Open Bug 342832 Opened 18 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Change how keywords and similar multi select items are presented


(Bugzilla :: Query/Bug List, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: timeless, Unassigned)




1. run a query like,bugs.bug_id
2. change your columns to:
ID  	 Keywords  	 Summary
3. sort by keywords because you want to sort by mlk, then crash, then coverity.

Note that in 3 you're trying to explicitly violate any alphabetical order imaginable.

Expected results: this should be possible.

[this is of course slightly problematic]
I think the way to offer columns is based on the keywords that are actually present in the result list (similarly for flags). Otherwise the list of columns to show in the changecolumns view will have 150 keywords and another 150 flags which would be really bad. If someone actually wants to sort on a keyword or flag, they should find a query that actually results in that keyword or flag :). (Expert users are allowed to hack urls to specify a keyword/flag).

Expected results
A. change list for my query:

(this is not designed to be viewed in a proportionally spaced font, if you're using a web browser or a clever mail reader, copy to your favorite notepad.)

Change Columns

Select the columns you wish to appear in your bug lists. Note that this feature requires cookies to work.
[ ] Alias
[ ] Opened
[ ] Changed
[ ] Severity
[ ] Priority
[ ] Hardware
[ ] Assignee
[ ] Assignee Realname
[ ] Reporter
[ ] Reporter Realname
[ ] Status
[ ] Resolution
[ ] Product
[ ] Component
[ ] Version
[ ] OS
[ ] Votes
[ ] Target Milestone
[ ] QA Contact
[ ] QA Contact Realname
[ ] Whiteboard
-*- Keywords
 | ALL            |
 | aviary-landing |
 | coverity       |
 | crash          |
 |>fixed1.8.0.4  <|
 |>fixed1.8.0.5  <|
 |>fixed1.8.1    <|
 |>helpwanted    <|
 |>mlk           <|
[ ] Full Summary
[ ] Summary (first 60 characters)

Normal headers (prettier)
Stagger headers (often makes list more compact) 

[ Change Columns ]
[ Reset to Bugzilla Default ]
Whiteboard: [good first bug]
Flags: documentation+
Flags: documentation+

Removing good-first-bug keyword because team does not have bandwidth to mentor at the moment.

Keywords: good-first-bug

Removing outreachy because team does not have bandwidth to mentor this cycle.

Keywords: outreachy
Whiteboard: [good first bug]
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