Closed Bug 352922 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Override some generic strings in netError.dtd and config.dtd with "Camino"


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alqahira, Assigned: alqahira)


(Keywords: fixed1.8.1, polish)


(3 files)

Because of bug 302309 (embedding apps don't ship branding), some Gecko strings that would have used brand.dtd references were shipped with generic "[Tt]he browser" or "this application" strings. Firefox has overridden them (in netError.dtd) with "Firefox" so the stings don't suck so much, and we should do the same. There are two ways we can do this: 1) Check modified files into mozilla/camino/embed-replacements (easier) 2) Do a "live replacement" of the strings from embed.jar (more robust in the face of changing strings) and repack using embed-replacements. Option 1 is very simple to do, and I have a mostly-working solution for Option 2 (thanks to my failed replacement efforts) which will need a tiny bit of build system loving, if we go that route. Note that bug 339720 (config.dtd changes) hasn't landed on the branch yet, but CTho is in the process of getting it landed there.
Here's the change in config.dtd (the new about:config will fubar your app warning) Because the embed-replacements/locale hierarchy doesn't exist, I can't create a patch (and none of the "tricks" to add files work when adding directories, especially not a directory hierarchy). Whoever checks this in will have to cvs add each directory in the hierarchy and then cvs add the files.
Attachment #239109 - Flags: review?(stridey)
netError.dtd This does s/The browser/Camino/ s/the browser/Camino/
Attachment #239110 - Flags: review?(stridey)
Attachment #239109 - Flags: superreview?(mark)
Attachment #239109 - Flags: review?(stridey)
Attachment #239109 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 239110 [details] embed-replacements/locale/en-US/global/netError.dtd These both work as expected.
Attachment #239110 - Flags: superreview?(mark)
Attachment #239110 - Flags: review?(stridey)
Attachment #239110 - Flags: review+
To aid reviewing, here is a manual diff of the original source files with the files sitting in embed-replacements (because I've already built since putting files in embed-replacements, I can't diff to embed.jar!foo without doing a full rebuild :P)
So how often do the files these are based on change, and is there some kind of process in place whereby we'll notice and upgrade the corresponding overrides accordingly?
netError.dtd hasn't changed in a year, and config.dtd hadn't changed in two years before CTho's checkin last week to add the string we're modifying. They won't change at all on the 1.8 branch because it's string frozen. Sam believes that the next change that happens will be fixing these strings to use branding because the Core will have fixed branding and he'll be working to make that happen ;) Baring that, we'll check cvs log before milestone releases and ensure things are up-to-date on unfrozen branches. We could, of course, do option 2 which is more robust here, but the decision at the meeting was to do option 1.
Comment on attachment 239109 [details] embed-replacements/locale/en-US/global/config.dtd Nice. Thanks for the diff.
Attachment #239109 - Flags: superreview?(mark) → superreview+
Attachment #239110 - Flags: superreview?(mark) → superreview+
Checked in on 1.8branch and trunk.
Closed: 18 years ago
Keywords: fixed1.8.1
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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