Closed Bug 30721 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

form submission crasher


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P1)






(Reporter: dmosedale, Assigned: pollmann)




(Keywords: crash, Whiteboard: fix in hand; 070700: request engineer input)

Linux build from 3/5 late morning tip with --enable-optimized --disable-debug,
but with -g set.  Playing around with the debugger, it looks as though the
assertion in line 711 of nsFormFrame.cpp:

711	    NS_ASSERTION(docURL, "No Base URL found in Form Submit!\n");
would have fired if this had been built with --enable-debug.  

*mContent is set to this:

{<nsISupports> = {
    _vptr. = 0x40d9f5a0 <nsHTMLFormElement::nsIHTMLContent virtual table>}, <No
data fields>}

Stack trace follows:

#0  nsFormFrame::OnSubmit (this=0x8daf288, aPresContext=0x8d63d10, aFrame=0x0)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/layout/html/forms/src/nsFormFrame.cpp:710
href = {<nsString> = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 31, mCapacity = 63, 
      mCharSize = eTwoByte, mOwnsBuffer = 0, {mStr = 0xbfffdc3c "h", 
        mUStr = 0xbfffdc3c}}, _vptr. = 0x4011c6a0}, 
  mBuffer =
	docURL = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x0}, <No data fields>}
	doc = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x0}, <No data fields>}
	target = {<nsString> = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 2, 
      mCapacity = 3221216132, mCharSize = 1074631630, 
      mOwnsBuffer = -1073751060, {mStr = 0x40121a1c "D\237\b", 
        mUStr = 0x40121a1c}}, _vptr. = 0xbfffdb9c}, 
  mBuffer =
	absURLSpec = {<nsString> = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 3221216004, 
      mCapacity = 1074634610, mCharSize = 134837412, 
      mOwnsBuffer = -1073751036, {mStr = 0x2a <Address 0x2a out of bounds>, 
        mUStr = 0x2a}}, _vptr. = 0x0}, 
  mBuffer = "\034\032\022@(u\t\b\020\005\n\b*\000\000\000\\Å\021@
	postDataStream = (nsIInputStream *) 0x3f
	result = 0
	formProcessor = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x0}, <No data fields>}
	data = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 134, mCapacity = 256, 
    mCharSize = eTwoByte, mOwnsBuffer = 1, {mStr = 0x9302e18 "C", 
      mUStr = 0x9302e18}}, _vptr. = 0x4011c6c0}
	method = 1
	enctype = 0
	isURLEncoded = 1
	isPost = 1
	fcFrame = (nsIFormControlFrame *) 0x0
	service = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x810fed0}, <No data fields>}
	theTopic = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 10, mCapacity = 64, 
    mCharSize = eTwoByte, mOwnsBuffer = 1, {mStr = 0x8e5c950 "f", 
      mUStr = 0x8e5c950}}, _vptr. = 0x4011c6c0}
	theEnum = (nsIEnumerator *) 0x0
	multipartDataFile = (nsIFileSpec *) 0x0
	handler = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x0}, <No data fields>}
#1  0x40becf88 in nsHTMLFormElement::Submit (this=0x88f24a0)
	context = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x8d63d10}, <No data fields>}
	formMan = (nsIFormManager *) 0x8daf2cc
	frame = (nsIFrame *) 0x8daf288
	shell = (nsIPresShell *) 0x8ee1a80
	this = (nsHTMLFormElement *) 0x40d97880
	doc = (nsIDocument *) 0x8a1cef0
	res = 0
#2  0x403a5f13 in HTMLFormElementSubmit (cx=0x8879630, obj=0x8a3dbb0, argc=0, 
    argv=0x91d73c0, rval=0xbfffde10)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/dom/src/html/nsJSHTMLFormElement.cpp:471
	nativeThis = (nsIDOMHTMLFormElement *) 0x88f24a0
	result = 0
#3  0x4006359a in js_Invoke (cx=0x8879630, argc=0, flags=0)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:665
	fp = (JSStackFrame *) 0xbfffe244
	frame = {callobj = 0x0, argsobj = 0x0, varobj = 0x0, script = 0x0, 
  fun = 0x91d9860, thisp = 0x8a3dbb0, argc = 0, argv = 0x91d73c0, rval = 0, 
  nvars = 0, vars = 0x91d73c0, down = 0xbfffe244, annotation = 0x0, 
  scopeChain = 0x86e41d0, pc = 0x0, sp = 0x91d73c0, sharpDepth = 0, 
  sharpArray = 0x0, constructing = 0 '\000', overrides = 0 '\000', 
  special = 0 '\000', reserved = 64 '@', dormantNext = 0x0}
	sp = (jsval *) 0x91d73c0
	newsp = (jsval *) 0x0
	vp = (jsval *) 0x91d73b8
	v = 144956304
	funobj = (JSObject *) 0x0
	parent = (JSObject *) 0x8a3db80
	thisp = (JSObject *) 0x8a3dbb0
	clasp = (JSClass *) 0x0
	ops = (JSObjectOps *) 0x0
	ok = 143103536
	native = 0x403a5dc4 <HTMLFormElementSubmit(JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned
int, long *, long *)>
	fun = (JSFunction *) 0x91d9860
	script = (JSScript *) 0x0
	minargs = 0
	nvars = 0
	mark = (void *) 0x91d73c0
	nslots = 0
	nalloc = 0
	surplus = 0
	hook = 0
	hookData = (void *) 0x0
#4  0x40069dba in js_Interpret (cx=0x8879630, result=0xbfffe240)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:2292
	rt = (JSRuntime *) 0x814b960
	fp = (JSStackFrame *) 0xbfffe244
	script = (JSScript *) 0x8bc8340
	obj = (JSObject *) 0x8a3dbb0
	obj2 = (JSObject *) 0x86e41d0
	proto = (JSObject *) 0x0
	parent = (JSObject *) 0x4
	onbranch = 0
	ok = 1
	cond = -1073749564
	depth = 2
	len = 3
	sp = (jsval *) 0x91d73c0
	newsp = (jsval *) 0x91d73b8
	mark = (void *) 0x91d73b0
	pc = (jsbytecode *) 0x8bc837e ":"
	pc2 = (jsbytecode *) 0x403665cd "[\201Ã[ê\b"
	endpc = (jsbytecode *) 0x8bc8382 ""
	op2 = 1074357088
	cs = (JSCodeSpec *) 0x40096980
	atom = (JSAtom *) 0x0
	argc = 0
	slot = 4
	attrs = 1075334364
	vp = (jsval *) 0x403668ad
	lval = 144956336
	rval = 144956304
	ltmp = 0
	rtmp = 4
	id = 143240352
	withobj = (JSObject *) 0x0
	origobj = (JSObject *) 0x4
	propobj = (JSObject *) 0x0
	ida = (JSIdArray *) 0x0
	iter_state = -1073749584
	prop = (JSProperty *) 0x0
	sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) 0x0
	str = (JSString *) 0x4
	str2 = (JSString *) 0x0
	str3 = (JSString *) 0x0
	length = 1077759587
	length2 = 141443536
	length3 = 143103536
	chars = (jschar *) 0x4006bf16
	i = 1074362436
	j = 141443536
	d = 5.6786050810244708
	d2 = -1.9925651867081786
	clasp = (JSClass *) 0xbfffe0fc
	funclasp = (JSClass *) 0x814bb10
	fun = (JSFunction *) 0x40097844
	low = 135576336
	high = 0
	off = 0
	npairs = 142668928
	match = 143103536
	getter = 0
	setter = 0x40096360 <js_ObjectOps>
	tn = (JSTryNote *) 0x40096360
	offset = 0
#5  0x400635e5 in js_Invoke (cx=0x8879630, argc=0, flags=0)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:681
	fp = (JSStackFrame *) 0xbfffe698
	frame = {callobj = 0x0, argsobj = 0x0, varobj = 0x0, 
  script = 0x8bc8340, fun = 0x8dee230, thisp = 0x86e41d0, argc = 0, 
  argv = 0x91d73b0, rval = -2147483647, nvars = 0, vars = 0x91d73b0, 
  down = 0xbfffe698, annotation = 0x0, scopeChain = 0x86e41d0, 
  pc = 0x8bc837e ":", sp = 0x91d73c0, sharpDepth = 0, sharpArray = 0x0, 
  constructing = 0 '\000', overrides = 0 '\000', special = 0 '\000', 
  reserved = 64 '@', dormantNext = 0x0}
	sp = (jsval *) 0x91d73b0
	newsp = (jsval *) 0x0
	vp = (jsval *) 0x91d73a8
	v = -2147483647
	funobj = (JSObject *) 0x0
	parent = (JSObject *) 0x86e41d0
	thisp = (JSObject *) 0x86e41d0
	clasp = (JSClass *) 0x0
	ops = (JSObjectOps *) 0x0
	ok = 142668984
	native = 0
	fun = (JSFunction *) 0x8dee230
	script = (JSScript *) 0x8bc8340
	minargs = 0
	nvars = 0
	mark = (void *) 0x91d73b0
	nslots = 0
	nalloc = 0
	surplus = 0
	hook = 0
	hookData = (void *) 0x0
#6  0x40069dba in js_Interpret (cx=0x8879630, result=0xbfffe694)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:2292
	rt = (JSRuntime *) 0x814b960
	fp = (JSStackFrame *) 0xbfffe698
	script = (JSScript *) 0x8ef1bf0
	obj = (JSObject *) 0x86e41d0
	obj2 = (JSObject *) 0x86e41d0
	proto = (JSObject *) 0x0
	parent = (JSObject *) 0x83
	onbranch = 0
	ok = 1
	cond = -1073748456
	depth = 2
	len = 3
	sp = (jsval *) 0x91d73b0
	newsp = (jsval *) 0x91d73a8
	mark = (void *) 0x91d73a0
	pc = (jsbytecode *) 0x8ef1c28 ":"
	pc2 = (jsbytecode *) 0xbfffe678 ""
	endpc = (jsbytecode *) 0x8ef1c2c "\021"
	op2 = 1074357088
	cs = (JSCodeSpec *) 0x40096980
	atom = (JSAtom *) 0x0
	argc = 0
	slot = 131
	attrs = 1075334364
	vp = (jsval *) 0x16
	lval = 143679096
	rval = 143879832
	ltmp = 0
	rtmp = 131
	id = 148824592
	withobj = (JSObject *) 0x0
	origobj = (JSObject *) 0x83
	propobj = (JSObject *) 0x0
	ida = (JSIdArray *) 0x0
	iter_state = -1073748476
	prop = (JSProperty *) 0x8e87438
	sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) 0x0
	str = (JSString *) 0x83
	str2 = (JSString *) 0x0
	str3 = (JSString *) 0x0
	length = 134831372
	length2 = 1074629165
	length3 = 3221218636
	chars = (jschar *) 0xbfffe660
	i = 1074362436
	j = 144956360
	d = 5.6786050810244708
	d2 = -1.9936218580750467
	clasp = (JSClass *) 0x8095cf4
	funclasp = (JSClass *) 0x86e41d0
	fun = (JSFunction *) 0x40097844
	low = 141443536
	high = 0
	off = 0
	npairs = 1074284722
	match = -1073748680
	getter = 0
	setter = 0x40096360 <js_ObjectOps>
	tn = (JSTryNote *) 0x40096360
	offset = 0
#7  0x400635e5 in js_Invoke (cx=0x8879630, argc=1, flags=2)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:681
	fp = (JSStackFrame *) 0xbfffe720
	frame = {callobj = 0x0, argsobj = 0x0, varobj = 0x0, 
  script = 0x8ef1bf0, fun = 0x8ef9c60, thisp = 0x8a3dbc8, argc = 1, 
  argv = 0x91d739c, rval = -2147483647, nvars = 0, vars = 0x91d73a0, 
  down = 0xbfffe720, annotation = 0x0, scopeChain = 0x8a3dbc8, 
  pc = 0x8ef1c28 ":", sp = 0x91d73b0, sharpDepth = 0, sharpArray = 0x0, 
  constructing = 0 '\000', overrides = 0 '\000', special = 0 '\000', 
  reserved = 0 '\000', dormantNext = 0x0}
	sp = (jsval *) 0x91d73a0
	newsp = (jsval *) 0x1
	vp = (jsval *) 0x91d7394
	v = -2147483647
	funobj = (JSObject *) 0x1
	parent = (JSObject *) 0x8a3dbc8
	thisp = (JSObject *) 0x8a3dbc8
	clasp = (JSClass *) 0x0
	ops = (JSObjectOps *) 0x0
	ok = 134550948
	native = 0
	fun = (JSFunction *) 0x8ef9c60
	script = (JSScript *) 0x8ef1bf0
	minargs = 1
	nvars = 0
	mark = (void *) 0x91d73a0
	nslots = 0
	nalloc = 1
	surplus = 0
	hook = 0
	hookData = (void *) 0x0
#8  0x400637cc in js_InternalInvoke (cx=0x8879630, obj=0x8a3dbc8, 
    fval=144956640, flags=0, argc=1, argv=0xbfffe840, rval=0xbfffe7d8)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:754
	argc = 1
	fp = (JSStackFrame *) 0xbfffe720
	oldfp = (JSStackFrame *) 0x0
	frame = {callobj = 0x0, argsobj = 0x0, varobj = 0x0, script = 0x0, 
  fun = 0x0, thisp = 0x0, argc = 0, argv = 0x0, rval = 0, nvars = 0, 
  vars = 0x0, down = 0x0, annotation = 0x0, scopeChain = 0x0, pc = 0x0, 
  sp = 0x91d73a0, sharpDepth = 0, sharpArray = 0x0, constructing = 0 '\000', 
  overrides = 0 '\000', special = 0 '\000', reserved = 0 '\000', 
  dormantNext = 0x0}
	oldsp = (jsval *) 0x0
	sp = (jsval *) 0x91d73a0
	mark = (void *) 0x91d7394
	i = 0
	ok = 1
#9  0x4004b7af in JS_CallFunctionValue (cx=0x8879630, obj=0x8a3dbc8, 
    fval=144956640, argc=1, argv=0xbfffe840, rval=0xbfffe7d8)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/js/src/jsapi.c:2790
	cx = (JSContext *) 0x8879630
#10 0x4035bc9e in nsJSContext::CallEventHandler (this=0x880f400, 
    aTarget=0x8a3dbc8, aHandler=0x8a3dce0, argc=1, argv=0xbfffe840, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/dom/src/base/nsJSEnvironment.cpp:562
	aBoolResult = (PRBool *) 0x0
	rv = 0
	securityManager = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x81d5730}, <No data fields>}
	funval = 144956640
	fun = (struct JSFunction *) 0xbfffe800
	ok = 1
	stack = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x81a4298}, <No data fields>}
	kungFuDeathGrip = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x880f400}, <No data fields>}
	val = 1077891112
#11 0x4038a49f in nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent (this=0x8846a58, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/dom/src/events/nsJSEventListener.cpp:128
	funval = 144956640
	argv = {144956648}
	eventObj = (struct JSObject *) 0x8a3dce8
	eventChars = 0x8ef1c30 "submit"
	eventString = {<nsString> = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 8, mCapacity = 63, 
      mCharSize = eTwoByte, mOwnsBuffer = 0, {mStr = 0xbfffe86c "o", 
        mUStr = 0xbfffe86c}}, _vptr. = 0x4011c6a0}, 
  mBuffer =
	cx = (struct JSContext *) 0x8879630
	obj = (struct JSObject *) 0x8a3dbc8
	result = 0
	jsBoolResult = 1077306829
#12 0x40b8636a in nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType (this=0x8846a18, 
    aListenerStruct=0x8dcb620, aDOMEvent=0x8a47e2c, aSubType=4, aPhaseFlags=7)
	aPhaseFlags = 0
	result = 0
#13 0x40b86ff2 in nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent (this=0x8846a18, 
    aPresContext=0x8d63d10, aEvent=0xbfffebc8, aDOMEvent=0xbfffeb44, aFlags=7, 
	correctSubType = 0
	subType = 0
	ls = (nsListenerStruct *) 0x8dcb620
	mFormListener = (nsIDOMFormListener *) 0x0
	i = 0
	aPresContext = (nsIPresContext *) 0x8dcb620
	ret = 0
	kungFuDeathGrip = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x8846a18}, <No data fields>}
#14 0x40d33e20 in nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent (this=0x88bcaec, 
    aPresContext=0x8d63d10, aEvent=0xbfffebc8, aDOMEvent=0x0, aFlags=1, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/layout/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:1009
aDOMEvent = (nsIDOMEvent **) 0xbfffeb44
	ret = 0
	domEvent = (nsIDOMEvent *) 0x8a47e2c
#15 0x40bfed9f in nsHTMLInputElement::HandleDOMEvent (this=0x88bcac8, 
    aPresContext=0x8d63d10, aEvent=0xbfffebc8, aDOMEvent=0x0, aFlags=1, 
	this = (nsHTMLInputElement *) 0x88bcac8
	aEventStatus = (nsEventStatus *) 0xbfffebc4
	disabled = 0
	rv = 0
	ret = 1074655233
#16 0x40c73038 in nsEnderEventListener::Blur (this=0x88ec700, aEvent=0x88a21bc)
	status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore
	event = {<nsGUIEvent> = {<nsEvent> = {eventStructType = 6 '\006', 
      message = 1202, point = {x = 1076890320, y = -1073746940}, refPoint = {
        x = 1085853959, y = 144819928}, time = 1088249048, flags = 1}, 
    widget = 0x0, nativeMsg = 0xbfffec04}, isShift = 0, isControl = 0, 
  isAlt = 0, isMeta = 0}
	currentValue = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 7, mCapacity = 64, 
    mCharSize = eTwoByte, mOwnsBuffer = 1, {mStr = 0x8a39d70 "b", 
      mUStr = 0x8a39d70}}, _vptr. = 0x4011c6c0}
	aEvent = (nsIDOMEvent *) 0x0
	uiEvent = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x88a21bc}, <No data fields>}
#17 0x40b86d78 in nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent (this=0x8e49508, 
    aPresContext=0x8a1c6d8, aEvent=0xbfffede4, aDOMEvent=0xbfffecec, aFlags=7, 
	ls = (nsListenerStruct *) 0x8c63668
	mFocusListener = (nsIDOMFocusListener *) 0x88ec70c
	i = 0
	aPresContext = (nsIPresContext *) 0x8c63668
	ret = 0
	kungFuDeathGrip = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x8e49508}, <No data fields>}
#18 0x40d26472 in nsDocument::HandleDOMEvent (this=0x88fbe48, 
    aPresContext=0x8a1c6d8, aEvent=0xbfffede4, aDOMEvent=0x0, aFlags=1, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/layout/base/src/nsDocument.cpp:2473
	aEvent = (nsEvent *) 0xbfffede4
	aDOMEvent = (nsIDOMEvent **) 0xbfffecec
	mRet = 0
	mDOMEvent = (nsIDOMEvent *) 0x88a21bc
#19 0x40b8c8bd in nsEventStateManager::SendFocusBlur (this=0x8429618, 
    aPresContext=0x8d63d10, aContent=0x88c0160)
	status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore
	event = {eventStructType = 1 '\001', message = 1301, point = {
    x = 1301, y = 1087585920}, refPoint = {x = 149423312, y = 148258064}, 
  time = 3221222068, flags = 1}
	esm = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x8facf18}, <No data fields>}
	temp = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x88fbe48}, <No data fields>}
	globalObject = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x890456c}, <No data fields>}
	presShell = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x8ee1a80}, <No data fields>}
	currentFocusFrame = (nsIFrame *) 0xbffff2b4
	gfxFrame = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0xbfffef90}, <No data fields>}
#20 0x40b8c27f in nsEventStateManager::SetContentState (this=0x8429618, 
    aContent=0x88c0160, aState=2)
	aContent = (nsIContent *) 0x88c0160
	notifyContent = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}
	doc = (nsIDocument *) 0xbfffee5c
	from = (nsIContent **) 0x88c0160
	to = (nsIContent **) 0xbfffee58
	end = (nsIContent **) 0x0
#21 0x40bfe9c4 in nsHTMLInputElement::SetFocus (this=0x88c0150, 
	this = (nsHTMLInputElement *) 0x88c0150
	esm = (nsIEventStateManager *) 0x8429618
	disabled = {<nsString> = {<nsStr> = {mLength = 3221221076, 
      mCapacity = 3221221028, mCharSize = 1087113227, mOwnsBuffer = 145909232, 
      {mStr = 0x81ebb00 "à¸\021@%\001", mUStr = 0x81ebb00}}, 
    _vptr. = 0xbfffeed4}, 
  mBuffer =
	formControlFrame = (nsIFormControlFrame *) 0x40b9aa8b
	rv = 1088103424
#22 0x40b8b264 in nsEventStateManager::ChangeFocus (this=0x8429618, 
    aFocusContent=0x88c0160, aTargetFrame=0x8e66518, aSetFocus=1)
	context = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x90b95c8}, <No data fields>}
	aFocusContent = (nsIContent *) 0x0
	focusChange = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x88c0168}, <No data fields>}
#23 0x40b89c41 in nsEventStateManager::PostHandleEvent (this=0x8429618, 
    aPresContext=0x8d63d10, aEvent=0xbffff2b4, aTargetFrame=0x8e66518, 
    aStatus=0xbffff1c0, aView=0x8fb3558)
	current = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x88c0160}, <No data fields>}
	content = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x88c0160}, <No data fields>}
	newFocus = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x88c0160}, <No data fields>}
	focusable = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x88c0168}, <No data fields>}
	ret = 0
	state = 52
#24 0x40bbd590 in PresShell::HandleEvent (this=0x8ee1a80, aView=0x8fb3558, 
    aEvent=0xbffff2b4, aEventStatus=0xbffff1c0)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsPresShell.cpp:3029
manager = (nsIEventStateManager *) 0x8429618
	focusContent = (nsIContent *) 0x0
	this = (PresShell *) 0x8ee1a80
	clientData = (void *) 0x8e15ef0
	frame = (nsIFrame *) 0x8e15ef0
	rv = 0
#25 0x40e9ab04 in nsView::HandleEvent (this=0x8fb3558, event=0xbffff2b4, 
    aEventFlags=8, aStatus=0xbffff1c0, aHandled=@0xbffff154)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/view/src/nsView.cpp:798
	event = (nsGUIEvent *) 0xbffff2b4
	obs = (nsIViewObserver *) 0x8ee1a84
#26 0x40e9aab0 in nsView::HandleEvent (this=0x89b6400, event=0xbffff2b4, 
    aEventFlags=8, aStatus=0xbffff1c0, aHandled=@0xbffff154)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/view/src/nsView.cpp:782
	pKid = (nsIView *) 0x8fb3558
	cnt = 0
	numkids = 1
	trect = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 10620, height = 13725}
	x = 1500
	y = 5475
	event = (nsGUIEvent *) 0xbffff2b4
	obs = (nsIViewObserver *) 0x8ee1a84
#27 0x40e9aab0 in nsView::HandleEvent (this=0x88a7b98, event=0xbffff2b4, 
    aEventFlags=28, aStatus=0xbffff1c0, aHandled=@0xbffff154)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/view/src/nsView.cpp:782
	pKid = (nsIView *) 0x89b6400
	cnt = 0
	numkids = 3
	trect = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 10575, height = 9270}
	x = 1500
	y = 5475
	event = (nsGUIEvent *) 0xbffff2b4
	obs = (nsIViewObserver *) 0x8ee1a84
#28 0x40ea7e9a in nsViewManager2::DispatchEvent (this=0x8fba080, 
    aEvent=0xbffff2b4, aStatus=0xbffff1c0)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/view/src/nsViewManager2.cpp:1214
	p2t = 15
	t2p = 0.0666666701
	handled = 0
	baseView = (nsIView *) 0x89b6400
	view = (nsIView *) 0x88a7b98
	offset = {x = 0, y = 0}
	sb = (nsIScrollbar *) 0x0
	aEvent = (nsGUIEvent *) 0xbffff2b4
#29 0x40e9965d in HandleEvent (aEvent=0xbffff2b4)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/view/src/nsView.cpp:68
	vm = (nsIViewManager *) 0x8fba080
	aEvent = (nsGUIEvent *) 0xbffff2b4
	result = nsEventStatus_eIgnore
	view = (nsIView *) 0x40bef244
#30 0x40497f1a in nsWidget::DispatchEvent (this=0x8e2c0f8, aEvent=0xbffff2b4, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/widget/src/gtk/nsWidget.cpp:1416
	this = (nsWidget *) 0x8e2c0f8
	aEvent = (nsGUIEvent *) 0xbffff2b4
#31 0x40497e45 in nsWidget::DispatchWindowEvent (this=0x8e2c0f8, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/widget/src/gtk/nsWidget.cpp:1307
	this = (nsWidget *) 0x8e2c0f8
	status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore
#32 0x40497fa0 in nsWidget::DispatchMouseEvent (this=0x8e2c0f8, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/widget/src/gtk/nsWidget.cpp:1443
	this = (nsWidget *) 0x8e2c0f8
	result = 0
#33 0x40498bca in nsWidget::OnButtonPressSignal (this=0x8e2c0f8, 
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/widget/src/gtk/nsWidget.cpp:2077
	aGdkButtonEvent = (GdkEventButton *) 0x8270370
	event = {<nsInputEvent> = {<nsGUIEvent> = {<nsEvent> = {
        eventStructType = 8 '\b', message = 302, point = {x = 1500, y = 5475}, 
        refPoint = {x = 100, y = 365}, time = 3186747442, flags = 0}, 
      widget = 0x8e2c0f8, nativeMsg = 0x8270370}, isShift = 0, isControl = 0, 
    isAlt = 0, isMeta = 0}, clickCount = 1, acceptActivation = 1078575730}
	scrollEvent = {<nsInputEvent> = {<nsGUIEvent> = {<nsEvent> = {
        eventStructType = 148 '\224', message = 3221222028, point = {
          x = 1078571012, y = 149078264}, refPoint = {x = 1078675604, 
          y = -1073745164}, time = 1078559756, flags = 149078264}, 
      widget = 0x404b4894, nativeMsg = 0x0}, isShift = 136774512, 
    isControl = 1076889280, isAlt = 365, isMeta = 0}, deltaLines = -1073806465}
	eventType = 302
#34 0x4049c33f in nsWindow::HandleGDKEvent (this=0x8e2c0f8, event=0x8270370)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/widget/src/gtk/nsWindow.cpp:1072
	event = (GdkEvent *) 0x8270370
#35 0x4048e5aa in handle_gdk_event (event=0x8270370, data=0x0)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/widget/src/gtk/nsGtkEventHandler.cpp:816
	window = (nsWindow *) 0x8e2c0f8
	current_grab = (GtkWidget *) 0x0
	object = (GtkObject *) 0x8e7aa60
	event_time = 0
#36 0x405f14db in gdk_event_dispatch () from /usr/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#37 0x40621186 in g_main_dispatch () from /usr/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#38 0x40621751 in g_main_iterate () from /usr/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#39 0x406218f1 in g_main_run () from /usr/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#40 0x405465f9 in gtk_main () from /usr/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#41 0x4048646a in nsAppShell::Run (this=0x8106790)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/widget/src/gtk/nsAppShell.cpp:304
	this = (nsAppShell *) 0x8106790
#42 0x40425f62 in nsAppShellService::Run (this=0x8123d50)
	this = (nsAppShellService *) 0x0
#43 0x804ae3c in main1 (argc=1, argv=0xbffff664, splashScreen=0x0)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp:769
	rv = 0
	needAutoreg = 0
	cmdLineArgs = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x8123be0}, <No data fields>}
	appShell = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x8123d50}, <No data fields>}
	profileMgr = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x8172c98}, <No data fields>}
	currentProfileStr = {mBuf = 0x8194878 "mozProfile", mBufOwner = 1, 
  _vptr. = 0x4011ceb4}
	expired = 0
	timeBomb = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x81bf2e8}, <No data fields>}
	walletService = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x8207690}, <No data fields>}
#44 0x804b16c in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff664)
    at /u/dmose/s/browser-main/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp:889
	rv = 0
	splash = (nsISplashScreen *) 0x0
	dosplash = 0
	result = 134544488
	clipService = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
    mRawPtr = 0x401e87e0}, <No data fields>}
eric, could you take a look?
Assignee: rods → pollmann
Could the reported of this bug please attach a testcase or test url?  I can not
begin looking at this until then.
Whiteboard: need testcase
This crash happened while I was poking around 
Unfortunately, there's no obvious way of reproducing it on demand, which is one
of the reasons I included all the stack data in the original report, in the
hopes that this might suggest to you what's going on.
Thanks, that will help.  I just looked over your stack info, thanks - that's a
lot more info than a stack trace usually includes!  :)  I guess I could even
have gotten the URL from it if I had been paying attention.
No problem.  In case you need the extra info the future, the way to make gdb
spit all this out is with "where full" rather than just "where".
Crasher - setting milestone to M16 and accepting.
Priority: P3 → P1
Target Milestone: --- → M16
Adding crash keyword.
Keywords: crash
The fix I came up with is this:

    if (!docURL) return NS_OK; // No base URL -> exit early, see Bug 30721

If we can't get a base URL (never seen this before), then I have to guess this 
happened in a page that was being destroyed and there was some race condition 
like bug 28988.  If the page is being destroyed, it was most likely a 
javascript submit action that failed to return false.  We really don't want to 
submit the form in that case anyway.  I'll add this check for null to be safe.  
Whiteboard: need testcase → fix in hand
Marking nsbeta2 just to be safe, but sounds like pollmann's got this completely
under control anyway. Way to go Eric!
Keywords: nsbeta2
Fix checked in.  Though I couldn't reproduce the crash, you can verify that if 
docURL was null, it would cause a crash one line 748 before and now it will 
instead exit on line 726 and not crash:
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Eric, you mentioned you could grab the URL from the stack?  Would it be possible 
to do that and add the url to this bug?  I'll verify it and take it of the living 
bug arena...thanks dude!  -ckritzer
Whiteboard: fix in hand → fix in hand; 070700: request engineer input
The URL in the stack above is:
Hope that helps, thanks!
Since a) this isn't a reliable crasher and b) Pollman says he fixed it:
- MacOS9 2000-07-14-11-M17 Commercial
- Linux6 2000-07-14-21-M17 Commercial
- Win98  2000-07-14-09-M17 Commercial
Depends on: 366157
No longer depends on: 366157
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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