Open Bug 304539 Opened 19 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Add and Edit categories inline by using the richtlistbox widget


(Calendar :: General, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: sipaq, Unassigned)




The new richlistbox widget (see URL) allows rich content like textboxes, buttons
or the colorpicker in a listbox. Using this new widget will allow us to directly
edit category names and colors inline, which will simplify our UI.

This should be fairly easy with the exception, that we need a transparent color
on the colorpicker which is currently not available and would probably require
some XBL magic.
If only the richlistbox was available for xpfe apps...
(In reply to comment #1)
> If only the richlistbox was available for xpfe apps...

Out of curiosity: what's preventing the port of richlistbox to the XPFE tree?
I've been working on this code for some time now (see e.g. bug 298371) and
haven't seen anything which could prevent you from using the code verbatim. If
you're interested, please file a bug to that end. cc me if you need help.
Depends on: 333923
Moving bugs from Joey without a patch back to nobody, since Joey has basically left the project.
Assignee: jminta → nobody
Component: Sunbird Only → General
QA Contact: sunbird → general
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Hello Simon,
  May I please be assigned to this bug?

Assignee: nobody → andrewmaibui

Andrew ( and I are partners for a class project and thus I will be working on this bug with him.  

As directed by Philipp Kewisch, here is our UI proposal:  

1.)  A new menu item, called "New Category", will be added to the Categories list.    
2.)  If a user selects this option, a dialog box with a text field appears.  
3.)  The user can then define a new category.  
4.)  The new category should not be in the set of existing categories.   


(In reply to Kevin Huynh from comment #5)
> 2.)  If a user selects this option, a dialog box with a text field appears.  
The text field should rather appear directly inside the category dropdown panel.

> 4.)  The new category should not be in the set of existing categories.   
Hmm not sure about this, I'm undecided. Did you get this from my email? What do you think is better?
Oh that's right, it should appear inside the dropdown panel.  Thanks for the reminder : ) 

As for number 4, I didn't get that from your email.  Upon further reflection, I think the new category can be anything, but there should be a check that traverses the list of existing categories.  If the new category is in that list, then select that category instead.  This way, there won't be duplicates of categories made.  And this also takes care of the possibility of a user mistakenly thinking that the category he has in mind isn't in the list, when in fact it is.    

What do you think about this?
I misunderstood number 4 when I originally wrote comment 6, so please disregard. What you write in comment 7 sounds exactly like I would expect it to behave.
Do I still owe you guys an Email reply? If not, how is the status?
Still working on it.  I cloned the repo today to get the latest source, and once built, Daily has greyed out buttons for Task, Event, Synchronize, etc.  I'm on Ubuntu 11.10.  Any ideas?  I've already tried rebuilding after apt-get installing libc++5.
I heard some recent issues with ubuntu, but you should have gotten those while building already. Do you get any error console messages? Did you just update comm-central (hg pull -u) or also mozilla-central (python checkout) ?
I do both, hg pull, and python  Well, actually, I clone a fresh copy, but I assume that's equivalent to a pull.  I didn't notice any build errors.  Is there a log file that I can post that would be useful?  

I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS today, so I'll try rebuilding and see how that goes.
(In reply to Kevin Huynh from comment #12)
> I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS today, so I'll try rebuilding and see
> how that goes.

Be careful if you're using an NTFS partition for your object directory, the 12.04 upgrade broke this for me, I haven't figured out why yet.
Fortunately, I'm not using NTFS! : )  12.04 didn't break it for me, but I'm still running into the same problem where the task, synchronize and calendar-related buttons are greyed out.  If you have any ideas, let me know!  Thanks : )
Lightning currently doesn't work correctly in comm-central due to major breaking changes in mozilla-central, see e.g. Bug 754164 or Bug 754740.
If you want something to work on in the meanwhile, I'd suggest using comm-aurora  with its matching mozilla-aurora (checked out automatically using This is probably close enough, I don't think much changed in the event dialog.
Summary: Edit categories inline by using the richtlistbox widget → Add and Edit categories inline by using the richtlistbox widget
Looking at bug 754164 and bug 754740, they're both marked as resolved now, so Lightning should be working correctly with comm-central correct?
Assignee: andrewmaibui → nobody
Severity: normal → S3
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