Closed Bug 432578 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

history expiration should remove orphaned bookmarks


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: dietrich, Unassigned)



orphaned bookmarks should not be able to be created via the api anymore, now that bug 428133 is fixed. however, any left over from before that fix should be removed from the database.

we could add a check to the expiration code that always clears danglers, but that might be overkill. maybe only a one-time purge is needed.
clean up on idle?

Notice however that bug 428133 could have caused orphaned bookmarks only in the case an extension developer had used RemoveItem on a folder, since we were correctly using RemoveFolder
a work for preventive maintenance bug 431558
Depends on: 431558
Bug 451915 - move Firefox/Places bugs to Firefox/Bookmarks and History. Remove all bugspam from this move by filtering for the string "places-to-b-and-h".

In Thunderbird 3.0b, you do that as follows:
Tools | Message Filters
Make sure the correct account is selected. Click "New"
Conditions: Body   contains   places-to-b-and-h
Change the action to "Delete Message".
Select "Manually Run" from the dropdown at the top.
Click OK.

Select the filter in the list, make sure "Inbox" is selected at the bottom, and click "Run Now". This should delete all the bugspam. You can then delete the filter.

Component: Places → Bookmarks & History
QA Contact: places → bookmarks
mak, did this make it into preventive maintenance? or are you saying that's where we should add it?
yeah, it's in preventive maintenance.
Closed: 15 years ago
Flags: in-testsuite+
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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