Closed Bug 330553 Opened 18 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Show link in statusbar when hovering over a trigger with a load


(Core Graveyard :: XForms, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: allan, Unassigned)



(1 file)

1.23 KB, application/xhtml+xml
If you use a trigger + load then you lack the "normally expected" link in the statusbar, like when you use an a tag.

This might be troublesome to make work, at least in the general case, so this might be WONTFIX.

One of the problems is that a trigger might contain any number of action elements, including multiple loads. Inside action tags, etc. etc. So as a start, if there are more than one load -- which one should we show? And if we choose the first one, the form author can trick the user by having:
  <xf:label>Click me and win a zillion bucks</xf:label>
  <xf:load src=""/>
  <xf:load src="" ev:event="DOMActivate"/>

So maybe we could bind behaviour only to
trigger > label + load[ev|event="DOMActivate"]

Ideas and suggestions are welcome. This is just a brainstom from my part...
Attached file Testcase
(In reply to comment #0)
> If you use a trigger + load then you lack the "normally expected" link in the
> statusbar, like when you use an a tag.
> This might be troublesome to make work, at least in the general case, so this
> might be WONTFIX.
> One of the problems is that a trigger might contain any number of action
> elements, including multiple loads. Inside action tags, etc. etc. So as a
> start, if there are more than one load -- which one should we show? And if we
> choose the first one, the form author can trick the user by having:
> <xf:trigger>
>   <xf:label>Click me and win a zillion bucks</xf:label>
>   <xf:load src=""/>
>   <xf:load src="" ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
> </xf:trigger>
> So maybe we could bind behaviour only to
> trigger > label + load[ev|event="DOMActivate"]
> ?
> Ideas and suggestions are welcome. This is just a brainstom from my part...

A useful feature, but like you said...tough to make work well for every scenario.  Also, we'd have to look for ev:event="click" handlers too, right?
There is one more issue when xforms are used not in the browser but as separate application.
(In reply to comment #3)
> There is one more issue when xforms are used not in the browser but as separate
> application.

As long as it has window.statusbar ... or whatever the object is called, that will be solved by this too then.
Assignee: aaronr → xforms
RIP xforms
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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