Closed Bug 285063 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

No visible error messages for malformed/invalid chrome.manifest in extension


(Toolkit :: Startup and Profile System, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: asqueella, Assigned: benjamin)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

If you make a typo in chrome.manifest (introduced in bug 278534), there are no messages shown in JS Console or anywhere (only NS_WARNINGs). The manifest (or parts of it) is just ignored. Previous code shown a "Chrome registration failure" window and opened JS Console with details. Please reimplement this behaviour for chrome.manifest files. As someone who spends time helping out extension dev. newcomers, I can tell you it's pretty important. If you need a testcase XPI, I'll attach it.
As I said in bug 278534, this was part of my original plan. But I'm surprised to hear that there were JS console errors reported from the old chrome registry code. What kind of errors were they? (Text and/or screenshots from the old errors would be helpful to me.)
It gave this message at startup: When you click on View Details JS Console opened with this message: -- Chrome Registration failed for Extension '..guid..' when calling nsIXULChromeRegistry::installPackage with this chrome path: jar:file:///...profile.../extensions/...guid.../chrome/infolister.jar!/content/infolister/ (profile extension = true). Perhaps this path does not exist within the chrome JAR file, or the contents.rdf file at that location is malformed? -- It's not perfect, but at least it didn't fail silently. Sorry I didn't notice that you said you were going to fix this (in bug 278534 comment 17). btw, I think EM should show an error message like I posted, not just print a message to JS Console.
Assignee: nobody → benjamin
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8beta2
Attachment #178186 - Flags: second-review?(darin)
Attachment #178186 - Flags: first-review?(shaver)
Comment on attachment 178186 [details] [diff] [review] Add console logging for errors possibly encountered during app/extension development >Index: chrome/src/nsChromeRegistry.cpp >+static void >+LogMessage(const char* aMsg, ...) I think you need to mark this function __cdecl under Windows in order for the vararg to work as expected. >+ va_list args; >+ char* formatted = PR_vsmprintf(aMsg, args); >+ if (!formatted) Where are the calls to va_start and va_end? How does this work? >+static void >+LogMessageWithContext(nsIURI* aURL, PRUint32 aLineNumber, PRUint32 flags, >+ const char* aMsg, ...) same problems with this guy. Could we get into a situation where the developer isn't even able to bring up the JS console? Should we maybe support a NSPR log module where these messages are dumped to in addition to the JS console?
> >+static void > >+LogMessage(const char* aMsg, ...) > > I think you need to mark this function __cdecl under Windows in order > for the vararg to work as expected. Is there a macro I should use for this (NS_METHOD)? > Where are the calls to va_start and va_end? How does this work? I think that the va_start macro by itself should be sufficient (and it works on my linux gcc3.2)... the vprintf calls take a va_args param, not individual pointers, just for this situation if I understand it correctly. > Could we get into a situation where the developer isn't even able to bring > up the JS console? Should we maybe support a NSPR log module where these We can get into that situation, and I intend to support a console dump-to-file function (which is why I filed the scripterror.message bug, so that the dump-to-file function can be useful. No bug yet, but I'll file one soon.
See usage of va_list, va_start, and va_end in this existing code: It seems to me that you have to initialize the va_list object or else how can it find the parameters on the stack? Even if you don't intend to call va_arg, you still need to initialize the va_list, no?
Attachment #178186 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #178266 - Flags: second-review?(shaver)
Attachment #178266 - Flags: first-review?(darin)
Attachment #178186 - Flags: second-review?(darin)
Attachment #178186 - Flags: first-review?(shaver)
Comment on attachment 178266 [details] [diff] [review] Add console logging for chrome registry errors, rev. 1.1 > #define NS_METHOD_(type) type __stdcall NS_METHOD is certainly wrong. It may be the case that __cdecl is the default when compiling under MSVC. I know that NSPR_API assumes that it is, so perhaps there is no need to add it manually. The code as is should crash on Windows. My apologies for not commenting on that previously. r=darin assuming you remove the NS_METHOD_ macros.
Attachment #178266 - Flags: first-review?(darin) → first-review+
Comment on attachment 178266 [details] [diff] [review] Add console logging for chrome registry errors, rev. 1.1 shaver, you're not allowed to complain if this doesn't log enough :-P
Attachment #178266 - Flags: second-review?(shaver)
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: in-testsuite?
Component: XRE Startup → Startup and Profile System
QA Contact: nobody → startup
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