Open Bug 312212 Opened 19 years ago Updated 8 years ago

Implement the ability to filter groups in editgroups.cgi based on products they currently apply to


(Bugzilla :: Administration, task)

Not set





(Reporter: hacksaw, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050715 Firefox/1.0.6 SUSE/1.0.6-4.3
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050715 Firefox/1.0.6 SUSE/1.0.6-4.3

The listing of groups, being a long alphabetic list, is not in the optimal order.

Products are an obvious group, but so is classification, since some folks will
have rights to everything in a classification.

I'd suggest the order be:

Classification A
  Classification A's products
Classification B
Miscellaneous User created groups
System groups

Reproducible: Always
what are you talking about? URLs please.
In editgroups.cgi:

You just get a listing of all the groups in alphabetical order.

It'd be much nicer to get a listing broken down by classification:product:component, alphabetical within the category.

In fact, in general it'd be nice if things paid more attention to the classifications.
Groups may be unrelated to products, or may be shared by several products. Not sure it would be more obvious to find groups you are looking for.
Well, certainly the system groups should be separated. After that, maybe there could be a few organization schemes. For my particular usage, the first thing is to break things down along classification lines. In fact, that'd be just about all I need.

So, you'd have two major sections: Each classification group, in alphabetic order, with groups belonging to more than one classification being listed in every applicable classification, and groups belonging to no particular classification.

To give you an idea of where I'm coming from, we have about 8 classifications, each of which might have 8-10 products, each of which might have 4-8 components. A few have many more than that, and some have just one.

The need to compare bugs notwithtanding, the vast majority of usage could be confined within a classification. The main reason I didn't separate them onto different servers is that techniques and code are often reused, and people move from one project to another as needs dictate.
Sorting by classification or products won't work, for the reason I described in comment 3. A better alterntive is to let the admin filter groups based on products they apply to, as we did for flagtypes.
Summary: Regroup groups: Group listings hard to hunt through. → Implement the ability to filter groups in editgroups.cgi based on products they currently apply to
Flags: needinfo?(default-qa)
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