Closed Bug 324789 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

[trunk] Close buttons on tabs: new prefs don't seem to work


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: ria.klaassen, Unassigned)



When there are more than 7 tabs on the tabbar, the close crosses on the inactive tabs disappear. When I make a new pref called browser.tabs.minTabWidth and I set it to an integer value of 30, this makes no difference. The crosses still disappear when there are more than 7 tabs. I tried also the other pref: when I set browser.tabs.disableBackgroundClose to true, the close crosses on background tabs don't disappear, even if I restart the browser. Tried with 1.9a1_2006012517 build.
The pref is likely not called minTabWidth, read bug 308396 comment #48.
browser.tabs.tabClipWidth is working now, pfff, thanks. Still struggling with browser.tabs.disableBackgroundClose which was present in about:config so it's not possible that I added an invisible space by accident :?
Summary: [trunk] Close crosses on tabs: new prefs don't seem to work → [trunk] Close buttons on tabs: new prefs don't seem to work
The disable background close pref just prevents a background tab from being closed by clicking on the close button in the background. If you click on a close button in the background the tab is focused and then you need to click on the close button again to close the tab. I was under the same impression you were the first time I played with the pref. It took me a little while to figure out what the pref did.
I that case the riddles are resolved and the bug can be closed.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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