Closed Bug 31234 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Run apps using relative installation name, not creator sig


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: samir_bugzilla, Assigned: samir_bugzilla)



(Whiteboard: [PDT+])

Currently the [RunAppX] section requires the target app creator type as a 
parameter.  This parameter should be changed to be the target app's name 
as a path relative to the installation root.

"Target App Creator Type" should changeto "Target App".
Target Milestone: M16
Simon, Cathleen, JJ,
Please feel free to nominate this for beta1 if you'll feel this is worthy since 
I have heard some of you'll express the same.  Thanks.
*** Bug 31761 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
nominating for beta 1.

The effect of not getting this bug fixed is that we will not be able to launch 
"netscape -installer" on the mac after installation.  This means:
1) we will not be able to do the first-time startup on Mac during installation
2) we will not be able to send Mac users to netcenter registration
3) component.reg will not be generated, and it will be a very bad performance 
experience for Mac users on their first-time startup.

The problem is due to the fact that normally on Mac machines, we rely on file 
creator to associate application to certain files.  Our Mac Install Wizard is 
doing exactly that, but the problem is, if a user has 4.x or any versions of 
Navigator installed on his machine, we will end up launching their older version 
of browser with -installer parameter, instead of mozilla based Navigator.

The fix is to have Mac Installer specify the exact path of seamonkey.  Installer 
knows exactly where seamonkey has just been installed.  Change is trivial
Keywords: beta1
And the profile migration feature will be completely missed on the Mac.
Reviewed fix in hand.  Will check in to the trunk as soon as it opens.  Still 
seeking PDT+ approval for beta1 branch.
Putting on PDT+ radar for beta1.
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
Adding german to CC: list per phone call in which he was curious about this issue.

German noted that a side-effect of this issue, that the AppleScripts from 4.5 to
launch browser | mail for an individual profile are launching Seamonkey instead
of a 4.x browser, and correspondingly, they don't work.

(Simon suggested that Seamonkey pop up an alert when launched via one of these
AppleScripts; I can break this into a separate RFE.)

sfraser, please correct me if I've mangled what you siad.

--- elig falling asleep at the keyboard
Strange. These applescript also rely on a full path to find the copy of 
Communicator to launch. If it doesn't find the app in the said location, it's 
throwing a dialog asking the user to edit the script and update the file path in 
If this is what German did, and actually pointed the script to Mozilla/Netscape6 
location, then it's only doing what it's been told to do!

-- Let's take this off-topic discussion out of here.
Target Milestone: M16 → M15
Fix in trunk and nscp_beta1_BRANCH (config.ini_tmpl updated for mozilla and 
commercial trunks and nscp_beta1_BRANCHes -- 4 places!).
Marking it fixed might help :)
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
build 2000032005 beta and 2000032010 trunk
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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