Open Bug 38418 Opened 24 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Alt, clicking on titlebar/system menu should deshade "File"


(Core :: XUL, defect, P3)

Windows 98





(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)


(Keywords: helpwanted)

Build ID: 2000050608

Steps to Reproduce:
(1) Click alt to shade "File"
(2) Click the titlebar or the icon (to drop the system menu)

Actual Results: "File" remains shaded.
Expected Results: As is typical, "File" unshades

This isn't overly important, but the ability to keep "File" shaded while 
dropping the system menu seems a little sloppy and isn't consistent with win32 
app behavior (try the above in Notepad, IE, etc)
Target Milestone: --- → M20
Mass-moving all M20-M30 XPToolkit bugs to Future
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
*spam*: transferring current XP Menu bugs over to jrgm, the new component owner.
feel free to add me to the cc list (unless am the Reporter) of any of these, if
you have any questions/etc.
QA Contact: sairuh → jrgm
I'll take a look at this one sometime soon.  Mike, want to assign it over to me?
Assignee: pinkerton → dean_tessman
Problem _might_ be that NS_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN doesn't register when the 
non-client area is clicked.  But then how does File get deshaded when clicking 
outside the window, thus de-activating it?  Things work properly if there's a 
menu popped down from the menu bar.  Why is that?  I can't find where that 
dismissal of the menu happens.

I'm confused (pronounced "con-foo-zed")
adding helpwanted
Keywords: helpwanted
Note to self: check into nsWindow::DealWithPopups().
Note to self: Nope, that wasn't it.

Note to all: It seems like WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN isn't being captured when I press 
Alt to activate the menu bar and then click on the title bar, and I don't know 
how to change this.  What's really throwing it works fine if I drop down a menu 
from the menu bar and then click the title bar, it disappears.  I can't see how 
the two are different.
I think that to solve this we would need to add the nsIRollupListener interface
to nsMenuBarListener, so that we can call CaptureMouseEvents() and rollup
accordingly.  The problem is that CaptureMouseEvents is a method of nsIWidget,
and nsMenuBarListener::GetWidget returns nsnull.  This was done intentionally by
pink and hyatt.  So I don't know where to go next with this one.
--> default owner
Assignee: dean_tessman → hyatt
Is this windows only ? Linux doesn't highlight File when
you click Alt
It should if you change the Menu Access Key in Prefs > Debug to 18.
This still happens in the latest nightly on Windows Vista.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9a9pre) Gecko/2007102705 Minefield/3.0a9pre ID:2007102705
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → XUL
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
Assignee: hyatt → nobody
This still happens on Firefox 4.0b2pre, and now it's more problematic since the menu bar is hidden by default, and clicking on the glass of the tab strip doesn't make it go away either.

This should be easier to fix now, since we have control over the title bar?
Severity: trivial → S4
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