Closed Bug 43355 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Mozilla crashes on attempt to load any valid URL


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: John.Goshdigian, Assigned: asa)


(Keywords: crash, helpwanted)

Machine: Compaq XP1000 EV6 OS: Redhat Linux 6.2 (Alpha) Memory: 256mb Compiler: gcc/g++ version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release) Mozilla compiled and linked successfully, however when attempting to browse any valid URL, the application crashed without any error message. No core file was seen, the window simply disappears and no sort of message was given on the invoking window. The last thing seen before the mozilla window simply disappeared and the process died was: WEBSHELL- = 6 nsWidget::~nsWidget() of toplevel: 27 widgets still exist. WEBSHELL- = 5 WEBSHELL- = 4 Entry at index 0 is bash$
reporter - what mozilla build are you using?
matt, can you look at this.
What did the rest of the console messages say?
The M16 build blizzard did exhibited a segfault that looked much like this. Are you using the alpha RPM?
*reads full bug report* -- Oh, I guess you're not running the RPM. Which pull are you building?
Adding crash keyword
Keywords: crash
This is M16. Tried building the rpm from the source RPM - gave us a seg fault. There was no alpha binary RPM in the directory named "alpha". Tried building from the tarball from the mozilla website, no segfault (at least the window did not report "Segmentation fault"), just exits. John Goshdigian
Check to make sure that the build you made from the tarball is using the same ./configure flags and compiler optimization flags.
Just rebuilt the tarball with the same ./configure options as the SRPM. Added "--enable-optimize --disable-debug --enable-strip-libs" to the tarball configure line, reran make and make install. M16 quits with the same effect as before. What's funny is yesterday we did a diff -r on the entire source tree, and did not notice any differences (with exception to some CVS tags and files laying around that got removed by rpm when we ran rpm -bb mozilla.spec from the SRPM). So, conceivably, we should have the exact same situation in both cases. Again, after executing the tarball version, it simply exits without a segmentation fault. The rpm built version executes the same way, but exits in the same place and gives a segmentation fault. In either case, it's not working as expected, but it is still bizarre that one spits out "segmentation fault" and the other does not. For those of you asking for the entire output when executing mozilla, here it is: bash$ ./mozilla .// ./mozilla-bin MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/home/andy/mozilla/dist/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andy/mozilla/dist/bin LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andy/mozilla/dist/bin SHLIB_PATH=/home/andy/mozilla/dist/bin LIBPATH=/home/andy/mozilla/dist/bin ADDON_PATH=/home/andy/mozilla/dist/bin MOZ_PROGRAM=./mozilla-bin MOZ_TOOLKIT= moz_debug=0 moz_debugger= nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins. *** Registering nsTimeBomb components (all right -- a generic module!) nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering succeeded ***** Chrome Registration: Installing skin at resource:/chrome/skins/modern/ ***** Chrome Registration: Installing package at resource:/chrome/packages/core/ ***** Chrome Registration: Installing locale at resource:/chrome/locales/en-US/ ***** Chrome Registration: Installing package at resource:/chrome/packages/widge t-toolkit/ ***** Chrome Registration: Installing package at resource:/chrome/packages/messe nger/ ProfileManager : CreateNewProfile Profile Name: default Profile Dir: /root/.mozilla ProfileName : default ProfileDir : /root/.mozilla/default GFX: dpi=96 t2p=0.0666667 p2t=15 depth=16 WEBSHELL+ = 1 Initialized app shell component {18c2f989-b09f-11d2-bcde-00805f0e1353}, rv=0x000 00000 WEBSHELL+ = 2 Obtained name of Personal Toolbar from bookmarks string bundle. Start reading in bookmarks.html Finished reading in bookmarks.html (337816 microseconds) Enabling Quirk StyleSheet Note: verifyreflow is disabled Enabling Quirk StyleSheet Note: styleverifytree is disabled Note: frameverifytree is disabled WEBSHELL+ = 3 Enabling Quirk StyleSheet Enabling Quirk StyleSheet WEBSHELL+ = 4 Enabling Quirk StyleSheet Setting content window *** Pulling out the charset Loading page specified via openDialog in SetSecurityButton Document: Done (0.488 secs) *** check number of frames in content area Error loading URL WEBSHELL+ = 5 Entry at index 0 is bash$ The second we type in, the window simply is destroyed and we're returned to a prompt. If we had been running the RPM compiled version there (the one we compiled from the SRPM), it would have shown us: --- CUT --- Entry at index 0 is Segmentation fault bash$ --- CUT --- One other thing - the reason why we saw "Error loading URL" above is because the browser was run on a machine behind a firewall, and the firewall options were not set as yet. is an internal website to the machine, accessible without a proxy and not subject to the firewall, so we should have been able to contact this site. (It was confirmed with Netscape 4.7). Even after adjusting proxy settings, we get the same behavior of the window simply disappearing.
The reason that there were no alpha rpms is because it was crashing on startup but you might have noticed that. :) I'm respinning rpms now with a fix in them that have an additional fix in them and there's a slight chance it might fix the problem. If you do find the fix, let me know and I can respin rpms for all the architectures. I just don't have time to track it down myself and I know that the tip does work on alpha linux.
The rpms that I respun still don't work on alpha. :(
one of you guys wanna take this bug?
This is an M16 bug. I know that the tip does work on alpha linux so something between then and now is beaking the alpha. I don't have time to find it myself so I don't want the bug.
setting bug Status to New. adding qawanted and helpwanted keywords.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: helpwanted, qawanted
(John Goshdigian) can you test if this is still happening for you with a current build.
We just tried the latest nightly build (Aug 2, 2000). We built it from the source using gcc on Redhat 6.2. The system was an Alpha XP1000 EV67 667 mhz. It compiled, linked, and ran correctly. We were able to view any of the webpages we tried to. So, it looks like the problem is solved! Thank you!
Great! Resolving WORKSFORME per reporter's comments
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
verified per john and asa. Thanks.
Keywords: qawanted
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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