Bug 291439
Opened 20 years ago
Closed 20 years ago
crash [@ js_SetClassPrototype] because proto isn't rooted in JS_InitClass across call to js_DefineFunction
(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect, P3)
(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: brendan)
(Keywords: crash, js1.5)
Crash Data
(1 file)
4.45 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
my tree isn't entirely current, but i'm fairly certain this isn't fixed yet. i
can update early next week.
I'm abusing too_much_gc by restricting the jsenvironment to about 2k.
death is very simple:
proto = js_NewObject(cx, clasp, parent_proto, obj);
/* creates a happy proto with a map != 0; */
if (!proto)
return NULL;
if (!constructor) {
} else {
/* Define the constructor function in obj's scope. */
fun = js_DefineFunction(cx, obj, atom, constructor, nargs, 0);
/* destroyed the proto, presumably because it wasn't rooted */
named = (fun != NULL);
+ proto->map 0x00000000 {nrefs=??? ops=??? nslots=??? ...} JSObjectMap *
+ fun 0x00baf020 {nrefs=0x00000001 object=0x00ba5bf0 {map=0x00bb1198
{nrefs=0x00000001 ops=0x100fd560 _js_ObjectOps nslots=0x00000005 ...}
slots=0x00bac42c } u={native=0x10042550 Function(JSContext *, JSObject *,
unsigned int, long *, long *) script=0x10042550 Function(JSContext *, JSObject
*, unsigned int, long *, long *) } ...} JSFunction *
the call to:
> js3250.dll!js_SetClassPrototype(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
ctor=0x00ba5bf0, JSObject * proto=0x00ba5be8, unsigned int attrs=0x00000006)
Line 3660 C
crashes at:
return OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, proto,
JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
0, NULL);
+ proto->map 0x00000000 {nrefs=??? ops=??? nslots=??? ...} JSObjectMap *
and obj_define_property wants to use (proto)->map->ops->defineProperty which
isn't very reachable
> js3250.dll!JS_InitClass(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject * obj=0x00ba5ba8,
JSObject * parent_proto=0x00000000, JSClass * clasp=0x100ee810, int (JSContext
*, JSObject *, unsigned int, long *, long *)* constructor=0x10042550, unsigned
int nargs=0x00000001, JSPropertySpec * ps=0x100ee4a0, JSFunctionSpec *
fs=0x100ef2e4, JSPropertySpec * static_ps=0x00000000, JSFunctionSpec *
static_fs=0x00000000) Line 1969 C
js3250.dll!js_InitFunctionClass(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8) Line 1864 + 0x29 C
js3250.dll!InitFunctionAndObjectClasses(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8) Line 1135 + 0xd C
js3250.dll!JS_ResolveStandardClass(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8, long id=0x00ba58a4, int * resolved=0x0012f448) Line 1422 + 0xb C
xpc3250.dll!SafeGlobalResolve(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8, long id=0x00ba58a4) Line 126 + 0x16 C++
js3250.dll!js_LookupPropertyWithFlags(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8, long id=0x00bab808, unsigned int flags=0x00000000, JSObject * *
objp=0x0012f58c, JSProperty * * propp=0x0012f57c) Line 2563 + 0x44 C
js3250.dll!js_LookupProperty(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8, long id=0x00bab808, JSObject * * objp=0x0012f58c, JSProperty * *
propp=0x0012f57c) Line 2421 + 0x1b C
js3250.dll!js_GetProperty(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8, long id=0x00bab808, long * vp=0x0012f5b0) Line 2706 + 0x19 C
xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNativeScope::SetGlobal(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
JSObject * aGlobal=0x00ba5ba8) Line 190 + 0x20 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNativeScope::XPCWrappedNativeScope(XPCCallContext &
ccx={...}, JSObject * aGlobal=0x00ba5ba8) Line 159 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNativeScope::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
JSObject * aGlobal=0x00ba5ba8) Line 119 + 0x23 C++
xpc3250.dll!nsXPConnect::InitClasses(JSContext * aJSContext=0x00bab178,
JSObject * aGlobalJSObj=0x00ba5ba8) Line 435 + 0xd C++
xpc3250.dll!XPCJSContextStack::GetSafeJSContext(JSContext * *
aSafeJSContext=0x0012f708) Line 157 + 0x1d C++
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCThreadJSContextStackImpl::GetSafeJSContext(JSContext * *
aSafeJSContext=0x0012f708) Line 333 C++
caps.dll!nsScriptSecurityManager::GetSafeJSContext() Line 229 + 0x1e C++
caps.dll!nsScriptSecurityManager::Init() Line 2818 + 0x8 C++
caps.dll!nsScriptSecurityManager::GetScriptSecurityManager() Line 2892 + 0x8 C++
caps.dll!Construct_nsIScriptSecurityManager(nsISupports * aOuter=0x00000000,
const nsID & aIID={...}, void * * aResult=0x0012f8f4) Line 344 + 0x5 C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsGenericFactory::CreateInstance(nsISupports *
aOuter=0x00000000, const nsID & aIID={...}, void * * aResult=0x0012f8f4) Line
82 + 0x15 C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstanceByContractID(const char *
aContractID=0x00d104c4, nsISupports * aDelegate=0x00000000, const nsID &
aIID={...}, void * * aResult=0x0012f8f4) Line 1994 + 0x18 C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsComponentManagerImpl::GetServiceByContractID(const char *
aContractID=0x00d104c4, const nsID & aIID={...}, void * * result=0x0012f95c)
Line 2421 + 0x32 C++
xpcom_core.dll!CallGetService(const char * aContractID=0x00d104c4, const nsID
& aIID={...}, void * * aResult=0x0012f95c) Line 93 C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsGetServiceByContractID::operator()(const nsID & aIID={...},
void * * aInstancePtr=0x0012f95c) Line 276 + 0x13 C++
gs={...}, const nsID & aIID={...}) Line 1272 + 0x11 C++
gs={...}) Line 678 C++
xpc3250.dll!mozJSComponentLoader::ReallyInit() Line 433 C++
xpc3250.dll!mozJSComponentLoader::ModuleForLocation(const char *
registryLocation=0x00bd07f8, nsIFile * component=0x00000000) Line 829 + 0x17 C++
xpc3250.dll!mozJSComponentLoader::GetFactory(const nsID & aCID={...}, const
char * aLocation=0x00bd07f8, const char * aType=0x00bcbcf0, nsIFactory * *
_retval=0x0012fb84) Line 384 + 0xe C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsFactoryEntry::GetFactory(nsIFactory * * aFactory=0x0012fb84,
nsComponentManagerImpl * mgr=0x0038f380) Line 302 + 0x3a C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstanceByContractID(const char *
aContractID=0x00b9f8e8, nsISupports * aDelegate=0x00000000, const nsID &
aIID={...}, void * * aResult=0x0012fbe4) Line 1989 + 0x10 C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsComponentManagerImpl::GetServiceByContractID(const char *
aContractID=0x00b9f8e8, const nsID & aIID={...}, void * * result=0x0012fc4c)
Line 2421 + 0x32 C++
xpcom_core.dll!CallGetService(const char * aContractID=0x00b9f8e8, const nsID
& aIID={...}, void * * aResult=0x0012fc4c) Line 93 C++
xpcom_core.dll!nsGetServiceByContractIDWithError::operator()(const nsID &
aIID={...}, void * * aInstancePtr=0x0012fc4c) Line 286 + 0x13 C++
nsGetServiceByContractIDWithError & gs={...}, const nsID & iid={...}) Line
141 + 0x10 C++
nsGetServiceByContractIDWithError & gs={...}) Line 1007 C++
xpcom_core.dll!NS_CreateServicesFromCategory(const char * category=0x004ddbc0,
nsISupports * origin=0x00000000, const char * observerTopic=0x004ddbb0) Line
817 C++
xpcom_core.dll!NS_InitXPCOM2_P(nsIServiceManager * * result=0x0012ff40,
nsIFile * binDirectory=0x00000000, nsIDirectoryServiceProvider *
appFileLocationProvider=0x00000000) Line 683 + 0x11 C++
xpcshell.exe!main(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x00387040, char * *
envp=0x00382f88) Line 1499 + 0x22 C++
xpcshell.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 398 + 0x11 C
kernel32.dll!_BaseProcessStart@4() + 0x23
actual death is caused by:
js3250.dll!js_GC(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, unsigned int gcflags=0x00000005)
Line ... C
js3250.dll!js_NewGCThing(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, unsigned int
flags=0x00000004, unsigned int nbytes=0x00000018) Line 637 + 0xb C
js3250.dll!AllocSlots(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, long * slots=0x00000000,
unsigned long nslots=0x00000005) Line 1797 + 0xf C
js3250.dll!js_NewObject(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSClass * clasp=0x100ee810,
JSObject * proto=0x00000000, JSObject * parent=0x00ba5ba8) Line 1916 + 0xf C
js3250.dll!js_NewFunction(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
funobj=0x00000000, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned int, long *, long *)*
native=0x10042550, unsigned int nargs=0x00000001, unsigned int flags=0x00000000,
JSObject * parent=0x00ba5ba8, JSAtom * atom=0x00bab678) Line 1909 + 0x14 C
js3250.dll!js_DefineFunction(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject *
obj=0x00ba5ba8, JSAtom * atom=0x00bab678, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned
int, long *, long *)* native=0x10042550, unsigned int nargs=0x00000001, unsigned
int attrs=0x00000000) Line 1971 + 0x1f C
> js3250.dll!JS_InitClass(JSContext * cx=0x00bab178, JSObject * obj=0x00ba5ba8,
JSObject * parent_proto=0x00000000, JSClass * clasp=0x100ee810, int (JSContext
*, JSObject *, unsigned int, long *, long *)* constructor=0x10042550, unsigned
int nargs=0x00000001, JSPropertySpec * ps=0x100ee4a0, JSFunctionSpec *
fs=0x100ef2e4, JSPropertySpec * static_ps=0x00000000, JSFunctionSpec *
static_fs=0x00000000) Line 1968 + 0x1b C
Keywords: crash
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•20 years ago
I had a patch for this bug at one point. Ah, there it is in attachment 120665 [details] [diff] [review],
from bug 123668:
@@ -1833,20 +1858,30 @@ JS_InitClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *ob
if (!constructor) {
/* Lacking a constructor, name the prototype (e.g., Math). */
named = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, (jsid)atom, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(proto),
if (!named)
goto bad;
ctor = proto;
} else {
- /* Define the constructor function in obj's scope. */
+ /*
+ * Define the constructor function in obj's scope. The object newborn
+ * root pigeon-hole in cx will be overwritten with fun->object, so we
+ * must mark proto in case the GC-private allocation of fun->object's
+ * slots causes a last-ditch GC.
+ * YYY remove this when initial slots are fused with fun->object in one
+ * extended GC-thing allocation
+ */
+ uint8 *flagp = js_GetGCThingFlags(proto);
+ *flagp |= GCF_MARK;
fun = js_DefineFunction(cx, obj, atom, constructor, nargs, 0);
+ *flagp &= ~GCF_MARK;
named = (fun != NULL);
if (!fun)
goto bad;
* Remember the class this function is a constructor for so that
* we know to create an object of this class when we call the
* constructor.
It's a hack, but it's cheaper and more isolated than pushing a local root scope.
Shaver, what do you think?
Assignee: general → brendan
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: js1.5
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8beta2
Comment 4•20 years ago
Can js_DefineFunction, perhaps with TOO_MUCH_GC in play, cause more than one GC?
(I'm thinking of a callout to a script-running debugger, or even perhaps some
clever getters and setters in the obj on which we're defining.)
I agree that it's better than pushing a scope, but wonder if it's sufficient.
fun = (JSFunction *) js_NewGCThing(cx, GCX_PRIVATE, sizeof(JSFunction));
/* ... if (!funobj) */
funobj = js_NewObject(cx, &js_FunctionClass, NULL, parent);
that looks like two gc's. for kicks, js_NewObject does:
obj = (JSObject *) js_NewGCThing(cx, GCX_OBJECT, sizeof(JSObject));
/* ... */
newslots = AllocSlots(cx, NULL, nslots);
And AllocSlots can trigger a GC, so i count at least three.
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•20 years ago
Right, that won't work! ;-) Old patch, obsoleted; nm.
timeless's patch is pretty good, although awful is too much for me to swallow.
I'll take it, though, and r/a=me check it in. Thanks, timeless!
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•20 years ago
Comment on attachment 181529 [details] [diff] [review]
i couldn't find anything to root proto
As promised.
Attachment #181529 -
Flags: review+
Attachment #181529 -
Flags: approval1.8b2+
Comment on attachment 181529 [details] [diff] [review]
i couldn't find anything to root proto
>+ js_LeaveLocalRootScope(cx);
>+ JS_LeaveLocalRootScope(cx);
Is the js vs. JS difference intentional?
Assignee | ||
Comment 9•20 years ago
Fixed (I renamed awful to bad2, boring but consonant; I fixed the JS_ to be js_).
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•19 years ago
Flags: testcase-
Updated•13 years ago
Crash Signature: [@ js_SetClassPrototype]
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