Open Bug 286764 Opened 20 years ago Updated 2 years ago

IMAP: auto-discovery of Inbox on initial account setup results in blank window page.


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

1.8 Branch
Windows XP


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: stephend, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050318
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050318

Summary: IMAP: auto-discovery of Inbox on initial account setup results in blank
window page.

Steps to Reproduce:

1.  Set up an IMAP account (to experience this bug, it might require SSL)

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Set up an IMAP account (to experience this bug might require SSL).
2. Login.
3. If this is an SSL account, you'll need to check SSL in the 'Use secure
connection' box.
4. Click GetMsgs.
Actual Results:  
Inbox is selected, but the message pane is blank.

Expected Results:  
Inbox selected and the message pane lists all the messages in my Inbox.

Log forthecoming.
I see no related JS exceptions, strict warnings, etc...
Forgot to mention: switching to Sent or any other folder and then back again to
INBOX 'fixes' this -- that's in my logfile, too.
Assignee: sspitzer → bienvenu
i think this has been a mozilla problem for many years.  to my recollection - it hasn't ever filled out the inbox selection list on initial account set up.
Can you reproduce with SeaMonkey v1.1.9 ?
(or Thunderbird v2.0.0.14 ?)
(or Thunderbird v3.0a2pre ?)
Can you reproduce with SeaMonkey v2.0a1pre ?
Severity: major → minor
Component: MailNews: Main Mail Window → Networking: IMAP
Product: Mozilla Application Suite → Core
QA Contact: networking.imap
Version: unspecified → 1.8 Branch
Yes, with both trunk and branch versions of Thunderbird.
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Assignee: mozilla → nobody
Severity: minor → S4
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