Closed Bug 345038 Opened 19 years ago Closed 18 years ago

"Reload All Tabs" sometimes forgets scroll position


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alqahira, Unassigned)


If I reload an individual tab, it always remembers my scroll position when reloading the page. Sometimes, however, "Reload All Tabs" forgets the previous scroll position on one or more tabs (e.g., if I'm scrolled to the bottom in all tabs beforehand, after reload some tabs are at the top of the page instead). I can't repro this at will, and when I can repro, it seems to be one or more, but not all, tabs that are affected. No idea what causes it.... I assume we're just calling regular "reload" on each tab in sequence, right?
Does this happen with the same page as all tabs? i.e., could some of the pages that are being loaded have a no-cache header causing us to not cache the location? That's the only time I've seen the page position not remembered on reload.
Yes, reload all tabs just calls regular "reload" on each tab. However. Due to some alternative methods of calling reload all tabs (tab context menus, for instance), it checks for the shift key's state using the same buggy method that caused bug 333765 (and related bugs). This means that if you hold shift, open the view menu, release shift, then select "reload all tabs" (hitting option anywhere in the process), it will still force reload all tabs. This check will be extraneous and can be removed after Bug 343767 lands (i believe). Smokey, is it possible that this is what you're seeing?
I'm pretty sure this is a combination of comment 1 and comment 2, and therefore either a CANTFIXUNTILSOMEONEDECIDESWHATTODOABOUTEVILMODIFIERKEYS or a dupe of the no-cache-causes-scroll-amnesia bug. We should figure out which one, though. :) cl
No, no shift involved at all, and it's usually bugs (that haven't changed, even). Gremlins!
Heh, maybe Bugzilla is just barfing some of the time. I just did a single-page reload on the overflow bug (scrolled to the bottom) and I ended up staring at the top of the attachments table.... Reload all (on tabs all scrolled to the bottom) immediately afterwards ended up with half at the bottom and half at the top. I need to throw some other sorts of tabs into the mix, I guess....
I haven't seen this in a while, and I'm convinced that when I do see it, Bugzilla is doing something wrong (going back sometimes causes it to lose form data, for instance).
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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