Closed Bug 43039 Opened 25 years ago Closed 23 years ago

'hang' laying out table (long delay)


(Core :: Layout: Tables, defect, P3)

Windows NT





(Reporter: mozilla.7b6g9, Assigned: karnaze)




(Keywords: testcase, Whiteboard: [awd:tbl]PATCH)


(6 files, 1 obsolete file)

Blake Ross, in his answer to <a href=" id=42728">42728</a>, says "page parses/lays out completely incorrectly . . . Open a new bug for this problem and assign to layout or parser...resolving as wfm" I wasn't sure who the last line was directed at, but since no new bug with the same URL has appeared in the last fews days, I'm entering this one. I also took the liberty of whacking my looping M16 with a utility that forces a breakpoint exception, inducing Mozilla to send a Full Circle report.
with a P3 500 on Linux, 2000-061820 hangs before rendering anything of this page, 99% CPU "forever". Killed it after 3 minutes, was jammed.
page now lays out fine for me on 61920 win98...
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Encouraged by Mr. Ross' report that it worked in Win98 with a more recent build, I pulled down a daily build (62520) and tried it again. Still hangs for me (running NT4 SP6a). Produced a talkback report again (incident ID TB13139636Y).
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Layout takes about 3 minutes on my K6-300 with Build 061820 on Win98. After switching to another program and then back to Mozilla it takes 3 minutes again to "unfreeze" Mozilla window...
with 62708 winME, this now freezes
Severity: normal → critical
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: crash
Triaging Clayton's list: -------------------------- Yup, it does freeze ( 06/29/00 build ). Here is the trace: nsCellMap::GetMapCellAt(nsTableCellMap & {...}, int 18, int 241, int 1) line 1656 + 13 bytes nsCellMap::GetCellAt(nsTableCellMap & {...}, int 18, int 241) line 1708 nsTableCellMap::GetCellAt(int 18, int 241) line 246 + 20 bytes nsTableBorderCollapser::ComputeRightBorderForEdgeAt(nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, int 18, int 183) line 276 + 16 bytes nsTableBorderCollapser::ComputeVerticalBorders(nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, int 0, int -1) line 167 nsTableFrame::Reflow(nsTableFrame * const 0x00dba588, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 1571 nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x00dba588, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, int 0, int 0, unsigned int 3, unsigned int & 0) line 693 + 31 bytes nsTableOuterFrame::OuterReflowChild(nsTableOuterFrame * const 0x00dba534, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsIFrame * 0x00dba588, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, int * 0x00000000, nsSize & {...}, nsMargin & {...}, nsMargin & {...}, nsReflowReason eReflowReason_Initial, unsigned int & 0) line 885 + 47 bytes nsTableOuterFrame::Reflow(nsTableOuterFrame * const 0x00dba534, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 1419 + 59 bytes nsBlockReflowContext::DoReflowBlock(nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, nsReflowReason eReflowReason_Initial, nsIFrame * 0x00dba534, const nsRect & {...}, int 0, int 0, int 1, nsMargin & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 563 + 36 bytes nsBlockReflowContext::ReflowBlock(nsIFrame * 0x00dba534, const nsRect & {...}, int 0, int 0, int 1, nsMargin & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 388 + 50 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, nsLineBox * 0x02460e8c, int * 0x0012de30) line 3928 + 56 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, nsLineBox * 0x02460e8c, int * 0x0012de30, int 1) line 3192 + 23 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowDirtyLines(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2999 + 27 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x00dba45c, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 1765 + 15 bytes nsBlockReflowContext::DoReflowBlock(nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, nsReflowReason eReflowReason_Incremental, nsIFrame * 0x00dba45c, const nsRect & {...}, int 1, int 0, int 1, nsMargin & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 563 + 36 bytes nsBlockReflowContext::ReflowBlock(nsIFrame * 0x00dba45c, const nsRect & {...}, int 1, int 0, int 1, nsMargin & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 388 + 50 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, nsLineBox * 0x00dba4d0, int * 0x0012e988) line 3928 + 56 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, nsLineBox * 0x00dba4d0, int * 0x0012e988, int 1) line 3192 + 23 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowDirtyLines(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2999 + 27 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x00dba3d4, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 1765 + 15 bytes nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x00dba3d4, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, int 0, int 0, unsigned int 0, unsigned int & 0) line 693 + 31 bytes CanvasFrame::Reflow(CanvasFrame * const 0x00db9744, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 306 nsBoxToBlockAdaptor::Reflow(nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0, int 0, int 0, int 9180, int 3885, int 1) line 796 nsBoxToBlockAdaptor::Layout(nsBoxToBlockAdaptor * const 0x00dba378, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}) line 467 + 52 bytes nsScrollPortFrame::Layout(nsScrollPortFrame * const 0x00db9858, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}) line 361 nsContainerBox::LayoutChildAt(nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsIBox * 0x00db9858, const nsRect & {...}) line 613 + 16 bytes nsGfxScrollFrameInner::LayoutBox(nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsIBox * 0x00db9858, const nsRect & {...}) line 1016 + 17 bytes nsGfxScrollFrameInner::Layout(nsBoxLayoutState & {...}) line 1104 nsGfxScrollFrame::Layout(nsGfxScrollFrame * const 0x00db97b8, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}) line 1029 + 15 bytes nsBoxFrame::Reflow(nsBoxFrame * const 0x00db9780, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 651 nsGfxScrollFrame::Reflow(nsGfxScrollFrame * const 0x00db9780, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 715 + 25 bytes nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x00db9780, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, int 0, int 0, unsigned int 0, unsigned int & 0) line 693 + 31 bytes ViewportFrame::Reflow(ViewportFrame * const 0x00db9708, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 546 nsHTMLReflowCommand::Dispatch(nsHTMLReflowCommand * const 0x02c6d220, nsIPresContext * 0x02637c80, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsSize & {...}, nsIRenderingContext & {...}) line 145 PresShell::ProcessReflowCommands Looks like TABLE to me. Over to
Assignee: clayton → karnaze
I'm not seeing a freeze or crash, but nothing is displayed. Eric, can you take a look, since there is a frameset.
Assignee: karnaze → pollmann
Don't think this is a frameset issue - the pages inside the frameset won't load by themselves: t001.htm Interestingly, this page is written out by "Microsoft Excel 9" and there is lots of funky markup. I don't know what's up with that page loading, but I'm going to attach the original test case here so we don't loose the 'hang' bug.
Attached file stylesheet.css
Attached file tabstrip.htm
Attached file sheet001.htm
Attached file main test case
I reduced this to a page that shows the 'hang' problem. Giving it back to you, Chris, because it looks like tables. Still looking at the 'page not loading' problem, but it doesn't look like a frameset issue. The problem seems to be <col> tags. (Table columns). When I removed the <col>'s from the test case I'm about to attach, the page layed out very quickly. With the <col>'s, there was a penalty of something like 8 seconds per row on the Sparc Ultra-2 I was running on (hundreds of rows -> long, long, long delays)
Assignee: pollmann → karnaze
Component: Layout → HTMLTables
Summary: page parses/lays out completely incorrectly → 'hang' laying out table (long delay)
Attached file reduced test case
The slowdown is due to the collapsing border code. I'm marking this dependent on bug 41262.
Depends on: 41262
Keywords: testcase
Keywords: perf
Keywords: crashfreeze
Keywords: freezehang
to quote my response to , which was the original version of this bug: I've been trying this in various Mozilla versions over time and it seems to be MUCH improved in Mozilla 0.6 (Win32 version running on NT 4.0 SP6a). There may be a bit of extra whitespace on sheet004.htm, but this is as nothing compared to the original problem and, given the nature of HTML and XML, may just be a matter of taste. Also, I have recently downloaded 0.7 and it's still working (implying a stable fix, if I'm lucky)
Moving to m1.0
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
I just tested the original url on Mozilla build id 2001031611 on Linux on my P-II 233MHz/128MB and it renders within seconds, only freezing the browser for up to one second and it does not hog the CPU. Can anybody confirm?
WFM 2001060804/WinXP/K6-III-500/192MB RAM
Collapsing borders were disabled some time ago, so this should be WFM, but please leave this bug open and dependent on bug 41262.
Removing hang and crash keywords.
Keywords: hang, perf
Whiteboard: [awd:tbl]
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla0.9.8
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla0.9.9
Marking nsbeta1+
Keywords: nsbeta1+
With the new collapsing border code checked in, I'm getting the following assertion and cannot tell how long it takes to load the page. nsDebug::Assertion(const char * 0x02e6f830, const char * 0x02e6f824, const char * 0x02e6f7f0, int 4881) line 291 + 13 bytes BCMapCellIterator::SetInfo(nsTableRowFrame * 0x05e6e6c0, int 9, CellData * 0x05c504b8, BCMapCellInfo & {...}, nsCellMap * 0x00000000) line 4881 + 35 bytes BCMapCellIterator::Next(BCMapCellInfo & {...}) line 5005 nsTableFrame::CalcBCBorders(nsIPresContext & {...}) line 5765 + 38 bytes
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → mozilla1.0
Comment on attachment 70716 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fix assertion and allow border collapsing calculations traverse a col arosss a col group r= alexsavulov are you sure you want to remove 'const' from nsTableFrame::GetEffectiveRowSpan?
Attachment #70716 - Flags: review+
Attachment #70716 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 70716 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fix assertion and allow border collapsing calculations traverse a col arosss a col group sr=attinasi
Whiteboard: [awd:tbl] → [awd:tbl]PATCH
Attachment #70716 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #72475 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #72475 - Flags: review+
The patch is in.
Closed: 25 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 72475 [details] [diff] [review] revised patch fixing a typo a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to the 1.0 trunk
Attachment #72475 - Flags: approval+
Does not hang or crash any more. Build : 2002031303
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