Closed Bug 366155 Opened 18 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Land MXR-test into VCS (hg)


(Webtools Graveyard :: MXR, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: justdave, Assigned: benjamin)




Timeless has a fork of LXR running on landfill with many improvements over our current LXR codebase. It needs to be landed, the question that's yet to be answered is 'How?'. There's growing support at the moment to just crash-land it. Discussion is currently in in the 'LXR overhaul?' thread.
Summary: Land MXR-test onto into CVS → Land MXR-test into CVS
There seems to be a lot of support for the "just crash-land it" direction. I tend to agree. The only real objection from anyone seems to be the lack of a security audit, but I can personally vouch that the current LXR code already sucks in that respect, and I know timeless' programming methods well enough to know he's good at avoiding introducing new security problems in perl code, so it can't possibly be worse than what's already in production (and probably better in that regard). One other point that was brought up on IRC is that bear has supposedly been working on trying to merge our LXR with the one on Sourceforge (which we forked from 9 years ago), and the status of that is unknown. This will probably fork us further. Bear, what's your status? :)
I am working on this and right now I am blending 3 different sources (mxr-test, mxr and lxr) so landing mxr-test is a great help to me. Like timeless mentioned in IRC, I will be able to do a feature audit once mxr-test lands. While the LXR code does show some activity in SF it's basically been in a holding pattern for many years so IMO it's in the same situation as mxr.
The (almost) version intended to be committed to CVS is now running at
What's blocking this?
Blocks: 414104
Timeless: last time I asked you about checking it in as-is on IRC you mentioned you had stuff you wanted to clean up first. I think the assumption at that point is this would land on the trunk in lxr and we wanted a clean upgrade. How about if we do one of the following? 1) Check in MXR as-is on a branch or 2) Cut a branch for the existing LXR code and switch to that branch, then land MXR on the trunk or 3) create a new module for MXR and check it in as revision 1.1 My favorite options are either 2 or 3.
And if we go for 3 it can be Hg or SVN if you'd like. :)
I took the code running on and, tagged the CVS bases, and have committed all three versions into a mercurial repository, currently hosted at If I can get a snapshot of the code running on mxr-test.landfill I will add that code to the repository as well.
Assignee: timeless → benjamin
I'm going to consider this done. Hg is working well. MXR now lives at I welcome any and all hacking on it! :) Bugs in Webtoools :: LXR for the time being, please follow standard webtools review and so forth.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Land MXR-test into CVS → Land MXR-test into VCS (hg)
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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