Bug 284404
Opened 20 years ago
Closed 2 years ago
window is opened shorter than specified by height feature
(Firefox :: General, defect)
(Reporter: u188271, Unassigned)
(Depends on 1 open bug, )
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050223 Firefox/1.0.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050223 Firefox/1.0.1
See the link and click on the "Alex" image on the right side
(scroll down a little bit). The popup window containing the image is not
correctly sized, so you can see just a part of it. I have similar problem on
popup notification of new email on, but for this you need an account.
Used to work with 1.0, 1.0.1 shows this new beahviour
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.go to on "Alex"
Actual Results:
popup window opened, but has wrong size and is not resizable
Expected Results:
display the popup window in correct size
For future archaeologists:
The aforementioned Alex link opens a window containing an image of a comic and
some other minor contents surrounding. The interesting part of the HTML reads
and the image inside the new window is 760x224.
On my system the Alex window is indeed inner-sized 800x280, and looks fine. I'd
be tempted to close this bug WFM but I've heard similar sporadic complaints over
the years. I've never heard of anyone able to diagnose the cause. Eyeballing the
code doesn't help. It pretty much reads: "Did the website specify a specific
size? OK then, make the window just that big." It always works just like that in
my experience.
Reporter there must be something on your system that's causing the problem. I
don't know what it is but it would be nice to be able to figure it out. Try it
with the main browser window maximized and not, try it with a new profile, try
it in safe mode without extensions... there must be some variable you can vary
to change this odd behaviour. If a new profile fixes it, which file is
responsible? I'd look at localstore.rdf and XUL.mfl first. (Both files can be
safely moved out of the profile directory (while Firefox isn't running), forcing
the app to generate a new, presumably undamaged copy.)
(In reply to comment #1)
this is getting strange. Following your advice, I tried the following:
1) verified the problem still occurs: yes, both horizontal and vertical size
were not correct
2) started Firefox in safe mode and tried the same link again: only the vertical
size was wrong, the horizontal was displayed correctly (or at least large enough
to see the whole image)
3) started Firefox normally (not in safe mode), resized the window (default was
maximimized), maximized the window again
4) now everything is displayed correctly
I had the problem for few days before reporting it, but unfortunatelly I cannot
recall if I ever resized the main window, I usually have it maximized. However,
I am sure I never started the safe mode before.
Hope this helps. If there is anything else I can do, will be glad to do it.
So now the problem is gone, eh? It leaves behind a hint that some extension
might be at least partly culpable. Also another hint that it may have had
something to do with a particular restored browser window size, an unlikely size
that you didn't notice because you normally browse maximized.
Maybe the problem being cured is actually a good thing. If you could give steps
to make it reappear, that would be something useful. Be sure to mention which
extension, if any, is necessary. Without that though, this bug is dead in the water.
(Note that if the bug is caused by an extension, that just makes us mad at the
extension's author. There's nothing we can do about it.)
now I can reproduce it :-)
You gave me the hint: "particular restored browser window size". During testing
the stuff in the first posting, I noticed the restored size was somehow strange,
but didn't pay attention.
Try this:
1) resize the browser window to see just "back", "forward" and "reload" buttons
in the upper left corner (on my system it works in this range)
2) maximize the window
3) go to and click on the comic
4) you should see it. I can see it both with normal startup and in safe mode (in
safe mode just the vertical size is corrupted)
If this doesn't occure on your system, I'll backup the installation, make the
fresh install and reinstall all the extensions, but I need few days for this,
maybe next weekend is a good time.
At least for the part of the problem, one extension is responsible. I am using
stock ticker in the status bar and as the extension occupies part of the status
bar with fix size, during resize of the browser window, different behaviour
occurs. Now I get the "safe mode bahaviour" also after normal startup. But even
with all extensions disabled, the vertical size is still corrupted.
Furthermore, I noticed something else: if you shrink the browser window more and
more, the scroll bars stop shrinking at some point (and get unusable). I do not
know if this is a real problem as probably nobody uses this setting, but just
wanted to mention it.
I can confirm this much: if the browser window size is quite short (and by this
I mean the restored size, regardless of whether the window is maximized) then
the Alex window from comment 0 is opened too short. Width seems unaffected.
Specifically, as mentioned in comment 1 the window is spec'ed to open at
innerHeight 280, but the height it is actually given is 280 - (240 - opener
browser window's outerHeight, if less than 240). This is independent of
extensions. How odd. I guess that's been the problem all along. Thanks a_raptor
for pinning this down.
I can't reproduce this problem in my own build, though I can reproduce in
Firefox 1.0 and 1.0.1 standard builds. I'm sure my own build works better
because it includes (incomplete) changes for bug 203590. Since that seems to
solve this bug, I'm marking it dependent.
I'm also rewording this bug's summary a bit to reflect what I can confirm, add
some searchable keywords, and remove the word "popup," which doesn't apply to
this bug in its commonly expected, prejudicial sense.
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: popup window is not correctly sized → window is opened shorter than specified by height feature
Updated•18 years ago
Assignee: bross2 → nobody
New website
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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