Closed Bug 31071 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Machine crashes each time I launch it.


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)

Mac System 9.x


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: katie, Assigned: asa)


(Keywords: crash)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 (Macintosh; U; PPC) BuildID: mozilla-mac-M14-FC The Mozilla Browser I downloaded crashes each and every time I launch it. All I get to is the pretty Mozilla picture with the fire-breathing dragon. Nothing else happens - the machine is frozen and I have to push the reset button. The release I downloaded is called Mozilla-mac-M14-FC. I have a Mac G4/450. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Launch the Browser 2. 3. Actual Results: The pretty picture with the fire-breathing dragon appears in the center of my screen and nothing else happens - In fact nothing else can happen because the machine is frozen. Expected Results: It should have launched the browser and allowed me to start web surfing I suppose this bug has already been reported since I'm sure I'm not the first G4 Mozilla user. Since both Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer both work on this machine I have a hard time understanding how it's a problem with my machine in particular.
addcrash keyword
Keywords: crash what's the name of your hard drive? could it be related to this bug? responded to my bug report concerning Mozilla crashing my Mac/G4 asking about the name of my hard drive. I'm not at my G4 - so I can't tell you the exact name of my hard drive. I'm pretty sure that I haven't renamed it from its default - which is something like Macintosh HD. Also, I can't seem to view Bug 31281 - Tells me I don't have permission. (Yes, I am logged in.) So, can't tell if it's pertinent or not. can you try a new build. Also were youable to get the name of your hard drive?
My hard drive has the default name : "Macintosh HD". I'd be happy to try a new build - just send me the pointer to the particulars.
New builds available from: Gerv
reporter - are you still seeing this? thanks (Asa Dotzler) taking ownership of Browser General bugs. New QA Contact is (Joseph Elwell). Sorry for the spam.
Assignee: cbegle → asadotzler
QA Contact: asadotzler → jelwell
reporter M14 is very old is this still occuring on current builds?
Marking WORKSFORME due to lack of input from reporter, and because Moz generally works on the Mac at the moment :-) Gerv
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Sorry for the spam. New QA Contact for Browser General. Thanks for your help Joseph (good luck with the new job) and welcome aboard Doron Rosenberg
QA Contact: jelwell → doronr
#SPAM Verifing worksforme because.
OS: Mac System 9.x
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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