Open Bug 365274 Opened 18 years ago Updated 15 years ago

globalwatchers param needs to explicitly state that it enforces bug viewing privileges


(Bugzilla :: Administration, task)

Not set




(Reporter: justdave, Unassigned)


There's no indication in the description of the globalwatchers param that the users listed won't get email for bugs they can't see. If I was hesitant to put people on that list because of it, so it'd probably be a good idea to explicitly state that in the param description if it's true.
Severity: normal → minor
The Bugzilla 3.0 branch is now locked to security bugs and dataloss fixes only. This bug doesn't fit into one of these two categories and is retargetted to 3.2 as part of a mass-change. To catch bugmails related to this mass-change, use lts081207 in your email client filter.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 3.0 → Bugzilla 3.2
Bugzilla 3.2 is restricted to security bugs only. Moreover, this bug is either assigned to nobody or got no traction for several months now. Rather than retargetting it at each new release, I'm clearing the target milestone and the bug will be retargetted to some sensible release when someone starts fixing this bug for real (Bugzilla 3.8 more likely).
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 3.2 → ---
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