Closed Bug 414252 Opened 17 years ago Closed 6 years ago

do we need a better distribute frecency values (that are not -1 or 0)


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: sspitzer, Unassigned)



do we need a better distribute frecency values (that are not -1 or 0)
after reading and commenting in bug #414229, I wondered what my frecency distribution was, so I ran the following query:

select count(*), frecency from moz_places group by frecency order by 1 desc limit 20

here's what I found:

1480 with frecency -1
1009 with frecency 120
750  with frecency 84
341  with frecency 0
99 with frecency 240

note, I have 4050 places, with 282 of a frecency >= 240.  this is good, I have a bunch of places with high frecency, which we search through first.

frecency 0 is good too, as we ignore those.  but it means I have about 3400 places with frecency below 240, which means if we don't find my match in the 282, we are now in a crowded space.

perhaps it is not an issue at all, as our secondary sort is rowid.

note:  I think 120 and 240 frecencies must be moz_places that are bookmarks (without visits).

SELECT COUNT(*) num, MAX(frecency) FROM moz_places WHERE frecency > 1000
65 pages with a maximum frecency of 527720

SELECT COUNT(*) num, MAX(frecency) FROM moz_places WHERE frecency > 300
346 pages here

SELECT COUNT(*), frecency FROM moz_places GROUP BY frecency ORDER BY frecency DESC
gives me 211 rows

SELECT COUNT(*) num, frecency FROM moz_places GROUP BY frecency HAVING num > 100 ORDER BY frecency DESC
9 rows:
num 231 frecency 240
117 200
601 120
145 108
581 72
323 60
5402 36
170 12
4539 0

SELECT COUNT(*) num, frecency FROM moz_places WHERE frecency = -1
16 items (I leave my browser running all day and have been using this for a couple weeks)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_places
12939 pages
Per policy at If this bug is not an enhancement request or a bug not present in a supported release of Firefox, then it may be reopened.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
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