Closed Bug 33715 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Message to large number of recipients "hangs" mail


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)

Windows 95


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gerv, Assigned: Bienvenu)



(5 files)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win95; U)
BuildID:    20000328

I recently received a message with 574 people in the To: field. I access my 
mailbox via IMAP. With that message in, Mail sits at the "Opening Folder..." 
stage for as long as you care to wait. Deleting the message reenables access to 
the folder. It doesn't hang as such, it just sits there thinking.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Send yourself such a message
2. Try and access your mailbox

Actual Results:  No access

Expected Results:  Access :-)

I will attach the mail message, although getting it back into the right place in 
a Moz install may be non-trivial. However, apart from the large number of 
recipients, there doesn't seem much odd about it.

It seems to have found some limitations in NS 4.x's HTML exporter though, as the 
export doesn't seem to have worked too well. I will attach as both HTML and TXT.

If you would like the message forwarding to a given mailbox, let me know.

Critical because if Moz was your only browser, a dodgy e-mail could deny you 
access to your mailbox.
Can you turn on IMAP logging and attach a log file?
to be clear, we're talking about mozilla here, right,  not 4.7?
Yes. Take a look at the build ID reported.  I think the reporter is using 4.7 to 
export the msg since he can't access the message in 5.0.
The attachment is the result of turning in IMAP logging, zapping profile, 
rebooting, importing NS 4.x profile (which is what I always do for my IMAP 
settings). I then used NS 4.7 to move the offending message back into my INBOX, 
and fired up Mail. It did the normal thing of getting stuck on "Opening 
Folder...". When I pressed STOP, it displayed every message apart from the dodgy 
one. However, selecting one of these for display resulted in getting stuck 
again. I then pressed STOP and quit Mail.

In both cases, I waited over a minute. Note that the message display pane didn't 
repaint during the time it was attempting to display the message - it contained 
whatever was in that area of screen before Mail, if you see what I mean.

Attached file IMAP log of problem
I'll take this - I thought I already had it. Maybe it's a dup.
Assignee: selmer → bienvenu
Marking M17.  If this is a beta2 stopper, please adjust.
Target Milestone: --- → M17
I'm also able to recreate this problem. Please see:

My IMAP log file ends with:
1100[1bbe018]: Syntax Error: %s: * 
38 FETCH (UID 6780 RFC822.SIZE 672 FLAGS (\Seen) ENVELOPE ("Fri, 17 Mar 2000 
15:58:20 +0100" "Den =?iso-8859-1?Q?V=E6ge

Running Win2k on build 2000040708

URL: None
QA Contact: lchiang → huang
*** Bug 35153 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Leaf - adding you to cc: list.  David thinks this is the bug that you're running 
into on your system.
it looks to me like the server is never returning data when I request the 
envelope for this message with the netscape 4.x server.
I'm also able to reproduce this on Exchange:
Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1-server version 5.5.2232.11
the log looks like it's from a UW server. So, if UW, MS Exchange, and Netscape 
4.x all generate the (null) response, maybe there's some problem in necko or 
we're supposed to be able to handle null responses?
i tried entering the envelope command directly to our 4.x server, and I did get 
a response, so it doesn't look like a server problem. Looks like either necko or 
the imap code is not happy with the single 23K line that comes back. I don't 
know how it could be the imap code, but I'll look into it.
looks like a bug in char * nsMsgLineStreamBuffer::ReadNextLine(nsIInputStream * 
aInputStream, PRUint32 &aNumBytesInLine, PRBool &aPauseForMoreData)

It doesn't handle the case of a line larger than the line buffer, which is 4K. I 
don't know why it doesn't just grow the buffer - I'll fix it.
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
fix checked in.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Still not working in my 20000424.

Still getting this error on mail with many recipients:
1092[20ba4f0]: Syntax Error: %s: * 48 
FETCH (UID 7592 RFC822.SIZE 2425 FLAGS (\Seen) ENVELOPE ("Thu, 22 Apr 1999 
21:25:27 -0700 (PDT)" "anyone want a sate

Resolution: FIXED → ---
This now (2000428) WORKSFORME using the original problem e-mail.

I'm still unable to check my mail with Mozilla because of this bug. I'm using 
2000042808 and the bug is still there. So no worksforme...:(
Are you sure it's this bug you are seeing? It would only be this bug if you 
_could_ access your mail with Mozilla when you had moved the message(s) with 
lots of recipients out of your INBOX. If you still can't, then it's a different 
bug, and not this one ;-)

After I moved all the mails with multiple recipients from my INBOX my IMAP log 
generates no more error. When I move them back, I get the error.

So it is this bug...:)

And it's the same error all the time: INBOX:PARSER:Internal Syntax Error

On of the mails it chokes on has 3 recipients...
it's not the same bug - it's a different bug. If what didn't use to work for 
gervase now works as the result of a code change, then this bug is fixed. Note 
that your problem message only has two recipients, more evidence that it's not 
the same bug.
Should I file another bugm since "my" bug renders using Mozilla Mail impossible. 
After I get the PARSER:Internal Syntax Error it's impossible to view any mails.
Yes :-) Thanks.

Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The new bug filed by Henrik is:
From Gervase's IMAP log, this bug is originally logged for UW IMAP server (not 
MS Exchange IMAP server)
David is right that this bug is different as bug 35153 (different as Henrik's 
MS Exchange IMAP server).
Gervase, since from 04-29 your comments that this bug was work for you after 
David fixed...actually this bug is also passed from my test....but I need to 
confirm with you -- Is this bug logged for "attaching" the mail message with the 
574 recipients(not sending to 574 recipients), right? If Yes. then please reply 
on this bug... so I can mark as verified for this bug now. Thanks.
This bug was logged because it was impossible to open my INBOX when this message 
(with the large number of recipients) was in it. If I moved it out using other 
software, it all worked. Move it back in, and it stopped working.

Does that answer your question?

I did notice from your log that your IMAP server directory was setting for Mail/ 
(Jeff fixed that bug recently)
I would like to know whether this problem also fixed with Mail/ directory from 
UW IMAP sever.
Can you try again by using the latest build with this original problem? Thanks.
Sadly, I have since deleted the mail that was causing the problem (because this 
bug was marked FIXED, I thought I wouldn't need it). So I am not immediately 
able to reproduce the conditions which caused the problem.

Verified on 07-24-09-M17 Win98 commercial build
I can read this message with large number of recipients without hang now. 
Marking as verified.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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