Closed Bug 434735 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Consolidate authentication code


(Calendar :: General, enhancement)

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(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dbo, Assigned: dbo)


(Whiteboard: [gdata-0.5])


(2 files)

Gdata and wcap both have similar prompting code to get the user's credentials; could be consolidated.
Attached patch patch β€” β€” Splinter Review
- consolidates gdata/wcap auth code - moves calUtils' calAuthPrompt to calAuthUtils.js - enhances gdata's password mgr code and moves it to calAuthPrompt.js - wcap: prepares to disable a calendar once the password prompt has been canceled misc: - slight enhancement of doQueryInterface - removes ensureIID, changes all occurrences to use doQueryInterface
Assignee: nobody → daniel.boelzle
Attachment #321753 - Flags: review?(philipp)
Attached patch packages-static β€” β€” Splinter Review
Attachment #321755 - Flags: review?(philipp)
Comment on attachment 321753 [details] [diff] [review] patch >+ prompt: function capP(aDialogTitle, aText, aPasswordRealm, aSavePassword, >+ aDefaultText, aResult) { >+ return this.mPrompter.prompt(aDialogTitle, aText, aPasswordRealm, >+ aSavePassword, aDefaultText, aResult); Either wrap all parameters or none. I find this hard to read, personally. Goes for both function parameters and prompt() parameters >+ while (pwenum.hasMoreElements()) { >+ try { >+ var pass = pwenum.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPassword); >+ if ( == passwordRealm) { >+ // found it! >+ username = pass.user; >+ password = pass.password; >+ found = true; >+ } >+ } catch (ex) { >+ found = true; >+ break; Why is the password found when an error occurrs? >+ return doQueryInterface(this, calMgrCalendarObserver.prototype, aIID, >+ [Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediatorListener, Components.interfaces.calIObserver]); Wrap line >+ WARN("nsIInterfaceRequestor requesting invalid interface: " + Components.interfacesByID[aIID]); >+ throw e; Nice, I like :-) > function getFormattedString(aBundleName, aStringName, aFormatArgs, aComponent) { >+ return calGetString(aBundleName, aStringName, aFormatArgs, aComponent || "gdata-provider"); > } Also great :-) With js1.8 or 1.9 I can probably make this look even smoother (binding arguments to functions). > function getCalendarCredentials(aCalendarName, > aUsername, > aPassword, > aSavePassword) { >+ return calGetCredentials(getFormattedString("gdata", "loginDialogTitle"), >+ aCalendarName, >+ aUsername, >+ aPassword, >+ aSavePassword); > } I think I don't use this function too often, calGetCredentials could probably be used directly. > function passwordManagerSave(aUsername, aPassword) { >+ // xxx todo: fallen, please check: hostname changes on branch from aUsername to chrome-url >+ calPasswordManagerSave(aUsername, aPassword, >+ "chrome://gdata-provider/" + encodeURIComponent(aUsername), >+ "Google Calendar"); > } Same goes for this function. About the todo comment: this will mean that all users will have to re-enter their password, right? I think the chrome uri thing is just a guideline and I could possibly get away with using a free-form string. > function passwordManagerGet(aUsername, aPassword) { >+ // xxx todo: fallen, please check: hostname changes on branch from aUsername to chrome-url >+ // xxx todo: fallen check realm changes from "Google Calendar Login" to "Google Calendar" >+ return calPasswordManagerGet(aUsername, aPassword, >+ "chrome://gdata-provider/" + encodeURIComponent(aUsername), >+ "Google Calendar"); > } Same goes for this function, regarding both comments. I can live with the change, realm string is unimportant. > function passwordManagerRemove(aUsername) { >+ // xxx todo: fallen, please check: hostname changes on branch from aUsername to chrome-url >+ // xxx todo: fallen check realm changes from "Google Calendar Login" to "Google Calendar" >+ return calPasswordManagerRemove(aUsername, >+ "chrome://gdata-provider/" + encodeURIComponent(aUsername), >+ "Google Calendar"); > } Same comments > QueryInterface: function fbInterval_QueryInterface(iid) { >- ensureIID([calIFreeBusyInterval, nsISupports], iid); >+ return doQueryInterface(this, null, iid, [calIFreeBusyInterval]); > return this; One return is enough r+ for code, I haven't tested for gdata though. Will do so soon.
Attachment #321753 - Flags: review?(philipp) → review+
Attachment #321755 - Flags: review?(philipp) → review+
Corrected nits and checked in on HEAD and MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH => FIXED.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Consolidate auth prompts → Consolidate authentication code
Target Milestone: --- → 0.9
Checked via -> VERIFIED
Whiteboard: [gdata-cvs]
Whiteboard: [gdata-cvs] → [gdata-0.5]
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