Bug 402774
Opened 17 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
A refiling of bug #263160
(Firefox :: General, defect)
of bug 263160
(Reporter: robert.bradbury, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071104 Firefox/
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071104 Firefox/
Hint.... This bug has been open for 3 years. You should take the time to deal with it,
Hint 2. It is not difficult, Firefox should deactivate any javascript associated and/or any HTML reinvocation code before deleting a window. (I strongly suspect these are two distinct and separate operations -- canceling Javascript code is different from canceling HTML code.) Point being. shut the asynchronous processes down before they attempt to operate on something which may no longer exist.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.You have to run the memory and CPU usage on a Linux machine up to the limits..
And apparently that is not what current Firefox test testing does -- otherwise they would have observed this.
I am making a clear statement that you do not test machines to their limits. You may feel free to reclaim that perspective
Expected Results:
The friggen software should work. I.e. it should install, it should then run,it should not crash in uncertain circumstances.
Comment 1•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #0)
> Hint.... This bug has been open for 3 years. You should take the time to deal
> with it,
Hint 1: Mozilla developers are not your slaves. In fact many donate their time to work on the project.
IMHO and as outlined in the Bugzilla etiquette document, civility is not optional when using this site ( If you find yourself incapable of civility then refrain from using your account here. DO NOT intentionally file duplicate bugs.
Please read the following documents before making any more changes / comments to bugs or filing new bugs:
> Hint 2. It is not difficult, Firefox should deactivate any javascript
> associated and/or any HTML
Hint 2: If it's not difficult, then feel free to fix it yourself.
> 1.You have to run the memory and CPU usage on a Linux machine up to the
> limits..
> And apparently that is not what current Firefox test testing does -- otherwise
> they would have observed this.
> I am making a clear statement that you do not test machines to their limits.
> You may feel free to reclaim that perspective
> Expected Results:
> The friggen software should work. I.e. it should install, it should then
> run,it should not crash in uncertain circumstances.
All software has bugs (with the possible exception of NASA code). Some bugs cause crashes. It's unreasonable to expect Firefox to be entirely devoid of bugs or to never crash. Firefox *is* heavily tested (along with many other Mozilla applications). I'm not aware of specifics with regard to stress testing but overall performance is a significant design and coding consideration.
btw, I noticed you mentioned elsewhere (several months ago) that you were trying to edit a previous bugzilla comment. fyi, A design feature of Bugzilla is that bug comments may never be modified.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•17 years ago
Jeremy, the points are taken. But I fall into the category of people who have devoted weeks of their time to this problem. First in terms of numbers of Firefox sessions I have lost until I figured out how to tolerate this problem (closing the tabs rather than the window) and second in terms of figuring out how to build a Firefox under Linux with X libraries with debugging that would allow me to understand precisely what the problem is.
I have stated reasonably clearly what the problem is. People may feel free to email me if they have any questions and I will be more than happy to provide additional information.
The fact that Firefox proceeds forward on a path of adding features or enhancements *before* it fixes long term outstanding bugs to me suggests a management problem. And your note may point out how open source projects fail because people donating their time choose to work on what interests them rather than what needs to be worked on. And that may point out the reason why closed source, paid for software might be better than open source, free software.
Updated•17 years ago
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