Open Bug 297991 Opened 19 years ago Updated 2 years ago

clean up document viewer ownership/destruction


(Core :: Layout, defect)





(Reporter: bryner, Unassigned)


(Keywords: helpwanted, Whiteboard: [mozilla2.0])

Currently, document viewer destruction is somewhat fragile -- it's likely to
assert in certain cases even though things are "ok", and in general we don't do
a good job of calling Destroy() before the last reference is released.  We need to:

a) figure out whether Destroy() is really needed -- does it break some cycle?
apparently not in all cases, if we can enter the destructor without Destroy
being called.
b) clean up the refcounting games that we play to make the printing code happy
Keywords: helpwanted
Whiteboard: [mozilla2.0]
Severity: normal → S3
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