Open Bug 274239 Opened 20 years ago Updated 18 years ago

Add the ability to reject, confirm or warn about comments based on RegExps


(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, enhancement)

Not set




(Reporter: timeless, Unassigned)


sample use:
RegExp: /----> (?:System Information|Raw Stack Dump|Stack Back Trace) <----/
Response message: "
Please do not post drwatson logs as comments.
Dr. Watson logs are rarely useful. Please try to crash using talkback and report
the incident id.
if you absolutely must provide a drwatson log, create an attachment.
Action: reject

What this means:
Bugzilla would have refused to allow bug 263525 to be filed

It should be possible to select a cominbation of products/components using the
same ui as flags, so i could specify it for __ALL__ products, or just some silly
component list.

i can think of 3 such rules that i'd want to provide
drwatson, crashreporter, strace

timelyx: i'd probably add 'debian' for bugzilla and gecko :)

there should be at least three available actions:
"require confirmation",

drwatson/crashreporter would use refuse/reject
debian would be require confirmation
QA Contact: mattyt-bugzilla → default-qa
one other one, which is definitely going to need to control how this is implemented.

I should be able to specify a regexp along with a criteria on another field. in this case:

Warn("Please fill in the url field")
 if bug_is_being_filed
  && bug_url =~ m%^(?:\s*|https?://)$%
  && bug_comment =~ m%https?://\w%;

Unfortunately, this last one basically indicates that we need to create a bug object and provide a hook that has the ability to trigger refuse/confirm/warn or do nothing.
Assignee: myk → create-and-change
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