Open Bug 439696 Opened 16 years ago Updated 2 years ago

no way to globally disable tabs


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect)

3.0 Branch




(Reporter: jwz, Unassigned)



I want Firefox to never use tabs, ever.  Whenever a new window is requested (e.g., middle-click) I want it to open in a new window instead of a tab.

"Preferences / New pages should open in / A new window" is insufficient.  Middle-click and option-click still open the link in a new tab.

This doesn't fix it either.  It used to:
user_pref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick", false);

This broke sometime between 1.0 and  It is still broken in 3.0.
> user_pref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick", false);

This works fine for me on Linux in Firefox 3. I can't test this on Mac.
user_pref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick", false) works fine on Fx3.0.1 Mac. It obviously don't kill the tab system completely though and you can still open them with option-click.
I've reported this downstream Ubuntu before coming upon this report. Here's what I wrote there, in bug

Dear friends,

I'd like to see the feature to disable tabs altogether.

I like my window manager and I want it to handle all my different open apps, documents and sites. Offloading this job to a single app, which is what tabs are, is counter-productive for me.

But Firefox doesn't have the feature to disable tabbed browsing.


I really hope that this can get a certain status because desktops are still in use and some people may use this "feature".

Technically, this isn't a freature request, perhaps, because it is more like a bug that I can't turn off a certain freature, however helpful it seems to the vast majority of the users.

Severity: normal → S3
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