Closed Bug 421732 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Convert Website to Application does not work


(Mozilla Labs :: Prism, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ron, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9b3pre) Gecko/2008020507 Firefox/3.0b3pre
Build Identifier: Prism 0.9 (Extension)

When trying to convert Gmail (Google Apps for Your Domain version - http and https) to an application, nothing happens after clicking ok in the dialogue. A single word name (no spaces) was used. Other sites have worked correctly though.

I am running Firefox 3.0b3pre installed from the Ubuntu Unsupported Updates (gutsy-backports) repository on Ubuntu 7.10.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. go to<your-domain>/ or<your-domain>/
2. select Tools > Convert Website to Application
3. enter in "gmail" for name,  and select create shortcut on desktop
4. click okay and nothing happens
Actual Results:  

Expected Results:  
Icon on desktop
Ronald -Can you check the Error Console for any clues? Tools > Error Console (in Firefox)
From the error console:

Error: Cc[';1'] is undefined
Source File: file:///home/ron/.mozilla/firefox-3.0/fewr7c7z.default/extensions/
Line: 40

I tested the following Google Apps (for your domain), and got the same error:<>/render<>/

I then tested my regular GMail account and also got the same error:

However, removing the #inbox from the URL fixed the problem and a Web Application Icon was saved to my desktop.
(In reply to comment #2)
> From the error console:
> Error: Cc[';1'] is undefined
> Source File:
> file:///home/ron/.mozilla/firefox-3.0/fewr7c7z.default/extensions/
> Line: 40

Weird. We know ";1" is in Fx3.0b3, which you seem to have.

> I tested the following Google Apps (for your domain), and got the same error:
> I then tested my regular GMail account and also got the same error:
> However, removing the #inbox from the URL fixed the problem and a Web
> Application Icon was saved to my desktop.

Ok, we should eb able to recreate using "#inbox" in the URL
Unfortunately, I can't get the failure on my Windows box - but I did notice that when using the "" URL, I do not get the normal GMail "envelope" favicon. I get the standard Google favicon.

Could be a Linux oddity in the FavIconDownloader fallback code (no <link>, fallback to root).

More investigation needed.
Just to be clear, I am referring to 2 different Gmail applications:

1) Google Apps for your Domain (think enterprise)
2) Regular Gmail for consumers (

The #inbox glitch only occurred to number 2.
I am able to work around the problem and can successfully save a webapp for any site I visit. The secret sauce is:

1) Open Convert website to application dialogue
2) Check "Show status message and progress"  and "Create shortcut on Desktop"
3) Click okay and nothing happens
4) Modify the URL (delete a trailing / or make the connection secure for example)
5) Click okay and a webapp shortcut is saved to the desktop
After installing the official Firefox 3b4 release from the Mozilla site this problem as resolved itself. I'm not sure if it was a problem with beta 3 or with the version installed from Ubuntu's Unsupported Updates Repository.

Marking as resolved.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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