Bug 28825
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
Notify function called twice (HTML) or not at all (XML) for one tag
(Core :: DOM: HTML Parser, defect, P3)
(Reporter: toml, Assigned: harishd)
(Keywords: xhtml, Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-])
Should the nsDTDUtils.cpp method CObserverService::RegisterObservers keep a
Currently, if you perform an AddObserver for NS_PARSER_SUBJECT and
NS_XMLPARSER_SUBJECT, to become an ElementObserver, for the same tag, "META" for
example, you are notified twice for each tag in an HTML file and not all if it
is in an XML file.
Since the method is using a common queue for the subjects, each registration for
a tag in a different subject results in two entries. So when CNavDTD.cpp
performs the Notify call loop it results in two notifications for one tag.
For XML, there doesn't appear to be any Observer->Notify(...) call in the XML
DTD nsWellFormedDTD.cpp module so it results on no notifications for the tag.
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Comment 1•25 years ago
I forgot to mention the level of the build. This has been confirmed on a pull
and build of the latest level of the code (02/22/2000).
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Comment 2•25 years ago
After doing some additional investigation I've also found another problem with
this interface. It turns out that whenever class nsObserverReleaser: public
nsDequeFunctor is invoked it performs an NS_RELEASE against each queue observer
entry. However, only one NS_ADDREF was performed for the observer during the
CObserverService::RegisterObservers function. If the loop to call
Observer->GetTagNameAt is only executed once this is OK (Observer is only
interested in one tag). However, if the Observer->GetTagNameAt wants to return
multiple tags of interest and gets called multiple times, then problems arise
because the mRefCnt goes to zero during the nsObserverReleaser: public
nsDequeFunctor when it shouldn't. An easy way to check this is to modify
mozilla\intl\chardet\src\nsMetaCharsetObserver.cpp to return two or more tags of
interest (it just ignores them during Notify processing).
I'll need this as well for editor frameset detection.
Ever confirmed: true
This is a good suggestion, and I've implemented it in my tree. It will land
Landed tonight as changed to CDTDUtils.cpp.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Comment 6•25 years ago
I tested the fix and it resolves the multiple calls for a particular tag.
However, it does not invoke the "Notify" routine for an XML tag. The "Notify"
routine interface should probably be modified to pass in an indication of the
language or language namespace so that HTML and XML can be discerned and tags
that exist in multiple namespaces can be discerned (this would obviously be a
change to the ElementObserver interface).
Also, the problem with the class nsObserverReleaser: public
nsDequeFunctor still exists. I modified
mozilla\intl\chardet\src\nsMetaCharsetObserver.cpp to return two tags instead of
one and after the first invocation of the "Notify" routines it is never called
again (I believe this is because of the nsSupportsWeakReference). If I add an
NS_ADDREF( this ) to the "GetTagNameAt" routine, then the ElementObserver
interface functions correctly (for HTML). The NS_RELEASE in the nsDequeFunctor
should not be done.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Tom: the notify protocol is based on a topic; current text/html and text/xml.
The parsers use the mimetype in their notification process. If you're
registerting the _same_ observer for both topics, you won't be able to
differentiate. But we expect folks to use a seperate observer.
I'll update the code to deal with the addref/release problem.
I've fixed the addref/release problem. We were not properly addref'ing
Closed: 25 years ago → 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Comment 9•25 years ago
Ok, that's not a problem to have two separate observers to differentiate between
HTML and XML. Tested your fixes and the ADDREF/RELEASE problem is fixed.
However, XML tags are not driving the observer. The HTML tags are driven from
CNavDTD.cpp calling into nsDTDUtils.cpp. The XML tags should be driven from
nsWellFormedDTD.cpp calling into nsDTDUtils.cpp, but this is not occurring (or
coded). Also, for the XML Notify function, is there a way to determine the XML
namespace for the tag/element that the observer is being notified about? If the
same tag, for example "XYZ", is defined in two different XML namespaces I can
see components/observers wanting to process the "XYZ" tag only if it is part of
a particular namespace for which that component/observer has provided support.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 10•25 years ago
I'm handing the XML observer over to nisheeth for completion. Nisheeth: You
should be able to copy the code from CNavDTD.
Assignee: rickg → nisheeth
Comment 11•25 years ago
I am concerned about the performance implications of this. In the HTML world,
we use atoms for doing string comparisons of tags. In XML, we will probably
need to do a strcmp() on each incoming tag to determine if we need to notify an
observer. What do you guys think?
Tom, please provide a little background around why you need to observe XML
elements. Maybe there's a less costly way to get you what you want.
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Comment 12•25 years ago
I'm working on implementing P3P within Mozilla. P3P relies on being able to
specify information within a "META" tag (soon to be changed to a "LINK" tag)
within the HTML. So, I'm relying on the ElementObserver interface to be
notified of these tags and process them accordingly without having to insert
P3P related code into the content sink(s). Since you can have an XML version of
HTML, I need to observe XML tags also (which is why the interface should have
the XML namespace associated with the tag as an argument also).
Comment 14•25 years ago
Harish, thanks for volunteering to own this. Re-assigning this to you...
Assignee: nisheeth → harishd
Assignee | ||
Comment 17•25 years ago
Tom, I'll provide a patch to unblock you. Will that work?
Moving to M17.
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
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Comment 18•25 years ago
Don't worry about a patch, i'm not blocked right now because I still have the
HTML path with which I can verify everything I'm doing. I will eventually need
to be able to recognize HTML tags within XML but for now I can work around it.
Assignee | ||
Comment 21•25 years ago
This bug has been marked "future" because we have determined that it is not
critical for netscape6.0. If you feel this is an error, or if it blocks your
work in some way -- please attach your concern to the bug for reconsideration.
Target Milestone: M18 → Future
Comment 22•25 years ago
Removed nsbeta3 nomination from futured bugs.
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Comment 23•25 years ago
I'm ok with you moving this out. This will only cause problems for me when HTML
is XMLized. Should any XHTML/HXML be encountered that is using the LINK tag to
indicate the use of P3P, then the privacy support won't be active.
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Comment 25•21 years ago
The observer service stuff is gone (see bug 96364).
Further, the tag observer stuff relies on parser nodes and XML parsing hasn't
used those in a good long while.
So tag observers as they currently exist are an HTML-only beast. Are they
something we want to hack in for XML?
Comment 26•21 years ago
f*&$k no! :-) If we want something like that, lets set up a SAX chain system
with the sinks being just one link in the chain (most of the time the last and
only one). Tag observers should die, but that won't happen, but let's not make
them spread farther.
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Comment 27•21 years ago
Right. Marking wontfix.
Closed: 25 years ago → 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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