Bug 289663
Opened 20 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
Do something about Win32.order
(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
of bug 335180
(Reporter: paper, Unassigned)
Feel free to re-assign to proper component if my guess isn't correct.
(Branched from Bug 289515 Comment #4)
Apparently win32.order was used to "reorder symbols in the DLLs/executables so
that they can be loaded faster" (quote from biesi, 09:34 on Sept 19, 2003).
Also, from Aug 1, 2003:
11:25 < timeless> tehre's code that generates win32.order files
11:26 < timeless> it isn't in the build path, i need to poke it the next time
i'm in windows
Now, I don't know if one can safely go into the win32.order file and edit it, or
run the win32.order generator.
And finally, on June 23, 2003, the longest conversation on win32.order that I
could find
11:34 < tor> how about the win32.order files?
11:34 < bsmedberg> are those still used?
11:35 < tor> given they haven't been updated for years, probably not heavily
11:35 < d33p> i think thats the only dependecy on the mozilla precompiled binaries
11:35 < d33p> otherwise it could be a slew of things
11:36 < biesi> bsmedberg: they aren't used
11:36 < biesi> bsmedberg: but when I asked someone (cathleen?) about them, the
answer was "let's keep them just in case"
11:37 < bsmedberg> heh, that's silly
11:37 <@cls> welcome to Mozilla
11:39 < biesi> I think we also have some leftovers from the nmake build system
I vote on removal of all Win32.order files. List of files:
Comment 1•20 years ago
I do not claim to know anything on this (in-fact I know next to nothing).
But for sake of descussion it seems to be "used" when MOZ_COVERAGE is set.
Comment 2•20 years ago
Some explanation here:
Using MOZ_COVERAGE has two steps. First you define MOZ_COVERAGE, you run a test
scenario to collect win32.order data, then you define MOZ_COVERAGE and
MOZ_NO_COVERAGE and it will use the data collected previously to optimize the
binary files.
win32.order are very old and totally obsolete, they can be removed but
MOZ_COVERAGE stuff could be left in.
Comment 3•16 years ago
dupe of bug 335180?
Comment 4•16 years ago
Sounds reasonable.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
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