Open Bug 440606 Opened 16 years ago Updated 12 years ago

Create can_edit_bug and use it in at least one place


(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, enhancement)

Not set




(Reporter: mkanat, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Right now we have can_edit_product, which should probably be entirely replaced with can_edit_bug.

can_edit_bug should also call can_see_bug, so that you don't have to do it all twice.

can_edit_bug doesn't check if you have editbugs, it just tells you (much like can_edit_product) whether or not a particular bug can be modified by you *at all*.
Blocks: bz-bugperm
We are going to branch for Bugzilla 4.4 next week and this bug is either too invasive to be accepted for 4.4 at this point or shows no recent activity. The target milestone is reset and will be set again *only* when a patch is attached and approved.

I ask the assignee to reassign the bug to the default assignee if you don't plan to work on this bug in the near future, to make it clearer which bugs should be fixed by someone else.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 4.4 → ---
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