Closed Bug 407898 Opened 17 years ago Closed 12 years ago

UI freeze when loading SVG


(Core :: SVG, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: benoit, Unassigned)



(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [external-report])


(3 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ I'm using firefox to access the IBM WAS Console. It has a performance chart which auto-refreshes every 5s. The chart is a SVG file. When the refresh takes place, firefox freezes for 1s. Reproducible: Always
Component: General → SVG
Product: Firefox → Core
QA Contact: general → general
Does this happen in a nightly build i.e. this... ? If so can you add the SVG as an attachment to this bug please?
Will that mess with my current settings ? (Anyway, it's seriously broken, because if i runas the nightly as a different user, it opens a window of the firefox used by the current user)
Attached file zipped SVG chart
Opening this SVG standalone brings the same behaviour: firefox freezes for 1-2s.
It doesn't freeze under the latest trunk. Fixed by check in for bug 18333.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
With latest trunk, the situation has improved a bit. The UI does not freezes as long as in 2.0. My test is: - drag & drop the svg file in a tab - right click again and again in the toolbar to pop a menu. Now it freezes for less than a second. But when i browse the full page, the freeze is still very important and make my experience very poor.
I would roughly said that UI freezes somewhere about 0.7s. But as the other elements of the page are heavy (javascript), the overall freeze time is about the same.
Your "test" file is 433kb. It is unrealistic to expect it to be instant isn't it?
I don't expect to be instant. But i don't get why it has to freeze the UI ? - If i'm in a different tab, whenever the graph tab refreshes, i get stuck. - If i'm in the graph tab, which displays the graph and statistics, when the UI freezes on refresh, this blocks my scrolling, etc
Can you please reopen it ?
If you wish, although I wouldn't hold my breath for anyone to write a miraculous patch to make a 433kb file display instantly.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
This bug has nothing to do with loading instantly a SVG file. It's about not totally freezing firefox while loading it. I use a dual-screen, and it's really painful to get stuck on a screen while the other is refreshing.
You want multi-threading of the UI tabs then.
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Robert, bug 40848 WONTFIX-ed the idea of per docshell threading. It didn't WONTFIX increasing UI responsiveness as a whole, but just one of the possible solutions to it. This bug is far too different from bug 40848 to be marked as duplicate, IMHO. In any case, UI freezing is a legitimate bug. I think this bug should be reopened.
Adam's spot on. Please do not take a premature implementation proposal for a bug symptom. Bugs start out as symptoms often, unless a developer is filing more of an implementation work item. There are several SVG implementations that do not use threads, yet do not starve the UI. /be
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
I see this after clicking on the E8 image at the following link:
I think the bug reported is valid. The initial description does not prescribe a solution, but an actual, observable problem. As such, I CONFIRM this bug. It's not a dup of bug 40848, but a part of bug 384323.
Blocks: 384323
Ever confirmed: true
I'm getting a permanent freeze in Firefox 5 opening this large svg file, is this the same issue?
(In reply to comment #17) > I'm getting a permanent freeze in Firefox 5 opening this large svg file, is > this the same issue? > Best if you create a new bug. We can always make it a duplicate later if we find the underlying cause is the same.
Daniel, do you think this is a common enough problem to be tracked for snappy project? Is it possible that smaller/simpler SVGs also cause annoying stalls? Is this something that we can easily add telemetry probes for?
I'm not aware of ways for small/simple SVG to create annoying stalls, off the top of my head. FWIW, the attached testcase loads in about ~2 seconds for me. (though I have a reasonably powerful laptop) From a quick sysprof profile, it looks like we spend 35% of our time in nsRefreshDriver::Notify's FlushPendingNotifications call (which is all restyle-processing), and 20% of our time running (synchronous) JavaScript inside the "onload" handler, nsHtml5SVGLoadDispatcher::Run It's possible that a lot of the pending notifications may *come from* the onload script, too. If I drop the onload handler entirely, the pageload time is reduced substantially (from ~2 sec to ~1 sec), on my machine. So I think this is (at least in part) an instance of "synchronous script execution can hang the UI", which isn't really SVG-specific at all.
(In reply to Taras Glek (:taras) from comment #19) > Daniel, do you think this is a common enough problem to be tracked for > snappy project? There isn't just one "this" here -- from my experience in comment 20, the hottest code is from (a) flushing retyles, and (b) running synchronous script from the page (which may in part trigger 'a'). But -- I could see slowness from frequent/long restyle-flushes being a common enough problem to be tracked for the snappy project, yeah. (This may be worse in SVG, I'm not sure.) dbaron or bz would be worth asking about that, too. > Is this something that we can easily add telemetry probes for? (I'm taking "this" to mean slowness from restyle-flushes) I've not yet added a telemetry probe, so I'm not sure what's involved there or what would make it easy. But I think it'd be pretty easy to get a timestamp before and after we flush restyles, so we could look at the distribution of the flush-durations (since that's time spent away from the event loop). That'd probably be worth doing.
1-2 seconds is a lot. Adding telemetry probes is easy, fun and educational, can I'll spin off a bug for that.
Attachment #292737 - Attachment description: SVG chart → zipped SVG chart
Attached image SVG chart
(bugzilla's attachment size-limits have been relaxed since this bug was filed; attaching already-extracted testcase, for convenience)
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #20) > If I drop the onload handler entirely, the pageload time is reduced > substantially (from ~2 sec to ~1 sec), on my machine. For reference, here's the same SVG chart testcase, but with 'onload' dropped.
Keywords: perf
On Mac it doesn't seem like our rendering speed in much different to Chrome or Opera. Are we much slower on Windows or something?
No, we're pretty much the same as Opera on Windows on Firefox 11.
Okay, let's close this as WORKSFORME then. In case anyone's interested I span off bug 876190 and bug 876192 based on the discussion above.
Closed: 17 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: [external-report]
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