Support for SMTP BURL extension (RFC 4468)
(MailNews Core :: Networking: SMTP, enhancement)
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(Reporter:, Unassigned)
(Keywords: perf)
Updated•17 years ago
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Updated•16 years ago
Comment 2•16 years ago
Comment 3•15 years ago
Comment 4•15 years ago
Comment 6•6 years ago
Dovecot 2.3 is out since a while already, so client support could be tested against an actual server. Has any progress happened in Thunderbird to implement this?
Comment 7•5 years ago
Please note, we should not wait for Postfix to implement this.
BURL is an extension to MSA functionality only. It is not applicable to MTA functionality.
Dovecot implements both MDA and MSA.
Dovecot MSA implementation is sufficient for this to work.
Comment 8•4 years ago
The TB Roadmap mentions Better offline and slow network support [TB2021]
This feature request would fit quite well in there.
There probably is an additional advantage with this BURL method: It has happened to me a few times that Thunderbird sends an e-mail over SMTP, and then fails to store it over IMAP (the Yahoo server was probably having trouble at the time). But there may be other failure scenarios, like the laptop running of battery suddenly.
As I result, the message was sent, but I no longer had a copy in the "sent" folder.
With BURL, Thunderbird has to upload the e-mail first, so you probably cannot lose an e-mail after it has been sent.
Some providers, like Yahoo, have changed their behaviour: their SMTP server automatically save a copy of all e-mails sent into your "sent" folder. But that does not seem to be consistent. I could not find proper documentation about it at Yahoo. As a result, most e-mails I sent end up duplicated in the "sent" folder, but not all of them. This kind of mess would probably be history with BURL.
Updated•2 years ago
Comment 10•2 years ago
(In reply to Selek Respa from comment #8)
The TB Roadmap mentions Better offline and slow network support [TB2021]
This feature request would fit quite well in there.
I don't see this on the roadmap anymore, or on the backlog page. Did that goal get dropped? (Interestingly, nothing on the roadmap currently seems to be all that relevant to improving email directly.)
Even on fast networks, this would be a huge boon. A large message with an attachment can take the better part of a minute to send, and then you have to wait for it all over again to do the IMAP APPEND. I think Thunderbird is still in a good position to implement this. Trojita seems to be the only other client (still) I can find that supports this. I will use that in the meantime for testing BURL.
Comment 11•2 years ago
Any such improvement is delayed from earlier estimates. There is no estimate at the present time.