Bug 277797
Opened 20 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
add support for qcStatement extensions
(NSS :: Libraries, enhancement, P4)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: varga.viktor, Unassigned)
I attached 4 root CA certificate, at the bottom of this bug report.
They are the certificates of Netlock, we are CA in Hungary.
The first certificate has a field, qcStatement, which is set critical.
This is the Hungarian regulation for this level of certificate, but we think,
this is why it cann't be imported. The others can be importzed fine.
These certificetes are working with the IE (already in), Opera (importable), but
don't work with the Mozilla product line (Mozilla browser, Firefox browser,
Thunderbird mail client was tested.)
For further information, fell free to contact me:
Viktor Varga
(When it will work with the Mozilla product line, we want to move forward, and
we would like to include them into the default repository. of-course :)
Qualified (Class QA)
Notary (Class A)
Business (Class B)
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Comment 1•20 years ago
Sorry, but i misstyped some words in my bug report.
So, only the QA level certificate isn't importable, the others are working and
importable fine.
Comment 2•20 years ago
The cert shown above as "Qualified (Class QA)" has an unknown critical extension.
Name: OID.
Critical: True
Data: Sequence {
Sequence {
NSS doesn't know this extension, and so rejects the cert, as it must do for
any unknown critical extension. That behavior (rejecting a cert with an
unknown critical extension) is not a bug, and is required by RFC 3280.
So, this bug report can be construed as an enhancement request, requesting
the support for this particular cert extension be added to NSS. I think it's
somewhat unlikely that that will happen soon. PERHAPS if the processing of
this extension is trivial, and doesn't require any API additions to NSS,
it could be done this year. To that end, please add comments to this bug
citing the relevant (hopefully international) standards that define this
extension, and the OIDs that go with it, and what must be done to process
it correctly.
Assignee: kaie → wtchang
Severity: major → enhancement
Component: Client Library → Libraries
Product: PSM → NSS
QA Contact: bishakhabanerjee
Version: 1.01 → 3.9
Comment 3•20 years ago
I confirm that this is an enhancement request. :-)
I found the following relevant URLs
This extension contains one or more OIDs that represent "statements".
If the extension is marked critical, then each and every one of the
statement OIDs contained in the extension must be understood (and enforced?)
by the relying software in order for that software to consider the
extension "known".
It appears to me that only way NSS could enforce this would be for the
NSS-based application to tell NSS which statement OIDs the application
understands and honors. This could be done by having the application
register OIDs with NSS, or perhaps with an application-supplied callback
that NSS calls to ask the application "do you understand the statement
implied by this OID?".
I think we'd need to add an API by which the application could ask NSS
"which statement OIDs are specified by this cert?"
Ever confirmed: true
Comment 4•20 years ago
I found this info on
Begin quote ------------------
The QcEuCompliance statement info is associated with a specific statement
identifier, derived from:
id-etsi-qcs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
{ itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) id-qc-profile(1862) 1 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 1 }
which corresponds to the OID string "".
The Qualified Certificate profile specifies the QcEuCompliance statement info
for indicating that the containing certificate has been issued as a Qualified
certificate according Annex I and II of the Directive 1999/93/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community framework for
electronic signatures, as implemented in the law of the country specified in the
issuer field of this certificate.
End Quote -----------------
Viktor, can you tell us what that last paragraph really means?
So the cert was issued is compliance with some Directive's Annex. So what?
What must an application do to comply with this statement?
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Comment 5•20 years ago
Yes, of-course.
I copied here some pages from the appendix of the ETSI TS 101 862 V1.3.2
This is the complete, and here is included the latest qcStatement about the SSCD.
---- copied pages starts here ----
(source: )
ETSIQCprofile { itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) id-qc-profile(1862)
id-mod(0) id-mod-qcprofile-
2(02) }
-- EXPORTS All --
QC-STATEMENT, qcStatement-1
FROM PKIXqualified93 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6)
internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)
-- statements
esi4-qcStatement-1 QC-STATEMENT ::= { IDENTIFIED
BY id-etsi-qcs-QcCompliance }
-- This statement is a statement by the issuer that this
-- certificate is issued as a Qualified Certificate according
-- Annex I and II of the Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament
-- and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community framework
-- for electronic signatures, as implemented in the law of the country
-- specified in the issuer field of this certificate.
esi4-qcStatement-2 QC-STATEMENT ::= { SYNTAX QcEuLimitValue IDENTIFIED
BY id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue }
-- This statement is a statement by the issuer which impose a
-- limitation on the value of transaction for which this certificate
-- can be used to the specified amount (MonetaryValue), according to
-- the Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the
-- Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community framework for
-- electronic signatures, as implemented in the law of the country
-- specified in the issuer field of this certificate.
QcEuLimitValue ::= MonetaryValue
MonetaryValue::= SEQUENCE {
currency Iso4217CurrencyCode,
amount INTEGER,
exponent INTEGER}
-- value = amount * 10^exponent
Iso4217CurrencyCode ::= CHOICE {
alphabetic PrintableString (SIZE 3), -- Recommended
numeric INTEGER (1..999) }
-- Alphabetic or numeric currency code as defined in ISO 4217
-- It is recommended that the Alphabetic form is used
esi4-qcStatement-3 QC-STATEMENT ::= { SYNTAX QcEuRetentionPeriod IDENTIFIED
BY id-etsi-qcs-QcRetentionPeriod }
-- This statement is a statement by which the issuer guarantees
-- that for the certificate where this extension appears that the
-- information received from the subscriber at the time of
-- registration will be archived and can be made available upon
-- request beyond the end of the validity period of the certificate
-- for the number of years as indicated in this statement.
QcEuRetentionPeriod ::= INTEGER
BY id-etsi-qcs-QcSSCD }
-- This statement is a statement by which the issuer claims
-- that for the certificate where this statement appears that
-- the private key associated with the public key in the certificate
-- is protected according to Annex III of the Directive 1999/93/EC of
-- the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on a
-- Community framework for electronic signatures.
-- object identifiers
id-etsi-qcs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0)
id-qc-profile(1862) 1 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 1 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 2 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcRetentionPeriod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 3 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcSSCD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 4 }
-- supported statements
SupportedStatements QC-STATEMENT ::= {
qcStatement-1 |
esi4-qcStatement-1 | esi4-qcStatement-2 | esi4-qcStatement-3 |
esi4-qcStatement-4, ...}
---- copied pages are ending here ----
At first you should know about these directives some more. (copeide from the
same source. This was a table, but to put this here, i should modificate a litle
lines marked with R is requirments,
(Requirement from Annex I in the Directive 1999/93/EC [1])
and after them , lines marked with I are the corresponding solutions
(Implementation according to this profile and underlying standards)
R) (a) an indication that the certificate is issued as a Qualified Certificate;
I) Inclusion of certificate policy defining this property and/or an explicit
statement defining this property as defined in clause 5.3.
R) (b) the identification of the certification-service-provider and the State in
which it is established;
I) By information stored in the issuer field as defined in clause 3.1.1 of the
IETF Qualified Certificate Profile RFC 3739 [4]. The certificate must clearly
indicate the country in which the issuer is established as defined in clause 5.1.
R) (c) the name of the signatory or a pseudonym, which shall be identified as such;
I) As defined in clause 3.1.2 of the IETF Qualified Certificate Profile RFC 3739
R) (d) provision for a specific attribute of the signatory to be included if
relevant, depending on the purpose for which the certificate is intended;
I) As defined in clauses 3.1.2 and 3.2.1 of the IETF
Qualified Certificate Profile RFC 3739 [4].
R)(e) signature-verification data which correspond to signature-creation data
under the control of the signatory;
I) The public key with the associated information listed in annex A.
R) (f) an indication of the beginning and end of the period of validity of the
I) The validity period according to ITU-T Recommendation X.509 [2] and RFC 3280 [3].
R) (g) the identity code of the certificate;
I) The serial number of the certificate according to ITU-T Recommendation X.509
[2] and RFC 3280 [3].
R) (h) the advanced electronic signature of the certificationservice- provider
issuing it;
I) The digital signature of the issuer according to ITU-T
Recommendation X.509 [2] and RFC 3280 [3].
R)(i) limitations on the scope of use of the certificate, if
applicable; and
I) Provided by information in the certificate Policies
extension, the Key Usage Extension and the Extended
Key Usage Extension according to ITU-T
Recommendation X.509 [2] and RFC 3280 [3].
R)(j) limits on the value of transactions for which the certificate can be used,
if applicable.
I) According to clause 5.2.2 of the present document.
And now the Annex II, in the same structure
R = Requirement from Annex II in the Directive 1999/93/EC [1]
S = Supporting mechanisms
R) Requirement b) includes requirement on a secure and
immediate revocation service.
S) The certificate extensions CRL distribution point and
authority information access according to RFC 3280 [3]
may contain information used to find and identify these
R) Requirement i) includes requirement on retention of
relevant information for an appropriate period of time.
S) Clause 5.2.3 defines a statement that can be used to
communicate the retention period to relying parties.
R) Requirement k) states that relevant part of the terms and
conditions regarding the use of the certificate shall be
made available on request to third-parties relying on the certificate.
S) A certificate policy identified in the certificate policies
extension may contain a qualifier of the type "CPSuri",
according to RFC 3280 [3], pointing to the location where
such information can be obtained.
-------- end of copies ----
Lets talk about things, without copying laws here.
I have talked about the solutions with our ISO professional, and we have checked
the using conditions of this parameter in a working applications. (Windows based
application, using the Windows certificate store)
One possible solution for this is the following:
1) At first, the Mozilla must understand this extension, so if somebody checks
it in the certificate store, with the Mozilla, it should list in human readable
text the statements and the limit value too (which are presented in the certificate)
(Otherwise, I think, ther is a some extension, which are not converted to the
readable form in the certificate manager, like Netscape Comment, etc.)
2) When somebody imports a certificate into the, a pop-up window with
the statements and value and an "I have read them" or simmilar button are one
part of solution.
3) There should be an API where the application can get the extensions from the
NSS. We think, this is enough, because, you can not verify if an application
tell to you, "Yes, I can understand" that it is truth. An application can lie.
(We have checked the Windows application I mentioned previously, but after you
give the parameters for it, you can't verify, what he does.)
Checking the softwar3e (is that software using the qcstatement fields?) should
be made by the official assigned quality certificate company. These certificate
companies should assinged by the goverment, and by the law.
For summary we think, only the API with the possibility to request the
extensions is enough for the applications, the other changinsg needed are only
the recognition of an extension, and transformation to human readable text.
Any other idea?
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Comment 6•20 years ago
I forgot one small comment:
Because the statements are contstant strings, depending on the extension, maybe
it is good, if they are printed on the screen and readdable from the certificate
store (details), if they are transalted to native languages in the localised
versions. Of-course I can do the hungarian transaltions of it.
Comment 7•20 years ago
Thanks for copying the relevant annexes here. Most of those lettered
requirements merely restate generic certificate requirements that are
required for all certs, and not only for certs with qcStatements, e.g.
cert must have a subject name, in issuer name, and a serial number.
Requirements b, c, and d also require (by reference to RFC 3739) that
the cert's issuer and subject names contain "an appropriate subset" of
the standard DN attributes. Of those requirements, the only enforceable
ones are
(a) that the name must contain at least one of commonName, givenName,
and pseudonym, and
(b) that use of psuedonym is mutually exclusive with use of givenName
and surName. (if you use pseudonym, the others are forbidden).
I'd say that an application need not do anything specific (beyond
recognizing the OIDs) to "recognize" or enforce the following statements :
id-etsi-qcs-QcCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 1 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcRetentionPeriod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 3 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcSSCD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 4 }
because those statements are unilateral statements by the issuer about
the issuer's own obligations. But this statement
id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 2 }
seems to burden the relying party to understand and perhaps enforce the
QcEuLimitValue which is a MonetaryValue
> R)(j) limits on the value of transactions for which the certificate
> can be used, if applicable.
> I) According to clause 5.2.2 of the present document.
Viktor, What does clause 5.2.2 say?
IMO, the issue of unrecognized critical extensions is not primarily of
importance at import time, but rather at cert chain validation time.
That is, the time at which NSS might ask the application if it understands
the extension would not be at import time, but at validation time.
For extensions that require application participation, the simple cert
import utilities, such as certutil and pk12util, will certainly NOT
understand them. And a cert DB might be used (at different times) by
apps that do understand these OIDs, and by apps that do not. So, I would
say that the app's understanding of the qcStatement OIDs is not necessarily
a requirement for import into the DB, but is a requirement for cert chain
validity processing.
I'm working on a proposal to extend the definition of NSS's understanding of
an extension's recognition, so that NSS can enforce different policies at
import time than at chain validation time.
Bob, what do you think about all this?
Comment 8•20 years ago
In general I think it's OK, though I'm a bit worried about maintaining it.
Are you thinking that we would not enforce policy, critical extensions, etc, or
that we would have a separate list of critical extensions which say "We
understand this extension well enough to import it, but not well enough to use it".
The next question is what do we do when a certificate with
id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue is used in other contexts, such as email, or SSL
authentication. In these cases, there is no 'monetary value' that the
browser/mail client knows about. Perhaps the mail client could throw up chrome
that says 'signature valid only for requests less an $X'. I don't know about
SSL. Do we need a way for the server to say "My application is OK with this
extention" either because it's not dealing with money, or it will parse the
extension itself? Or do we not need to worry about the SSL part because there is
no way to prove to a their party that some one was authenticated simply on the
basis of there SSL authentication.
Summary -- I think import is OK, I think SSL client auth is probably too, but I
would like a second opinion. We need a way for clients to tell us what
additional extensions they understand.
Comment 9•20 years ago
I discovered that the only place where NSS ever sets the error
/security/nss/lib/certdb/certdb.c, line 863 which is called from
CERT_NewTempCertificate, among others.
That tells me that
a) today we can't do ANYTHING with certs with unknown critical extensions,
except print them with pp. and
b) we don't have code that checks certs for unknown critical extensions in
the cert chain validation code. The assumption is that if we have a
pointer to a CERTCertificate, it must be a cert with no known critical
Removing the check in CERT_DecodeDERCerticate, and adding checks in many
other places where the check is now implicit in the non-null cert pointer
seems dangerous. I wonder how many regressions would creep in, and how
long it would take to root them all out.
Today our secoid table requires each known OID to have a "supportedExtension"
value, which is an enum with these 3 values:
411 typedef enum {
415 } SECSupportExtenTag;
I'm thinking we might add two more values:
which means, "we recognize it enough to import it and parse it, but we
don't know how to enforce it - that's the application's job." and
which says "This OID is known by the local application. If it appears
in a conditionally supported cert extension, it's not unknown."
We already have a means for an application to dynamically register
additional OIDs in the oid table. I would propose that applications
would use this means to register OIDs for "qualified statements" that
they understand.
The present function SECOID_KnownCertExtenOID() would be changed to
return true for either SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION or
muster enough to be imported.
Cert chain validation would have an additional step, which finds any
and then checks each of the OIDs within it to see if they are known
as SUPPORTED_SUBTYPE_CERT_EXTENSION. (This particular aspect of this
proposal needs more polish.)
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Comment 10•20 years ago
> Viktor, What does clause 5.2.2 say?
at first, i copy it here, then later I am going to reply to the other things.
--- copy start ---
5.2.2 Statement regarding limits on the value of transactions
The limits on the value of transactions, for which the certificate can be used,
if applicable, may be indicated using the
statement defined in this clause. The codes are defined in ISO 4217 [9].
This optional statement contains:
• an identifier of this statement (represented by an OID);
• a monetary value expressing the limit on the value of transactions.
esi4-qcStatement-2 QC-STATEMENT ::= { SYNTAX QcEuLimitValue IDENTIFIED
BY id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue }
-- This statement is a statement by the issuer which impose a
-- limitation on the value of transaction for which this certificate
-- can be used to the specified amount (MonetaryValue), according to
-- the Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the
-- Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community framework for
-- electronic signatures, as implemented in the law of the country
-- specified in the issuer field of this certificate.
QcEuLimitValue ::= MonetaryValue
MonetaryValue::= SEQUENCE {
currency Iso4217CurrencyCode,
amount INTEGER,
exponent INTEGER}
-- value = amount * 10^exponent
Iso4217CurrencyCode ::= CHOICE {
alphabetic PrintableString (SIZE 3), -- Recommended
numeric INTEGER (1..999) }
-- Alphabetic or numeric currency code as defined in ISO 4217
-- It is recommended that the Alphabetic form is used
id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 2 }
--- copy end ---
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Comment 11•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #8)
> In general I think it's OK, though I'm a bit worried about maintaining it.
> Are you thinking that we would not enforce policy, critical extensions, etc, or
> that we would have a separate list of critical extensions which say "We
> understand this extension well enough to import it, but not well enough to use
I understand your feelings. You can enforce it, to an application, to get this
property, but you can't control, what the application relatively does with the
statements and the values.
> The next question is what do we do when a certificate with
> id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue is used in other contexts, such as email, or SSL
> authentication. In these cases, there is no 'monetary value' that the
> browser/mail client knows about. Perhaps the mail client could throw up chrome
> that says 'signature valid only for requests less an $X'. I don't know about
> SSL. Do we need a way for the server to say "My application is OK with this
> extention" either because it's not dealing with money, or it will parse the
> extension itself? Or do we not need to worry about the SSL part because there is
> no way to prove to a their party that some one was authenticated simply on the
> basis of there SSL authentication.
> Summary -- I think import is OK, I think SSL client auth is probably too, but I
> would like a second opinion. We need a way for clients to tell us what
> additional extensions they understand.
Yes, you found the problem of the limitvalue part of the statement.
How can somebody give a business value to a mail?
Otherwise, this limit is the limit of the liability insurance of the CA.
So, you can make with a certificate a higher transaction, but if you have some
loss, and the CA was liable for your loss, the liability insurance pays maximum
the value included in the limit.
There are only a few possible situation, where you can give this value automaticaly:
e-banking (like netbanks), e-purchasing (like buy someting on ebay), etc...
But most of the situations doesn't have any concrete business value, you can
only estimate them for yourself.
Comment 12•20 years ago
I like the proposal, it covers all the basises except how we deal with the case
where NSS has already registered the OID as
CONDITIONALLY_SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION. Since the OID is already defined, adding
it to the table won't change the existing definition. Our verification code will
have to look up the OID only in the extended hash list to see if
SUPPORTED_SUBTYPE_CERT_EXTENSION is set in these cases. (Maybe we only need to
Comment 13•20 years ago
I think it could be better to open a separate bug about dynamically adding
support for crtifical extensions ?
I've been checking recently that code, because I was interested in checking how
Mozilla could support the more common Certificate Policy extesion, when it's
made critical.
The code I've seen (SECOID_FindOID) checks the dynamically added OIDs before the
static list, so it would be OK, except that the function to dynamically add new
OID (SECOID_AddEntry) is not called anywhere in the code, is not included in the
header files, not exported in the dynamic libraries, and does not include an
argument to choose the supportedExtension value (and has a blatant bug because
it does not even set the supportedExtension value after allocating the new OID
from non initialized memory).
I would be great (but more difficult) to be able to add a new
CONDITIONALLY_SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION by providing with it a call-back to call
to handle it. But I'm not certain the number of case where this would be more
useful than what Nelson suggest is high.
It could be a significant progress to always allow importation of certificates
with unknown critical extension, just not use them.
What will happen currently if an installed pkcs#11 token provides a cert with an
unhandled critical extension ?
Comment 14•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #12)
> I like the proposal, it covers all the bases except how we deal with the case
> where NSS has already registered the OID
Bob, I don't understand this concern. Please elaborate. Perhaps you could give
an example that would illustrate.
When searching Extension OIDs or subordinate extension OIDs, the search would
search both the dynamic and static OID tables, just as it does now, IINM.
Note that NSS *already* allows applications to dynamically add OIDs marked
with SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION, thereby enabling new critical extensions whose
syntax is unknown to NSS, IINM. This proposal does not change that.
Maybe my proposal wasn't clear, so let me embellish it here.
I propose to add these new OIDs to NSS's built-in OID table:
OID. (identifies a "qualified statement" extension) with
id-etsi-qcs-QcCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 1 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcRetentionPeriod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 3 }
id-etsi-qcs-QcSSCD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 4 }
all with supportedExtension value SUPPORTED_SUBTYPE_CERT_EXTENSION
because I believe those 3 "statements" require NO processing by the
relying party.
These are supported subordinate OIDs of the Qualified Statement extension.
(Maybe _SUBTYPE_ is the wrong word there. Maybe that should be
I was trying to have all these manifest constants end with _CERT_EXTENSION.)
Applications could dynamically register additional statement OIDs for
other statements that they are prepared to handle, such as
id-etsi-qcs-QcLimitValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-etsi-qcs 2 }
with supportedExtension value SUPPORTED_SUBTYPE_CERT_EXTENSION.
I do not believe that an application would ever find that a new statement
OID would conflict with an existing extension OID, because I believe that
no OID does (or ever will) serve the dual purpose of identifying an
extension and also identifying something within an extension (such as a
Notice that I did not propose to define an "UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE_CERT_EXTENSION".
A subordinate extension OID is either registered with
SUPPORTED_SUBTYPE_CERT_EXTENSION or is not registered. That avoids the type
of collision that I think you described.
In this proposal, when NSS is doing the full check for unknown critical
extensions, it will look at all extensions. For each one that is marked
critical, it will pass the test if either (a) that extension OID is marked
SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION, or (b) it is marked
CONDITIONALLY_SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION *and* all of the subordinate OIDs are
That "full check for unknown critical extensions" might occur elsewhere than
when the cert is being decoded (as it presently does), such as at cert chain
validation time. A lesser check might be done at cert import/decode time.
If you still think there is a problem with already-registered OIDs, please
explain it.
(In reply to comment #13)
Jean-Marc, I suspect you're looking at some old NSS sources. In the NSS 3.10
sources, (the trunk of NSS) SECOID_AddEntry is defined in headers, is exported
from the shared libs, and is used by NSS command line tools. Look in
nss/cmd/lib/moreoids.c to see it in use. It copies the entire SECOidData
struct passed by the caller, so no part is left uninitialized.
Comment 15•20 years ago
OK, yes, I did misunderstand your proposal.
I thought you wanted Conditionally supported to mean "import is ok but don't
validate". I missed that fact that the other OID's are suboids of a single
In that case we don't have a problem. With the proposal.
Comment 16•20 years ago
What happens in IE/Opera?
Do IE/Opera ignore there is a criticial extension it doesn't understand and
process it anyway?
Or do IE/Opera inform the user as desired?
Are there proposals how a user agent should inform the user about the
limitations involved with a certificate used in the current security session?
I think we would need to use both prompts and additional space on the screen.
The prompt must appear as soon as the site is entered, because the URL accessing
the first secure page could already be triggering a transaction.
Sounds to me like end users will not be very happy dealing with such sites,
because if we implemented it that way, they would have to confirm those prompts
We could of course add another status bar area that permanently displays a short
text message, clickable for more details, explaining the limitation of the
current session. But as I said, the URL that led to the current display could
already have triggered a transaction, and therefore IMHO the status bar area is
not sufficient to warn the user. However, for subsequent actions within the same
context, we could assume the user is aware of the display, and would not have to
repeat the prompts.
And finally, the user must be allowed to cancel the request BEFORE it happens.
Unfortunately, as described in bug 62178, the Mozilla applications are currently
unable to cancel a transition from a non-secure to a secure page. That is, a
form action, starting on a non-secure page, requesting a SSL-secured page using
such a limitation certificate, where the initial request is causing the
transaction to happen, would allow us to inform the user with a message.
However, as long as bug 62178 isn't fixed, the user will not be able to cancel
the transaction from happening.
Just some first thoughts. Probably we should discuss the UI issues in separate
bugs filed on the respective application.
Reporter | ||
Comment 17•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #16)
> What happens in IE/Opera?
> Do IE/Opera ignore there is a criticial extension it doesn't understand and
> process it anyway?
> Or do IE/Opera inform the user as desired?
I have imported them into IE and Opera too...
Neither the IE neither the opera did anything when I imported them.
I checked them into the view, and it seems, they are not recognised this property:
Opera 7.54u1
X509v3 Basic Constraints (Critical): CA:TRUE, pathlen:4
X509v3 Key Usage (Critical): Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
qcStatements (Critical):
IE 6
If i check them, i can find the exclamation mark, which means critical,
and the OID of the extension.
So it seems, the IE can display the extension OID, but don't know and use this
Comment 18•20 years ago
I think you just demonstrated that IE ignores unknown critical extensions.
That's probably worthy of a CERT security alert. Since you found it,
you deserve the credit.
Please file a request-for-enhancement against FireFox and also one against
Thunderbird about the need for UI for this cert feature. An NSS bug is
definitely NOT the place for the UI aspect of the discussion. I'd suggest
filing the bug against PSM, but I know it would be ignored there.
I don't think that "enforcing" this feature necessitates showing a dialog
on which the user must click OK. for https, it's probably sufficient to
show the limit in the browser's chrome somewhere.
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Comment 19•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #16)
> Are there proposals how a user agent should inform the user about the
> limitations involved with a certificate used in the current security session?
Yes, I have a proposal.
I read trough the bug that you mentioned, but i think, it is not the way.
1) Imorting the root certificate should be allowed, and the using too.
2) When a user imports a QA level user certificate, he/she must be asked about
the accept of statement. (If he/she have a this type of certificate, he/she had
to sign it before on paper.) So i think it is enough if you give a popup, and
two button. One of the is 'I agree, import please...' the other is 'I don't
agree, don't import'.
3) Maybe there should be an API, which is accessible from an application, and if
an application can read the presence of extension.
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Comment 20•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #18)
> I think you just demonstrated that IE ignores unknown critical extensions.
> That's probably worthy of a CERT security alert. Since you found it,
> you deserve the credit.
Sorry, but i dont know.
What should I do?
Comment 21•20 years ago
This is not only an issue for root CA certs, and it is not only an issue
at the time that root CA certs are "imported". In fact it may not be
an issue at the time of "import" at all.
It is an issue for all certs, including SSL server certs. And it is an
issue for certs that are never "imported" by the user, including ones that
come bundled with the software. Given that not all certs have these
constraints, the user needs to be aware of which servers do, and which do
not, have these constraints, as he is visiting them. And the user must
be made aware, regardless of whether the constaint is in a CA cert or a
server cert or an email cert.
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Comment 22•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #21)
> This is not only an issue for root CA certs, and it is not only an issue
> at the time that root CA certs are "imported". In fact it may not be
> an issue at the time of "import" at all.
Ok, i will submit another request for the mentioneds, but what should I do with
the IE?
Updated•20 years ago
QA Contact: bishakhabanerjee → jason.m.reid
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Comment 23•19 years ago
Maybe closable.
Read my comments here:
Updated•19 years ago
Assignee: wtchang → nobody
QA Contact: jason.m.reid → libraries
Updated•19 years ago
Summary: Cannot import root certificate, where the qcStatement set to critical. → add support for qcStatement extensions
Comment 24•19 years ago
even if signature validation for qc statements unfortunately isn't a priority, being able to use such a key pair through a pkcs11 device to sign would be great: bug 343717
Updated•19 years ago
Priority: -- → P4
Comment 25•18 years ago
Swiss CAs are currently mandated by law to issue qualified certificates only with the purpose "non-repudiation". One group of people concludes from this that "you are not allowed to use qualified certificates for emails, only for documents such as pdfs". My preference would be
a) validate signature if correct and have a pop-up/warning that the cert purpose was only "non-repudiation" and not "signing"
b) mark the signature as invalid, but be in the explanation text clear that all was fine, except for the purpose.
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Comment 26•18 years ago
> Swiss CAs are currently mandated by law to issue qualified certificates only
> with the purpose "non-repudiation". One group of people concludes from this
> that "you are not allowed to use qualified certificates for emails, only for
> documents such as pdfs". My preference would be
> a) validate signature if correct and have a pop-up/warning that the cert
> purpose was only "non-repudiation" and not "signing"
> b) mark the signature as invalid, but be in the explanation text clear that all
> was fine, except for the purpose.
All of the options seems to be false.
The Digital Signature bit should use only for short time authentication, like the client authentication with certificate.
Signing with a certificate which has the Non-Repudation bit, is the classic digital signature by the law in Hungary.
The regarding RFC (about qualified certificate) says, you should only put the NonRep bit into a qualified certificate.
If you will handle well them, you should do the following.
Cert has only NonRep
-valid for signing any document, mails too
Cert has only DigSig
-valid for only authentcation purpose
Cert has NonRep and DigSig too (not recommended combination by RFCs and ETSIs)
-valid for signing and authenticating
The reason, why these were separated, that when you do some certificate authentication, the server drops for you some random data, and you sign it with your keys. It is possible to hack a server to drop not a random data, but a contract, and you will sign it when you will authenticate yourself.
Comment 27•18 years ago
Viktor, Thanks for the clarification - this makes sense to me.
Just FYI - as of this month, the Swiss Authorities allow accredited CAs to issue qualified certificates that
a) also have the signing purpose
b) no longer have the qc statement as critical
see (German only :( )
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Comment 28•18 years ago
There are clean reasons, why you don't include together the KeyEnc, DigSig, NonRep bits. I think it was a bad decision.
Comment 29•16 years ago
This bug is now somewhat old. I'd like to ask some questions about the
current situation. At the present time:
- is Netlock still issuing certs with critical qcStatement extensions?
- is Netlock still issuing SSL server certs with qcStatemenr extensions?
A representative of a (different?) Hungarian CA claims that their SSL server
certs do not have qcStatement extensions and that the qcStatement extensions
are not marked critical in those certs that bear them. So, I wonder if things
have changed in Hungary since this bug was filed.
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Comment 30•16 years ago
Dear Nelson,
Answering your questions:
-yes we issue certificates with qcStatement, but they are not set to critical.
-no, we never issue SSL certificates with qcStatement.
The bug was reported when the qcStatement was a fresh thing, i want to revise all my reported bugs.
The qcStatement is much more a "licence" than a real extension. :)
I think, this bug should be closed.
Comment 31•16 years ago
It would be useful to display the values of the QC extensions on the certificate details as more and more qualified certificates are being issued in different EU countries (e.g., citizen's cards in Portugal and Spain).
Comment 32•16 years ago
adding kaspar to cc list who often worked on the code to display cert attributes
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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