Closed Bug 36025 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Need to support play sound when message arrives preference


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P1)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: scottputterman, Assigned: sspitzer)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+])


(3 files)

We need to have the ability to play a sound when biff goes off.
Blocks: biff
QA Contact: lchiang → fenella
marking future.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
nominating for beta3 and marking it P1. This is very similar to biff notification in status bar. And should be doable in nsbeta3 framework.
Keywords: correctness, nsbeta3
Priority: P3 → P1
Sorry this comment was for the wrong bug. Though this bug I would also nominate for beta3, as it needs to be in place to make enabling sound notification work. This is related to bug 36751.
*** Bug 36751 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Removing nsbeta3 keyword and making this nsbeta3-. Realized 36751 was a feature that did not make it into nsbeta2 and that is a dup of this bug.
Keywords: correctness, nsbeta3
nominating for mail3
Keywords: mail3
marking nsbeta1+ and reassigning to racham.
Assignee: gayatrib → racham
Keywords: nsbeta1
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]
moving to mozilla0.8 milestone.
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla0.8
*** Bug 58682 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
this would be a very useful feature, since most people will have their mail app behind the prog their actually working in, or it will be minimized. A sound would be an excellent que the mail has arrived. This would be in parallel to having a windows taskbar icon (next to clock) that would give visual and audio alert of new mail (bug#?). Thank You.
> This would be in parallel to having a windows taskbar icon (next to clock) > that would give visual and audio alert of new mail (bug#?). If I understand you, that is what we refer to as NSNotify. #11056 adding ryan to the cc list. he's going to take a crack at this. I think that's
taking from racham. ryan is working on the front end, and he and I already have the back end working.
Assignee: racham → sspitzer
adding racham back to the cc list. ryan, do you want to attach a screen shot of what you've got so far?
patch for the back end coming...
here's a patch for back end and simple front end ui. ryan is working on the more complicated pref ui, but it isn't ready yet. this patch will allow you to enable and disable the sound when you get new mail. the other prefs still work, you just don't have UI for them yet.
this would be way cool. I just want to make sure that this doesn't play a sound on every biff that finds new mail - I think it should only play a noise if the biff flag has changed to new mail. In other words, if I'm sitting near my computer but not reading mail, it shouldn't go off every time new mail comes in. It should only play a sound if I've done something with mail since the last time I got new mail. Does this make sense? Does the code attached do that?
your comment makes sense. PerformStatusBarBiff() is called from OnItemPropertyFlagChanged() and only when the new value != the old value. put simply, once you are in the "new mail" state, additional new mail will not keep playing the sound.
excellent, then, sr=bienvenu
fix checked in. I'll go open a new bug on the extended UI that ryan is currently working on.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Does this really belong in nsStatusBarBiffManager::PerformStatusBarBiff?
where do you think it belongs?
I don't know. Something just seems wrong when we're playing a sound in PerformStatusBarBiff().
blake, see my comment on "2001-01-05 18:36" perhaps that will help you understand why I did what I did.
I know. and I know this is the right place to do it. But we're still playing a sound in PerformStatusBarBiff() of class nsStatusBarBiffManager, and sounds have nothing to do with the statusbar. Whatever.
actually, the idea behind that design was that there could be different biff services that could register themselves and be notified when biff went off. So the hope was to have a statusbar one (really the taskbar), a play sound one, and then a notification area one. 3 different classes for 3 different things. I don't know if that design would hold up, but that was the idea.
ah, so you are saying we'd have another folder listener, similar to nsStatusBarBiffManager, say nsSoundBiffManager, that would also check on OnItemPropertyFlagChanged() if the biff state changed to new mail? I don't think we should have more listeners. We should have just one listener, and have it call all the biff handlers. We should have one folder listener for biff, say nsBiffManager. We'll create a nsIBiffHandler interface that has a single doBiff() method. nsBiffManager would be based on nsStatusBarBiffManager.cpp, but the code to update the UI would be moved out into nsStatusBarBiffHandler. nsPlaySoundBiffHandler, nsStatusBarBiffHandler, (etc) would implement the nsIBiffHandler interface and register themselves as members of the "biff-handler" category. on new mail, nsBiffManager would enumerate through all the services that register themselves as members of a "biff-handler" category, QI them to nsIBiffHandler, and call DoBiff(). to add future biff handlers, like a notification one, someone would just have to drop in a component that had a service that implemented the nsIBiffHandler interface that registered with the "biff-handler" interface. comments?
that would be great. The main point being that all of the possible things that would want to do something when the global biff state has changed wouldn't all be in one class.
Yeah, sounds good to me. cc me if you file this separately.
see bug #64947 that tracks that the way we should do this.
The feature works - woohoo Unfortunately, the default Mozilla Mail sound (under WinNT) is really cheesy. I checked in the control panel - sound settings, but could not find where this sound is being set (it's not in the control panel settings). Where is the setting that decides which sound is played? Maby the answer should be written is the prefs setting in Mozilla.
Qa assigned to Sheela
QA Contact: fenella → sheelar
Verified using buildid:2001021406 on mac and linux buildid:2001021506 on windows
Blocks: 74644
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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