Open Bug 285476 Opened 19 years ago Updated 2 years ago

On first load dropmarker-menu bookmarks toolbarmenu shows very briefly scrollarrows


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Windows XP





(Reporter: martijn.martijn, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

I can't see the bug in 2005-02-22 trunk build.
I can see the bug in 2005-02-23 trunk build.
I could also see this in my debug build. After backing out the "My version for
comparison" patch from bug 282359, I could not see the bug anymore.

Some more explanation:
When the bookmark toolbar menu is overflowing, you get a dropmarker. When
clicking on the dropmarker you get all the bookmarks that don't fit in the
bookmarks toolbar menu.
In current builds, the menu popup shifts a bit down and then to it's normal spot
on first load. In my debug build, this is so slow that I can see the scroll
arrows (that you see when a menu popup is overflowing with menu-items) that
briefly appear and then disappear (they should not be visible since that menu is
not that large). But also the menu popup briefly seems to be much higher
(stretched till the bottom).

I don't think I've seen this bug on my win2000 machine, but I can reproduce the
bug 100% (on first load, that is) on my winxp machine.
It is really a minor bug (I hope you can reproduce it).
Hmmm...  odd.  I would have thought that we'd properly flush things out now (as
a result of bug 282359) being fixed...

So to reproduce this I need more bookmarks in the personal toolbar than fit in
the window width, right?
Yes, see here for a screenshot:
I can see now this also happens every time I open a new window.
Ok, I can also reproduce this on my win2000 machine. I just need minimal 23
bookmarks that are under the dropmarker popup menu, as it seems now (My screen
resolution is 1024*768).
This bug is getting more and more trivial.
My guess would be this happens because of
updateOverflowMenu is a function that collapses the menuitems in the
overflowmenu that are not collapsed in the bookmarks toolbar. This is called in
On first load, the menu-items are built from the template builder, so before
that they were not there.
So when the overflowmenu is popping up on first load, the template builder adds
all the menu-items in the bookmarks, and then they are partly 'removed' by
collapsing the menu-items that are already visible in the bookmarks toolbar.

So why does this show only when I have more than 23 menu-items in the overflowmenu?
I guess this could be, because at that stage, I have that much menu-items in the
overflowmenu, that, -if they were all visible (which they are before
updateOverflowMenu collapses some of them)- they would create the arrows in the
arrowscrollbox. so the creation of the arrows in the arrowscrollbox seems to be
part of the reason why this bug happens.

I hope, what I just said, makes sense.
If it does, then the fix might be to update the menuitems at the same time that
we update the buttons, rather than when we open the chevron.
So does SeaMonkey have similar code?  That lxr link is for Firefox.
Flags: blocking1.8b2?
Attached patch hackSplinter Review
Well, this seems to fix it for me, but this is probably not a good way to solve
Pehaps, a better way to do this is to make the template-generated menu-items in
the bookmarkstoolbar-overflowmenu directly collapsed. But I don't know if that
is possible with xul templates. The updateOverflowMenu function would make the
menu-items then uncollapsed for the bookmark-items that need to be visible.
Well, it is WFM in current trunk builds.
I can see the bug in 2005-04-01 build, but not anymore in 2005-04-02 build.
Maybe fixed by bug 288365?
I'm marking this WFM (it seemed like I was the only one who saw this, anyway).
Please reopen if someone can still reproduce in the latest trunk build.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Reopening, sorry for the spam.
The original issue is resolved. In my win2000 machine, I don't see the issue
In my WinXp machine, however, the dropshadow is very briefly showing till the
bottom of the screen. I checked this by comparing this when I have it turned
on/off in WinXP.
It is really a very little silly bug...
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Flags: blocking1.8b3?
Flags: blocking1.8b2?
Flags: blocking1.8b2-
Flags: blocking1.8b3? → blocking1.8b3-
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → XUL
QA Contact: xptoolkit.widgets
Closed: 19 years ago7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Severity: minor → S4
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