images take up space in the layout (eg a width-zero but nonzero height image with block display will push down things that are below it in the block progression).
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This bug has been mostly fixed by other checkins. Here's a patch for nsSVGInnerSVGFrame.
Attachment #299436 - Flags: review?(tor)
Should probably include the gfxContext.h change in the diff. :-P Requesting sr from vlad for the change to that file.
Attachment #299436 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #299442 - Flags: superreview?
Attachment #299442 - Flags: review?(tor)
Attachment #299436 - Flags: review?(tor)
Attachment #299442 - Flags: superreview? → superreview?(vladimir)
Actually, we aren't acquiring a resource as such, so this is more a sentry class. A better comment would be: /** * Sentry helper class for functions with multiple return points that need to * call Save() on a gfxContext and have Restore() called automatically on the * gfxContext before they return. */
Comment on attachment 299442 [details] [diff] [review] patch with gfxContext.h change gfxContext change is fine, I'm not a huge fan of the name but I can't think of anything better. Maybe just "gfxAutoSaveContext"
Attachment #299442 - Flags: superreview?(vladimir) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 299442 [details] [diff] [review] patch with gfxContext.h change >+/** >+ * RAII helper class to automatically call Save() and Restore() for complex >+ * functions with multiple return points. >+ */ I was about to say that you may want to expand the acronym for those who haven't memorized a design patterns book, but I see you have another comment in mind.
Attachment #299442 - Flags: review?(tor) → review+
Keywords: perf
Comment on attachment 299442 [details] [diff] [review] patch with gfxContext.h change Requesting approval1.9. Low risk patch to optimize case where there's nothing to paint.
Attachment #299442 - Flags: approval1.9?
Attachment #299442 - Flags: approval1.9? → approval1.9+
Checked in. I just left the name as-is Vlad, since I think the "Restore" is the more important bit. I'm going to call this fixed. We don't return for <use>, but I don't think it's worth adding an extra virtual function and getting and checking the width/height for what should be a rare case.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Maybe it's me but I can't find the code change.
Yeah, sorry, I bungled the checkin. I'll check in for real once the red has cleared.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Oops, looks like I reopened this just as you checked it in.
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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