Open Bug 366172 Opened 18 years ago Updated 15 years ago

make the last admin really confirm removing the final admin


(Bugzilla :: Administration, task)

Not set




(Reporter: timeless, Unassigned)


i can't think of a single particularly good reason to remove the last administrator from a bugzilla.

i don't think it's very likely to ever happen either, however, i'd rather we cover this case.

when the last admin asks bugzilla to not be an admin (leaving 0 admins), bugzilla should force the user to confirm by entering into a text field something like:

"Yes, I really do not want this bugzilla to have any administrators."

for bonus points, the sample text should probably have some evil things like:

"Yes<img src=comma.gif alt=,>,<img src=space.gif alt="-">I really do not want this bugzilla to have any administrators."
This doesn't make sense to me. Every time you run and it detects there is no admin, it will force you to enter one. So I see no interest in this "feature".
FWIW, this feature makes more sense to me than the other confirmation pages.

The last admin probably ought to know that they're the last admin, when they remove themselves.
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
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