Closed Bug 353124 Opened 18 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Evaluate the app's file and protocol associations


(Firefox :: Shell Integration, defect)

2.0 Branch
Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: robert.strong.bugs, Unassigned)


The file types and protocols associated with Firefox should be evaluated for additions and removals. The current list is File extensions .htm .html .shtml .xht .xhtml Protocols http https ftp gopher chrome For starters we should probably associate ourselves with xml, xul, and xpi
Some data: chrome mimics our file and protocol associations IE 8 also has mht and mhtml which we don't support Opera has a TON of associations thought it doesn't take them all over when setting it as default. Using Vista's Set your default programs it would take over all 27 which I am unwilling to do since it would take some time to fix. There is nothing it adds that I find particularly worthwhile but it is interesting to note that it has the ability to handle gopher even though it doesn't add the requisite registry entries for gopher if they aren't there which is the default on Vista. Safari has .download (what is that?) along with svg and xml I personally think we should handle open for svg and xml files. Editors should register for the edit verb so this shouldn't piss off web devs unless their editors don't register properly. xml and svg
Don't forget about MathML [.mml].
Resolving -> wontfix since this has not been a priority. A new bug can always be filed if we decide to do this.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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