Open Bug 289450 Opened 19 years ago Updated 16 years ago

Error ``tipElement has no properties'' [xs] in file ``chrome://navigator/content/browser.js''


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: timeless, Unassigned)


stepping using venkman resulted in the following very amusing error:

Continuing from error handler.
#0: function get_accessible() in <chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml> 
line 25
025: var accService = Components.classes
#0: function get_accessible() in <chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml> 
line 26
026: if (this.localName == "popup" || this.localName == "menupopup")
#0: function get_accessible() in <chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml> 
line 28
028: else if (this.localName == "tooltip")
#0: function get_accessible() in <chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml> 
line 29
029: return accService.createXULTooltipAccessible(this);
#0: function onpopupshowing(event=MouseEvent:{0}) in 
<chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul> line 1
#0: function FillInHTMLTooltip(tipElement=null:null) in 
<chrome://navigator/content/browser.js> line 360
360: var retVal = false;
#0: function FillInHTMLTooltip(tipElement=null:null) in 
<chrome://navigator/content/browser.js> line 361
361: if (tipElement.namespaceURI 
== "")
Error ``tipElement has no properties'' [xs] in file 
``chrome://navigator/content/browser.js'', line 361, character 0.
Stopped for error handler.
#0: function FillInHTMLTooltip(tipElement=null:null) in 
<chrome://navigator/content/browser.js> line 361
359: {
360: var retVal = false;
361: if (tipElement.namespaceURI 
== "")
362: return retVal;
0005: document.tooltipNode
$[0] = [null] null

#0: function FillInHTMLTooltip(tipElement=null:null) in 
<chrome://navigator/content/browser.js> line 361
#1: function onpopupshowing(event=MouseEvent:{0}) in 
<chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul> line 1

while the code has moved a bit since 1.8a5, the code is still functionally the 
same and can still break the same way :)
Which product/version are you using ?
Can you reproduce with SeaMonkey v1.1.9 ?
Can you reproduce with SeaMonkey v2.0a1pre ?
Assignee: guifeatures → nobody
QA Contact: guifeatures
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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