Closed Bug 28279 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

quoted text is wrapped and shouldn't be (long-short-long-short)


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: akkzilla, Assigned: akkzilla)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [PDT+] Have reviewed fix, testing, check in 2/25)

We're exhibiting the evil old long-short-long-short bug again!  Read a plaintext
message that has lines wrapped at around 72 columns, and reply to it in
plaintext.  Some of the quoted lines will be wrapped.

I was going to try debugging this, but you've turned off the debug menu in the
compose window, so I can't see what the html looks like.  The editor's
InsertAsQuotation is supposed to take care of that automatically, by turning
wrapping off for quoted text, so if you're calling InsertAsQuotation, it's my
bug (but please tell me how to turn on the debug menu so I can see what's going
on).  If you're not calling InsertAsQuotation, is there any reason why not
(something that you need from it that we're not providing)?
Akkana, you reactivate the debug menu by changing the line #362 in 

replace     <!-- menu id="debugMenu"/ -->
by          < menu id="debugMenu"/ >

I will look if we correctly insert the text tomorrow.
Thanks for the info on the debug menu!  And it turns out that mail compose is
calling the editor's InsertHTML function, so I'll take a look at what it's
Assignee: ducarroz → akkana
Target Milestone: M14
This is really evil.  Marking M14 because it's more important than most of the
M15 list.
Adding a beta1 keyword ... even if it gets PDT-'ed, plaintext mail seems
important enough that I'd like to see it on the radar (and I bet the fix won't
be all that hard).
Keywords: beta1
Putting on PDT- radar for beta.
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
Requesting PDT re-evaluation of this bug: it's a regression, it makes plaintext
mail nasty to use (you have to do a lot of hand-editing to make things look
right), and it turns out that the fix is straightforward (a minor addition to
the text editing citation-splitting rules).  Joe and I have tested it on Mac and
Linux, and I'll be running with it in my tree to test it further.  Please, can
we check the fix into beta1?
Keywords: regression
Whiteboard: [PDT-] → Have reviewed fix
Putting on PDT+ radar because fix is in hand.
Whiteboard: Have reviewed fix → [PDT+]Have reviewed fix
Thanks!  Adding date, will check it in tomorrow.
Whiteboard: [PDT+]Have reviewed fix → [PDT+]Have reviewed fix, will check in 2/24
The tree is horked today and it's fairly clear that there's not going to be much
chance to test and check in, so I'm updating the date in the status whiteboard. 
The fix works as far as I can tell, but I'd like to run with it for a while, and
get a few other eyes testing it as well.
Whiteboard: [PDT+]Have reviewed fix, will check in 2/24 → [PDT+] Have reviewed fix, testing, check in 2/25
Fixed!  Plaintext quotations should work much better now, at least if Rich is
allowed to check in the fix for bug 29267.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: lchiang → fenella
inux (2000-02-29-08 M15)
Mac (2000-02-29-08 M15)
Win32 (2000-02-29-08 M15)
Read a plaintext message that has lines wrapped at around 72 columns, and reply
to it in plaintext.  The quoted lines wraps fine. I do not see lines wrap long
and short as explains to me by Akkana.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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