Closed Bug 336354 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Need NSIS installed on gaius and pacifica


(Webtools Graveyard :: Tinderbox, enhancement)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: benjamin, Unassigned)




For bug 326580, which will be part of firefox2a2, we need NSIS 2.16 installed on the Firefox tinderboxen for trunk and 1.8 branch which build installers, which means gaius and pacifica.

The PATH needs to be updated to include C:\Program Files\NSIS (or wherever NSIS is installed).
Why not import a copy of NSIS into cvs like we do with sqlite?
For now we are just going to install it to keep things simple and if we find a need to do so I am sure we will. Also, NSIS uses scons which can take a bit to get used to and setup or would take a bit of time we don't have to convert.
OK, well... I guess the problem I am looking to solve is to make it easy for others to generate an installer build.  Documentation on how to install NSIS and use it to generate an installer build is another fine solution.
I'll put docs up, but it's going to be basically "Run the NSIS installer", "add C:\Program Files\NSIS to your PATH".
Does cerberus need to be added to this list? It used to do the l10n builds for
both trunk and branch, though it seems to be down right now.
This is done on gaius and pacifica, I am going to go ahead and set it up on the VM equivalents as well (they are running in parallel, but VM builds are not pushing nightly builds).

To comment #6 - I don't think we should need NSIS installed on the l10n tinderboxes, however I doubt that the tinderbox repackaging will work with NSIS without any other changes. This needs more investigation.
I actually expect that we will need NSIS installed on the repackaging boxen, but the scripts to do repackaging aren't in place yet so it's not a big deal immediately. I'll coordinate this with you when the scripts are ready.
Here's a little more detail on the installation process:

* download NSIS 2.17 from
* default install
* add "C:\Program Files\NSIS" to PATH in System->Advanced->Environment Variables
* verify path in new shell ("which NSIS")
* restart tinderbox in new shell (to pick up PATH change)

This was done on gaius, pacifica, gaius-vm and pacifica-vm.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Tinderbox Configuration → Tinderbox
Product: → Webtools
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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