Open Bug 344619 Opened 18 years ago Updated 17 years ago

Add links for most common tasks where appropriate (aka "makes Bugzilla more friendly to end-users")


(Bugzilla :: User Interface, enhancement)

Not set




(Reporter: LpSolit, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [roadmap: 4.0])

We have by far too many requests on IRC about how to protect a bug ("We have some bugs in product Foo which we would like to make private, but I don't know where to look."), or how to prevent users to create accounts themselves ("I have looked in editusers.cgi, but I couldn't find anything. Isn't editusers.cgi about related stuff?? Where should I look?"), or even some obvious queries a user would want to run ("I would like to see bugs I opened. Also important bugs.").

There is definitely progress to do in "guessing" what a user might want to do, based on his privs.

I think the benefit of these links would be larger than the disavantage of seeing them. And we could even imagine a user pref to disable these "common tasks links/helper" if the user is such an expert than he could write the URL directly in the address bar.
Marc added some links pointing to the documentation when a user was getting some errors thrown by Throw*Error(). I could also imagine a helper (displaying most common tasks as well as links pointing to specific doc) e.g. in our top navbar (or maybe even on the left or right side of the page) when reaching some given page.
Whiteboard: [roadmap: 3.2]
(In reply to comment #1)
> most common tasks as well as links pointing to specific doc) e.g. in our top

The doc part is covered by bug 182083.
Depends on: 182083
Whiteboard: [roadmap: 3.2] → [roadmap: 4.0]
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