Closed Bug 428614 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Crash every time I try to read news [@SearchTable]


(MailNews Core :: Database, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nelson, Assigned: jcranmer)



(Keywords: crash, regression)

Crash Data


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

SM trunk 20080410 nightly build Start browser, ctrl-2 to bring up mail/news window. Click on news group in folder pane. Boom. Every time. Should be lots of those talkback-like things, 'cuz I report them all. Was OK in 20080403 (nightly from one week ago)
Flags: blocking-seamonkey2.0a1?
SM trunk nightly build Gecko/2008040702 doesn't crash when I try to read news.
adding a crash id from about:crashes would be nice
Having about:crashes be discoverable would be nice, too. 9bab4814-082a-11dd-94bf-001cc45a2ce4 2008-04-11 17:49 fab1db7a-0828-11dd-a7f1-001cc45a2ce4 2008-04-11 17:37 28e450b5-0828-11dd-9fb4-001cc45a2ce4 2008-04-11 17:32
Correction: SM Gecko/2008040702 DOES crash if I read news after visiting a web page. d3bf59fa-0839-11dd-995c-001cc4e2bf68 2008-04-11 19:38
all the stacks are the same Stack overflow : 0 xpcom_core.dll SearchTable pldhash.c:402 1 xpcom_core.dll PL_DHashTableOperate pldhash.c:598 2 mail.dll nsMsgDatabase::GetHdrFromUseCache mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgDatabase.cpp:421 3 mail.dll nsMsgDatabase::GetMsgHdrForKey mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgDatabase.cpp:1717 4 mail.dll nsMsgHdr::GetIsKilled mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp:873 5 mail.dll nsMsgHdr::GetIsKilled mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp:876 6 mail.dll nsMsgHdr::GetIsKilled mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp:876 7 mail.dll nsMsgHdr::GetIsKilled mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp:876 8 mail.dll nsMsgHdr::GetIsKilled mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp:876 9 mail.dll nsMsgHdr::GetIsKilled mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp:876 10 mail.dll nsMsgHdr::GetIsKilled mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp:876 I had no crash reading news today with : Gecko/2008041102 SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre
Assignee: mail → bienvenu
Component: MailNews: Main Mail Window → MailNews: Database
Flags: blocking-seamonkey2.0a1?
Product: Mozilla Application Suite → Core
QA Contact: database
Taking a look at the crash information, it appears that this would be triggered by exceptionally recursive threads. Nelson, could you tell me the newsgroup you are using that has such a thread? In the meantime, viewing ignored threads should allow you to read news w/o crashing.
Joshua, How does one view ignored threads? What do you consider "exceptionally recursive threads"? Threads with depths of 50 or more are not uncommon on usenet. Does the implementation of bug 11054 have some thread depth limit beyond which it crashes or doesn't work?
Nelson, which news servers / group(s) are you trying to read? Joshua, is there a possibility with that we are getting "parentHdr == this" ?
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3.0a1?
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3.0a1? → blocking-thunderbird3.0a1+
I have 4 different news server accounts. I think I experienced the crash with more than one of them. If you want a group with deep threads, try sci.crypt on any usenet server with a relatively complete feed. I read that group on a giganews server. I have the impression that maybe no-one in the mailnews groups uses giganews. Since they're one of the top 5 news server companies, I'd think it would make sense of MailCo (or whatever the new name is) to spring a few bucks to get you test accounts there. Seems like it might be money well spent. Another group with occasional deep threads is grc.techtalk on
(In reply to comment #9) > Joshua, is there a possibility with > > > > that we are getting "parentHdr == this" ? As I also experience this crash when I try to read a newsgroup on, I see this: Here in the debugger "this" is not parentHdr, but the "isKilled" pointer points to the same address as parentHdr.
Hit this 3 times in rapid succession tonight. Looked at stack in MSVC8 debugger. Debugger will only trace the stack 1000 levels. The top of the stack looks like this: xpcom_core.dll!60ed1380() xpcom_core.dll!60ed1773() mail.dll!60d76d99() mail.dll!60d775c7() mail.dll!60d82726() mail.dll!60d82734() mail.dll!60d82734() There are 993 more lines just like the last one.
Summary: Crash every time I try to read news → Crash every time I try to read news [@SearchTable]
That stack was over 42000 levels deep. :) gotta love infinite recursion.
Attached patch PatchSplinter Review
Judging from above comments and others on IRC, it looks like the crash is happening when m_messageKey == parentKey; this patch will cut off this infinite recursion and should fix the problem.
Attachment #316750 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #316750 - Flags: review?(bienvenu)
Comment on attachment 316750 [details] [diff] [review] Patch ok, thx, let's give it a try.
Attachment #316750 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #316750 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #316750 - Flags: review?(bienvenu)
Attachment #316750 - Flags: review+
Keywords: checkin-needed
mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp 1.124
Closed: 17 years ago
Keywords: checkin-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
crash stats shows no crashes with 2008042100 build
Yeah, the good news is that the crashes have stopped. The bad news is that, when I started up with today's nightly, the message list pane for the newsgroup was really screwed up. Threads with a single message that was read continued to appear in the message list pane, even after repeated selecting to show only threads with unread messages. So I rebuilt the MSF files, but now the newsgroup appears to be all read. So I lost the partially read threads. Only time will tell if partially-read threads have a new problem.
Although the patch appeared to have cleared up some problems, there have been (so far) 3 occurrences in Shredder Alpha 1 topcrasher's list (there are also 8 occurrences on the 3.0a1pre top crasher's list). Therefore reopening, as the original fix obviously hasn't quite got all cases.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Moving alpha 1 nomination to alpha 2.
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3.0a1+ → blocking-thunderbird3.0a2?
This has also been seen on an imap account: (MarcoZ). This prevented accessing the inbox of the relevant account, manually removing the msf file, and redownloading all the headers worked.
Thanks to a copy of a crashing msf file, I've found what is probably the source of the crasher. One message key (the one that's recursing indefinitely) has its threadParent set to the suspicious value 0xffffffec, which happens to exist, with its threadParent set to the first one. I'm leery of just checking the parent for loops, since another case might crop up with larger loops. As far as I can tell, there are two identifying characteristics that we could use to distinguish these cases: 1. "negative" values (0xffff*), so the test would be some form of |if (!(threadParent & 0xff000000))| 2. A case where the threadParent isn't in the thread. Though probably more correct, this is probably slower. The question still remains what is causing these problematic message keys to crop up. It looks like it's some form of deletion, but something ends up holding on that shouldn't.
Thought I was already assigned...
given the crashingness, and the imap crash report, this looks to me like something that could affect a lot of users. approving blocking-tb3a2
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3.0a2? → blocking-thunderbird3.0a2+
Attached patch Fix for the newer problem (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I chose option #2. Seems uglier, but less hackish...
Attachment #325862 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #325862 - Flags: review?(bienvenu)
Comment on attachment 325862 [details] [diff] [review] Fix for the newer problem should we handle the case where thread is null, i.e., parentHdr doesn't belong to a thread? Or does that not happen?
Attachment #325862 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #325862 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #325862 - Flags: review?(bienvenu)
Attachment #325862 - Flags: review+
/cvsroot/mozilla/mailnews/db/msgdb/src/nsMsgHdr.cpp,v <-- nsMsgHdr.cpp new revision: 1.126; previous revision: 1.125 done
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.9
This is the slight modification of the last patch that was actually checked in.
Attachment #325862 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #325907 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #325907 - Flags: review+
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Crash Signature: [@SearchTable]
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