Closed Bug 301222 Opened 20 years ago Closed 17 years ago

News Reader Failing to Download Multiple News Message Files and Attachments.


(MailNews Core :: Networking: NNTP, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jnuncus1, Unassigned)


(Keywords: conversion)


(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4 Build Identifier: Thunderbird (news reader) version 1.0.2 (20050317) The newsreader seems to lose track of itself and will fail when asked to download multiple message files and file attachments from the Usenet news group from which the downloads are attempting to be made. There seems to be a correlation in part to the "Too Many Open Connections" bug that has been elsewhere reported for the news reader although the characteristics of the suspected bug reported herein do not necessarily track or parallel the "Too Many Conections" bug in all respects. SEE bug report 288977 and comments and illustrative JPEG screenshot attachments thereto. Also see the discussion below. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Launch the T-B news reader and subscribe to a group on Usenet. Pick a group such as a nospam group with many files/attachments displayed in order. 2. Attempt to download message files sequentially by double-clicking message headers to initiate download of the message files from the Usenet news group. 3. OR, mark a number of files in sequential, or non-sequential, order and attempt to download all the message files for the message headers using the attachment extractor extension. SEE full work-up below. Actual Results: 1. Message files fail to download; the news server "too many open connections" error message will usually appear, and the download will be terminated by the news server. 2. There is a logical pattern to the failure/success occurrance: On this user's ISP news server, the ratio/pattern was as follows: fail success success success success fail success success success success #n fail #n+1 succeed #n+2 succeed #n+3 succeed #n+4 succeed The news reader is apparantly attempting to open up a new news server connection instead of queing the downloads through the allowable number of open connections permitted by the news server; and The news reader is apparently failing to keep abreast of its progress in effecting the downloads and "where it is" in the download process. SEE below and see screen shot JPEG file attachment. Expected Results: The news reader should have downloaded each and every message file associated with the message headers with respect to which the User attempted to initiate message file downloads. The actual testing information is too long to enclose here; a comment attachment will be filed, together with an enclosed JPEG screenshot that illustrates graphically the bug reported herein.
This is a screen shot that illustrates the intermittent failure of the news reader to successfully download message files from the Usenet. To accompany Bug RPT. #301222 See apparently related bug report (comments and screen shots): 288977
COMMENTS, HISTORY, TEST RESULTS, AND DETAILED DESCRIPTION OFTHE APPARANT BUG AND MALFUNCTION: PRODUCT IS THUNDERBIRD/CORE -- USENET NEWS READER. ------------------------------------- REASON FOR FILING A "NEW" BUG REPORT: ------------------------------------- The reporter was unable to locate a bug report covering this issue desite searching through the list of previously reported bugs for the news reader or by using the "search" function. Bug report 288977, hoever, definitely appears to be a related bug or malfunction to the bug or malfunction discussed in this bug report. ------------ DESCRIPTION: ------------ TITLE DESCRIPTION: News Reader Failing to Download Multiple News Message Files and Attachments. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUG: The newsreader seems to lose track of itself and will fail when asked to download multiple message files and file attachments from the Usenet news group from which the downloads are attempting to be made. There seems to be a correlation in part to the "Too Many Open Connections" bug that has been elsewhere reported although the characteristics of the suspected bug reported herein do not necessarily track or parallel the "Too Many Conections" bug in all respects. SEE bug report 288977 and comments and illustrative JPEG screenshot attachments thereto. News reader intermittently fails to download files that have been marked for download when multiple files are involved. Suspect: -------- 1. News reader is not queing downloads through the allowable open news server connections in the order that it should; and 2. News reader is failing to maintain download progress and loses track of where it is in the download process. ATTACHMENT (JPEG): ------------------ I will try to accompany this bug report with a screenshot JPEG that fairly illustrates the problem raised in this bug report; and I sincerely hope enough attention will be given to the core technology of the news reader such that we who are Open Source enthusiasts will have a robust and dependable news reader to accompany the emailer and the browser. The name of the file attachment is as follows: "Dwnld_in_seq_001.JPG" The JPEG attempts to illustrate thedownload patterns and inconsistencies in downloading that are discussed herein. USER TESTS PERFORMED: --------------------- Here are the test patterns: I. PATTERN "1": Double-click individual message headers, one-by-one, in sequence, five at a time -- first one fails entirely to download, next four download; repeat sequence: first file fails to download, next four succeed, etc., etc., ad infinitum. -------------------------------------------- Pattern "1" does NOT involve the use of the attachment extractor extension. -------------------------------------------- ----------------------- O/S = XP, Svc Pk 2. Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519:Service Pack 2) T-Bird = version 1.0.2 (20050317) Skin = Default. Extensions in use = None. ISP =; ELNK server appears to be Tornado v1.0.5.360. ----------------------- The header list from which downloads of messages will be made is as follows (all message files have file attachments): 001.eml oo2.eml 003.eml 004.eml 005.eml 006.eml 007.eml 008.eml 009.eml 010.eml 011.eml 012.eml 013.eml 014.eml 015.eml 016.eml The news reader will not allow me to download more than four messages at a time, so I will do (have done) the downloading in quartets as follows: 001.eml oo2.eml 003.eml 004.eml 005.eml 006.eml 007.eml 008.eml 009.eml 010.eml 011.eml 012.eml 013.eml 014.eml 015.eml 016.eml RESULTS: 001.eml - successful download and file attachment save oo2.eml - successful download and file attachment save 003.eml - successful download and file attachment save 004.eml - successful download and file attachment save 005.eml - blank download window and no download 006.eml - successful download and file attachment save 007.eml - successful download and file attachment save 008.eml - successful download and file attachment save 009.eml - blank download window and no download 010.eml - successful download and file attachment save 011.eml - successful download and file attachment save 012.eml - successful download and file attachment save 013.eml - blank download window and no download 014.eml - successful download and file attachment save 015.eml - successful download and file attachment save 016.eml - successful download and file attachment save NOTE: Files that failed to download will in fact download if, in fact, the news reader is exited and restarted; the exact same 1-4, 1-4, 1-4 pattern of failure and download occurs in the second download attempt pursuant to which the failed message file downloads from the first download attempt are attempted to be downloaded in the second attempt. Files that fail to download cannot be downloaded until the emailer/news reader app is exited entirely and restarted. It is NOT necessary to reboot the computer, only restart the app. REPRODUCABLE?: YES. Every time sequence is run; no deviation. Have run test sequence at least 20 times. II. PATTERN II. Mark "some" number of message headers in news reader (I used from 50 to over a hundred in lthe testing sequences). ----------------------- O/S = XP, Svc Pk 2. Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519:Service Pack 2) T-Bird = version 1.0.2 (20050317) Skin = Default. Extensions in use = Attachment Extractor 0.4.1. ISP =; ELNK server appears to be Tornado v1.0.5.360. ----------------------- USE the attachment extractor to attempt to download the message files and file attachments for the individual message headers. RESULT: You get "some" number of message files that download from the marked list -- it varies from attempt to attempt: usually from 4 to 15 or so. "Sometimes" you will receive the "too many connections" from the ISP's news server, which will then terminate the download at whatever point the news server has detected that Thunderbird has violated the ISP's open connections limitation. Curiously, although the ISP with respect to which the tests herein were carried out has a four (4) open connection limitation, the news server sometimes allows the attachment extractor download to proceed past the normal limitation just a bit before triggering the termination of the download. Subsequent to the termination of the download with attachment extractor extension, and proceeding with double-clicking each message header in the news reader in sequence one-by-one, the news reader lapses into the pattern of behavior described above for the bug when sim ply downloading the message files one by one with a double-click of the mouse, i.e.: file attachment extractor downloads a few files; the download terminates unexpectedly; news reader lapses into the following failure and success pattern: #1 fail #2 succeed #3 succeed #4 succeed #5 succeed #6 fail #7 succeed #8 succeed #9 succeed #10 succeed ... #n fail #n+1 succeed #n+2 succeed #n+3 succeed #n+4 succeed SEE above. NOTE: Files that failed to download will in fact download if, in fact, the news reader is exited and restarted; the exact same 1-4, 1-4, 1-4 pattern of failure and download occurs in the second download attempt pursuant to which the failed message file downloads from the first download attempt are attempted to be downloaded in the second attempt. Files that fail to download cannot be downloaded until the emailer/news reader app is exited entirely and restarted. It is NOT necessary to reboot the computer, only restart the app. REPRODUCABLE?: YES; EVERY TIME SEQUENCE IS RUN. LAYMAN'S OBSERVATIONS: 1. The news reader appears to be attempting to open up an entirely new connection with the ISP news server for the downloading procedure as to EACH and EVERY file instead of testing the news server first for the permissible number of allowed open connections and then queing the downloads of the message files and file attachments through each of the permissible open connections open with the news server. {Apparantly, Forte Agent somehow runs ques through all permissible open connections and keeps track of the ques, having several ques behind each open connection -- which ques may or may not have been marked by the User in sequence.] [Microsoft apparently runs one que through one open connection, and that is it, folks. But, then, Microsoft has been notorious for having the worst of the news readers from among all the commercial news readers.] 2. The news reader appaqrently "loses track of itself" when downloaing message files. This appears to be a seperate issue from, though perhaps tangentially related issue to, the "too many conncections" issue. This is just a guess; but it appears that the news reader is either not keeping track of where it is in the download task or, if it is keeping track, it is failing to institute reads of the progress on a fequent enough basis. SEE Bug report 288977 for a filing and subsequent comments and work-up of the "too many connections" problem. 3. This set of possibly interrelated bugs causes users to abandon use of the Thunderbird news reader altogether as a viable Usenet news reader. Abandonment of the T-B news reader is generally followed by abandonment of the emailer -- too "inconvenient" for most non-computer types to keep track of two apps and retain how to use both when the Outlook Express can do a "reasonable" and reliable job of handling both email and Usenet news reading. Abandonment of the T-B news reader and the emailer is generally followed by abandonment of the browser. I suspect this is because of several, although not necessarily rational, practical reasons: a. Users generally think of the browser, emailer, and news reader that they use on a day to day basis as one unit of interrelated apps. For example, even though the Open source apps are not "integrated" with the Windows O/S (which is a MAJOR reason why users want initially to switch to the Open Source apps -- security reasons), the Open Source apps are nevertheless integrated somewhat as between themselves. For example, there is a menu command in Firefox that allows the User to choose to "send an email" while using the browser. b. Psychologically, if one app does not work in a robust way, Users tend to assume none of the apps are reliable -- even if the assumption is entirely fallacious. Call it guilt by association. Thus, the weakest link in the triad of apps can serve to bring the entire triad down. The reverse is rarely true. In other words, if the news reader does not handle downloads of message files and file attachments correctily, such aberrant app behavior tends to "poison" the perception of the other apps. c. Thus, you get a reverse run of lack of confidence building up in the User who is going to assume, particularly if the User is using the apps at work for a paycheck, that it is simply "safer" to NOT use the Open Source apps at all and keep one's job. Concerns for meeting the mortgage payment and feeding the kids will win out over programming every time; and you can put that one in the bank so to speak. NOTE: This last point, "3.", is based ENTIRELY on "anecdotal" evidence and is NOT based upon any formal survey. Normal human behavior, however, is generally rather consistent in these matters. 4. You CANNOT assume that every Usenet user is going to purchase Forte Agent Pro. Users who use Firefox will want to use the Thunderbird also; and, since most Usenet users are NOT "JPEG junkies," you should assume that a user of Firefox and Thunderbird emailer will also want to use the Thunderbird news reader for such news reading as the average user will do -- which is a lot more than any of the so-called "polls" show. Finally, as indicated above, I will try to accompany this bug report with a screenshot JPEG that fairly illustrates the problem raised in this bug report; and I sincerely hope enough attention will be given to the core technology of the news reader such that we who are Open Source enthusiasts will have a robust and dependable news reader to accompany the emailer and the browser. The name of the file attachment is as follows: "Dwnld_in_seq_001.JPG" The JPEG attempts to illustrate thedownload patterns and inconsistencies in downloading that are discussed herein. Rest assured, we are all pulling for you and your endeavor; and those of us who are not internet app programmers will hopefully be able to contribute to your efforts by reporting any apparent bugs and problems to you as your proceed. Best regards, L Scott ("Nuncus" in the Support groups and bugzilla)
QA Contact: general
Nuncus, does this happen for you with or current version of ? remove topcrash+ - doesn't meet the definition [note: nuncus' em address doesn't error out, but hasn't filed new bug in a few years]
Assignee: mscott → nobody
Component: General → Networking: News
Keywords: topcrash+
Product: Thunderbird → Core
QA Contact: general →
Talk about detailed. The problem here, AFAICT, is that we open new connections when downloading each message. I can confirm this on TB, but it should be present Trunk TB. Duping to 66150.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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