Closed Bug 392221 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Test case for applet with <object> and <applet> (relative height) needs to be updated


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bugzilla)




This spins from bug 360039 and bug 211530 #comment 10 and bug 211530 #comment 12.

This bug applies to both test-webpage:
<object> with relative height:

<applet> with relative height:

I think we need to - at least - update+correct the testcases' explanations so that the tester would know what to expect and a bit of explanation (why) (parent's height is auto) so that he wouldn't file bug. As it stands, everything in the testcases test7.html and objtest7.html lead or would lead a tester to report a bug.

Another idea would be to create a wrapping div with a fixed height so that the testcase would evaluate, measure and test the rendering of an <applet>|<object> when given a relative height. This would be ideal.

Expected results:
1- Provide explanation in respective documents (test7.html and objtest7.html) that when an <applet> or <object> has height="nn%" and when its parent's height is not explicitly, specifically defined (i.e., it depends on content height), then the parent's height is auto. So, then, the <applet> or <object> height is resolved as "auto" which refers to intrinsic height where
<applet>'s intrinsic height is 240px and
<object>'s intrinsic height is 0px

2- Give the wrapping <p> a defined, specified height so that both tests could measure, evaluate the testing browser. E.g.:

For <applet>:

<p style="height: 400px;"><strong>Object height="25%" within a 400px &lt;p&gt;</strong><br>
  <applet codebase="." code="JitterText.class" width="400" height="25%">
    <param name="BGCOLOR" value="000000">
    <param name="TEXTCOLOR" value="FF0000">
    <param name="TEXT" value="OJITesting!">
    <param name="SPEED" value="250">
    <param name="RANDOMCOLOR" value="1">

For <object>:

  <p style="height: 400px;"><strong>Object height="25%" within a 400px &lt;p&gt;</strong><br>
  <object codebase="." data="JitterText.class" type="application/java"
  width="400" height="25%" classid="java:JitterText.class" name=
    <param name="BGCOLOR" value="000000">
    <param name="TEXTCOLOR" value="FF0000">
    <param name="TEXT" value="OJITesting!">
    <param name="SPEED" value="250">
    <param name="RANDOMCOLOR" value="1">

Assigned -> me
More accurately, it should say
<strong>Applet|Object height="25%" within a &lt;p&gt; with a specified height of 400px</strong>
I've run some tests with
  <object|applet codebase=""
  data="JitterText.class" type="application/java"
 classid="java:JitterText.class" ...>
and everything works as expected.

At the same time, on the fly, I will remove the word "mandatory" from the sentence

"This test case tests the <applet>|<object> tag with its mandatory height attribute which,"

since the height attribute is not required, is not mandatory for <object> and not for <applet>.

Checking in mozilla-org/html/quality/browser/front-end/testcases/oji/test7.html;
/www/mozilla-org/html/quality/browser/front-end/testcases/oji/test7.html,v  <--  test7.html
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4

Checking in mozilla-org/html/quality/browser/front-end/testcases/oji/objtest7.html;
/www/mozilla-org/html/quality/browser/front-end/testcases/oji/objtest7.html,v  <--  objtest7.html
new revision: 1.6; previous revision: 1.5

Resolving as FIXED
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Websites
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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