Closed Bug 404824 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Expensive & unneeded calcs done in arena init


(NSPR :: NSPR, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: swsnyder, Assigned: swsnyder)



(Keywords: perf)


(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

In PL_InitArenaPool() a lot of processing time is devoted to calculating a value that is known at build time.

This is the problem:

    pool->mask = PR_BITMASK(PR_CeilingLog2(align));

That PR_CeilingLog2() function is very expensive (though much less so with the x86 bitscan instruction from bug 356852) and is the bottleneck in arena pool initialization.

I find that PL_InitArenaPool() is called a *lot* when viewing a page of animated GIF images using the Mozilla branch code.  And called ~6100 times in the course of bringing SeaMonkey 1.1.7 up to

That it appears in profiling is due soley to calculating a value that is already known.
Avoids (nearly?) all calculations of mask values at runtime by using a look-up table.  Mask values are still calculated in the unlikely event that the caller wants more than 32 bytes of alignment.
Assignee: wtc → swsnyder
Steve, are you going to ask for review on the patch?
(In reply to comment #2)
> Steve, are you going to ask for review on the patch?

Who can I get to turn me down (ahem) on something like this?
(In reply to comment #3)
> (In reply to comment #2)
> > Steve, are you going to ask for review on the patch?
> Who can I get to turn me down (ahem) on something like this?

I sense resentment! :( I hope your Mozilla contribution experiences haven't been all bad...

The active peers for NSPR are wtc and Nelson (Darin and cls are also listed at but they're not actively involved in Mozilla development at the moment). wtc has CCed himself here so perhaps he would be interested in reviewing it.
Comment on attachment 289703 [details] [diff] [review]
For common cases, use look-up table, not Log2 calcs

Suggested improvements:

>-    if (align == 0)
>-        align = PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN;
>-    pool->mask = PR_BITMASK(PR_CeilingLog2(align));
>+    /* input alignment value of 0 means the default value of 8 is used */

The old default value, PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN, is defined as sizeof(double).
It that guaranteed to be 8 on all platforms?  At the very least, the comment 
should document the default as being PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN, not merely "8".
Perhaps, rather than hard coding the default mask as '7' below, it would be
better to code it as PR_BITMASK(PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN).  Same result, 
self documenting.

>+    /* incoming value of param "align" is typically 0, or 4, or 8      */
>+    static const PRUword pmasks[33] = 

Save 99 bytes (231 bytes on 64-bit CPUs) from that table by changing it from 
a table of PRUword into a table of PRUint8, and let the compiler promote the 
value in the assignment below.

>+        { 7, 0, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,     /*  0 .. 15 */
>+         15,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31}; /* 16 .. 32 */
>+    if (align <= 32)
>+        pool->mask = pmasks[align];
>+    else
>+        pool->mask = PR_BITMASK(PR_CeilingLog2(align));

    pool->mask = (align <= 32) ? pmasks[align] 
                               : PR_BITMASK(PR_CeilingLog2(align));
Attachment #289703 - Flags: review+
Attached patch 2nd revision; addresses comments (obsolete) — Splinter Review

1. More comments, which I hope clarifies why the requested default alignment ends up being aligned on an 8-bytes boundary.  (Yes, doubles are always 8 bytes in length.  Works out nicely for 64-bit ints, too.)

2. Changed size of array elements to PRUint8 (from PRUword) to save a little memory, at the trivial cost of runtime promotion of data size.  Thanks, Nelson.
Attachment #289703 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #291032 - Flags: review+
is this ready for check in?
Steve, thanks for the patch.  I avoided the assumption of
sizeof(double) == 8 by an extra if statement.  I also made
some minor (mostly coding style) changes.  I've checked in
this patch on the NSPR trunk for NSPR 4.7.

Checking in plarena.c;
/cvsroot/mozilla/nsprpub/lib/ds/plarena.c,v  <--  plarena.c
new revision: 3.14; previous revision: 3.13
Attachment #291032 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 4.7
Depends on: 356852
Flags: blocking1.9?
Flags: blocking1.9? → blocking1.9+
Priority: -- → P1
(In reply to comment #5)
> The old default value, PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN, is defined as sizeof(double).
> It that guaranteed to be 8 on all platforms?

The C Standard doesn't have a requirement on the absolute
minimum size of double.  Almost all C implementations today
use IEEE floating point standard, in which a double-precision
floating point number is 64 bits.  This is why sizeof(double)
is 8 in practice.

Brendan, I believe you're the original author of PRArena.
Do you think we can just define PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN as 8,
with no reference to the size of double?  If so, in the
patch (attachment 297925 [details] [diff] [review]) we can initialize pmasks[0] to 7
(the value of pmasks[8]) as Steve's original patch did
(attachment 291032 [details] [diff] [review]).

Back when the original code was written (1995-1996), double
was probably the only standard C type that's 64-bit, and was
probably the largest standard C type (64-bit platforms were
uncommon).  I suspect that's why PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN was
defined as sizeof(double).  Today we have other 64-bit types
such as long long and (on 64-bit platforms) pointers, but as
Steve pointed out in comment 6, 8 is still a good default
alignment.  Do you agree?  If we define PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN
simply as 8, would it break any platform?
Sure, 8 as manifest alignment grain is fine.

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