Open Bug 300419 Opened 19 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Documentation for "http-on-examine-merged-response" should mention whether it's always broadcast


(Core :: Networking, defect, P3)





(Reporter: Biesinger, Unassigned)




(Keywords: good-first-bug, helpwanted, Whiteboard: [necko-backlog])

152 /**
153  * The observer of this topic is notified after the received HTTP response
154  * is merged with data from the browser cache.  This means that, among other
155  * things, the Content-Type header will be set correctly.
156  */

It looks to me like this topic is only broadcast when there was indeed some
cached data (actually, only if that cached data was used _and_ there was a
server hit). It would be nice if the comment explicitly said when it was broadcast.
Keywords: helpwanted
-> default owner
Assignee: darin → nobody
Component: Networking: HTTP → Networking
QA Contact: networking.http → networking
It seems to me that this topic is broadcasted when you hit the reload button, but **not** when you hit the Enter key on an URL, except for the favicon request...

When I hit the Enter key, the page is fetched from the cache, and not even parsed to check its images and such other "included" files.
Only http-on-modify-request is broadcasted, making it difficult to know when the request completes

When I hit the reload button, the page is fetched from the cache, and both http-on-examine-response and http-on-examine-merged-response are broadcasted...
Whiteboard: [necko-backlog][good first bug]
I would like to work on this bug... need some info as to how to reproduce the bug and the documentation that needs to be changed.
Bulk change to priority:
Priority: -- → P1
Bulk change to priority:
Priority: P1 → P3

Hi, I would like to work on this. Can this issue please be assigned to me? Thankyou.

Keywords: good-first-bug
Whiteboard: [necko-backlog][good first bug] → [necko-backlog]
Severity: normal → S3
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