Closed Bug 362419 Opened 18 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Mailbox Display: Add indicator for number of messages and mailbox size to TOC view


(Penelope Graveyard :: Mail Window, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mdudziak, Assigned: mdudziak)


Eudora displays, at the bottom of a mailbox (or on the splitter between the TOC and message preview if using the preview pane), a control (button) that shows the number of selected messages (if enabled), the total number of messages in mailbox, the size of the mailbox, and the amount of wasted space (to be recovered by compaction) in the mailbox.

This bug is a request that that feature be added to Penelope, and expanded upon to show the number of UNREAD messages as well. 
Yes Thunderbird / Penelope have the option of displaying Unread, Total and Size in the mailbox list, but that takes up too much horizontal space for my liking. Suggest that Penelope put this information in the same place as Eudora (on the splitter between TOC and Preview) or in the 'Status Bar'

If you agree that Penelope should have this feature, vote for this bug.
I'd also like to retain the ability to compact a mailbox by clicking on the size display, or to compact all mailboxes by option-clicking (or the equivalent of option-clicking for non-Mac users).
While Thunderbird can show a single mail's size, and the total number of mails in a mailbox, it cannot show the total space used by a mailbox or folder (including sub-folders). (At least not in IMAP. I'm not sure for POP) This ability would indeed be very useful. In case it is not straghtforward to get the total size of IMAP folders, it would be acceptable that it is only calculated on request. For example through a button in the folder's properties window or something similar.

Priority: -- → P5
Penelope didn't see any activity in the vcs for the last 8 years, closing.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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