Closed Bug 288701 Opened 20 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Uninstall deleted everything in my program files directory save a few open binaries.


(Firefox :: Installer, defect)

1.0 Branch
Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: dluechoy, Assigned: bugs)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
Build Identifier: Firefox (1.0) ?

I downloaded FireFox a while ago and finding that the integrated 'plugin 
installer' didn't work ignored it and downloaded and installed the necessary 
components manualy.

All components except for 'Nippon-Browse', a japanese to english dictionary,  
have worked correctly.

A recent update notice promted me to upgrade. The inataller again didn't work 
(no outgoing connection...) so I decided to download the latest version and 

I also uninstalled that unstable Adobe 6 nonsense first.

The uninstall went off without a hitch except that now I could not access the 
internet nor any other browser I had.

A quick restart and behold a desktop of broken icons, applications 
crashing/failing to start correctly and windows installer telling me that I 
could not install microsoft office (it was installed two years ago and was 
still not a minute ago...) as it was now missing critical components...

A quick file-browse and I discover that the FireFox installer has *deleted 
every file* not a-running-binary from my *program files* directory up.

This not only includes every application I had installed, common components, 
but more inportantly the custom conficurations, scripts and plugins I'd 

Reproducible: Didn't try

Steps to Reproduce:
1. install FireFox(1.0)
2. use FireFox plugin-installer (w/no success)
3. download and install Adobe 6, Java, Macromedia Flash, Quick Time
4. use FireFox update-installer (w/no success)
5. uninstall FireFox
6. discover FireFox'****'
7. repair install windows.
8. cry.

Expected Results:  
installed the plugin through the integrated system
installed the update through the integrated system
Only deleted FireFox related files leaving my Program Files directory intact.

No crash
no talk back except to tell me that the uninstall was successful.

Windows 98
Intel motherboard
    - workstation layout
    - came with system
 - Pentium III 550 (slot style)
    - no bugs deteted with Intel diag.
    - came with system
 - 128mb RAM
    - came with system
Primary graphics:
 - Voodoo 5500 (PCI)
    - updated bios from 1.11 to 1.13 and back to 1.11
       - 1.13 had better rendering but was yelled at by overbearing father
       - FFS I am an electonics engineer, dad.
Secondary graphics:
 - Matrox 220MGA (AGP)
    - Nil 3D ability, multimonitor support
Primary sound:
 - Soundblaster ? (ISA)
    - Had it laying about, plugged it in to solve audio problem.
Secondary sound
 - Cirus ??? (PCI)
    - driver problems, works for wave but only @ 9-bit?!?
       - not DX compatible.
       - not Hanes compatible
       - not Miles compatible
       - you get the picture.
    - cannot be removed from case without hacksaw or explosives
       - solid workstation design bolts thing to motherboard at all four edges.
          - gj intel, gj.

Hard drive
 - unknown
 - it works, I won't question that.

 - Retail bundled with Nero!
    - Nero didn't work so I have to use a warez version
       - really.
 - it works, I honesty question how.
For the record:

Dispite this major inconvience, I still consider Firefox better than the 
alturnatives because 'It burns.'

And appears more stable.
Duplicate of bug 233625?

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 233625 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
QA Contact: bugzilla → installer
Uh, no, this was a different bug, that has also been fixed.

I used the DEFAULT PATH!

During the initial instalation the 'default' path of  "C:\Program Files\Firefox-blah" was not at all what I expected, so I aborted up and went the 'custom directory' branch. Finding that "D:\appfiles\firefox\" was unacceptable, changed to "D:\appfiles\"!

Not trusting the ambiguious 'custom directory' dialogue I tried to create the directory manually and select it, without success.

Concluding that I could not risk uncertanty, I made the 'default directory' myself, and copied the name strait from the dialogue box, and went 'DEFAULT instalation, DEFAULT PATH, DEFAULT everything'.

/****important detail omitted earlier****

However my default path was not 'C:\program files\\' but 'D:\appfiles\\' as I'd changed the 'windows programs location' (among others) in the registry to a removeable drive [because my roommate (at the time) had taken to stealing my projects and selling them as his own.]

****important detail***/

Following this I tried the integrated 'updates and plugin' installer but it failed miserably. Checking the 'default' "C:\program files\firefox-blah" directory I saw what appeared to be a firefox installation populated by what I now believe to be the 'updated' files. I downloaded each third-party plugin and installed each; and each (working) installer used a 'file search' rather than any registry key. And checking the firefox 'plugins' folder of the malfunctional ones showed me the misplaced files; albid they where I expected them to be.

Subsiquently when a new version came along I jumped on it. And the uninstaller that knew where it had really stashed firefox thrashed my "D:\appfiles\\", my real 'program files', leaving the "C:\program files\firefox-blah\" untouched.

The changes to the installer has (evidently) fixed this closely related bug.

and no I don't have a spellchecker, and yes I am bitter basement holding troll.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Version: unspecified → 1.5.0.x Branch
Closed: 20 years ago18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Version: 1.5.0.x Branch → 1.0 Branch
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